Showing posts with label product review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label product review. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Diamond Earrings for a Special Lady

I was recently asked to do a review for a pair of beautiful diamond earrings. While I wasn't asked to write about them, I thought they were just too nice not to share with you guys!

*Disclaimer: I received these earrings for free in exchange for writing a review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

When I was first approached, I didn't hesitate to say yes. While I am not big on bling for myself, I know these would make a perfect gift for other ladies in my life. 

What are they?

First off, these are moissanite diamond earrings. I had no idea that such a thing existed, but they do. I looked it up! 

These are beautiful. Delicately set into white gold plated sterling silver, they are small in size. This makes them ideal for children or those who prefer subtle jewelry. Each diamond is a carat in size.

What was so great about them?

First off, they came with more than I expected. There is the nice box that had the bow, making it a great gifting option. 

Once you open that, there is the certificate of authenticity, another box containing the earrings, a card on the company, and a cleaning cloth.

Each earring is inside a separate plastic sleeve. This keeps them from rubbing against each other in transit. The box you see behind them has an insert that you can attach each earring to when you are ready to give it as a gift or if you want to store them in between uses. 

Where can you get them?

Can you believe it was on Amazon that I bought these? Well, of course you can. Amazon has almost anything these days! These were $49.99 and at the time of writing this post, there is also a 10% coupon. This would make a great gift for birthday or even if you are planning ahead and stocking Christmas gifts! Here is the link for you to check them out.

I just loved how well they shone, how classic they looked, and how nice a presentation they came with. What do you think? Know anyone who loves diamonds? Who would you give these to? Let me know in the comments below!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Introducing P.Lushes Pets Gem Star Collection!

What girl doesn't love a plush, or two... or several? But what if they could match our outfits? What if there were new ones to create a collection of? What if they came in the various birthstones variety? Would that be something that interested you? If you said yes, then I want you to follow along as I share our fun party that we hosted through Tryazon, showcasing P.Lushes Pets! 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this party pack through my affiliation with Tryazon, in exchange for hosting a party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own or that of my guests.*

P.Lushes are so adorable! The first time I had heard of them was when I applied to host a party with Tryazon. Cute little bundles that can match your outfit with chic designs. Some are even special editions to imitate a specific designers style. They are the only fashion-inspired plush collectibles.

They are put out by Spin Master. That name should be pretty familiar to you if you have been reading my reviews for a while now. They make all kinds of toys and games that my family has loved. 

For this party, we were sent the latest in the craze - Gem Stars. These celebrate birthday months. As soon as my daughters heard we were chosen, they wanted to plan out the details. My oldest decided a banner needed to be made. 

The guest list included new friends we made!  

Once I knew we were chosen, I set about planning. I found these great VIP ticket printables for the invitations. We invited other homeschool friends from our church. 

Originally, I had thought a night party with a movie would work best. But with my husbands schedule change, I decided on a day time get-together. Light snacks, and a photo booth, would be all I planned for the party. Why so little? I have learned that when you get kids together, they are less interested in scheduled activities and more desirous of free play! So that is what I gave them.  

I made cupcakes for our party that had unicorn and panda chocolates on top. The kids LOVED them!  

What are the thoughts my guests had?

Eleni Key, the lion, was a very popular favorite. The fact that there were so many different animals included in these plush characters was something the parents thought was great. It isn't your standard kitties, dogs, and bears! They really appreciated that things get shaken up with more variety. 

They were confused, as I had been, by the change in the birthstones. Any of us older than 25, remember June being pearl. And December being aquamarine. Little changes in which stone represents which month had us older parents wondering why. But we decided to just think they were cute despite the months they represented.

Where can you find yours? 

Amazon has them. 

 So does Gund

   And let us not forget to include Claire's

Prices vary as does the selections still available. One parent at the party was delighted to find Ella Lphante, the adorable elephant. So check around between them to find the ones you want at the prices you are looking for.  

Better yet, here is a discount code for you! Use code: PLUSHES for a 25% discount for P.Lushes only on valid from 4/10-5/10/2023. 

 What collections are there so far? 

If you like collecting adorable things, there are multiple sets out so far. You have seen the Gem Stars. These are for birth months. Rosie Ross was my favorite! But there are also the Jet Setters.  Lin LeBleu is so chic. Before that, we have the Secret Garden collection. The Anna Dolce Puppy was the one I had wanted from that set. There are also the Runway Series.

These are my girls' and I favorite ones! Which ones were your favorite? And what do you think of the collection as a whole? I'd love to hear from you, so leave me a comment below!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Birthday Clock

I received quite the unique gift for my birthday this year. One that challenges me and required assistance from my husband. It was a wooden clock that had more pieces than I would have thought possible. And instructions that needed instructions to read. But it turned into a fun experience that my husband and I got to enjoy together. Especially since he loves clocks and engineering projects. 

This was the clock pre-build. ROKR Romantic Notes Wall Clock. There are many options to choose from when you run a search. The one I got has a counter weight mechanism. But also comes with the battery-operated clock piece. Lesson to the wise - the counter weight part requires weights to be added by you. They suggest coins. My husband and I laughed at this. Being in America, there are still issues with coin shortages. I'm thinking this product was most likely produced in another country that uses coins a lot more than we do here. But enough of that. Let's check out the clock, shall we? 

First things first, you can find this one on Amazon for about $60. So if you like what you see, get one for yourself! It really is fun. 

My husband kept entertaining me with his jokes and funny faces while we built the clock. I'd poke out the pieces and he put them together.

The kit comes with all the pieces you will need, plus a few extras of the more difficult pieces. Those are in case you pull them out and they break. There is white glue as well to help hold the pieces in place stronger, but we chose to use Crazy Glue to make it stronger. Those gear pieces you see in the above photo actually turn if the weight balance function is working. 

Like I said, they expect you to find something that will fit into the delicate weight capsule. It has to be a certain amount of grams though. We couldn't find anything to make that work, so ours is just for looks now.

As nice as it looks, these colors aren't my style. So I gave it a makeover. A little paint can make the big difference, don't you think? I tried to work in colors that make it really Steampunk style.

Overall, it was pretty cool. It is categorized as a wooden 3D puzzle. The pieces came out pretty easily. I think I had only 2 break, but there were replacements. And others just had a corner chip. Sturdy build once completed, and also includes a mount that you make. 

After I finished painting it, we decided to go ahead and remove the counterweight system. It was useless and just got in the way. I don't think the clock loses any of the aesthetic. What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear from you! Until next time <3

Friday, November 18, 2022

Turning Screen Time Into Learning Fun Time with Pixicade Pets!

I have showed you the magical app kit known as Pixicade in a previous review. You can often find them at the front of Walmart stores or even online at Amazon. But they didn't stop there. They took game-making to a whole new level with Pixicade Pets! Now, your child can create pets in their own little universe. I'm going to show you how. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent 2 kits in exchange for hosting a party and then sharing my honest review afterwards. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are mine or my party goers only.*

As a Mom, I hate screen time that has no purpose. My only guilty allowances in this has been a single app game, watching movies or playing on the Xbox. And those are strictly monitored, timed and screened by us parents. Pixicade is a whole different ballgame! I don't have to worry about what they are seeing. What they might be accessing. Or even who they are playing with. Call me overprotective, but I know what is out there plaguing the internet world. And I want safe options for my kids to enjoy. Pixicade was an introduction to my children in the world of video game creation. They were able to make their own games. Their friends can play and they can learn from it. 

Fast forward, and now they can make a whole universe while having their very own created virtual pets. My kids know that pets in real life isn't happening until they move out! But virtual pets are absolutely allowed. Even better is that it has been STEAM certified! It can be a fun, but educational game that spans a variety of ages.

How do you start in the fun?

You need to get a kit. Like I said, Walmart or Amazon has them. While you can load the free app, it won't save your progress without the loading of your personal code which comes in the kit. Once you get your kit, you will need to install the app on your device. It was quick and easy to load on both my phone and on the tablet. 

Creating an account comes next. Using your kids' info creates a safety net, with their settings for age restrictions built in. Hopefully the video I have uploaded walks you through, but if you have questions, let me know!

Things we enjoyed about this included....

You choose one personality as your main one, however, the game picks a second personality trait for you. We laughed at some of the choices. My character was a smarty pants by my choosing, but the game added sporty (so not like me!). My youngest chose playful and the game added clumsy (which would be more like her sisters character). Her sister chose adventurous and the game threw in chill, which my daughter commented was the complete opposite! It certainly makes for interesting pets. 

Pets react to things done with and to them in the game. You are encouraged to play with your pet to boost their happiness level. But be careful! If you make them jump up and they fall onto their heads, they will cry. But if you play with them in good ways, they are happy. You know this by the emoji faces that pop up. This will raise or lower their happiness level accordingly. 

Coins are available through random tapping around the worlds and in games. This is great because my kids loved adding things to their pets wardrobe, house and outside decor. But when you have 3 kids playing, coins can get depleted pretty quick. 

Things we had trouble with were....

Feeding our pets was the hardest. What we noticed was that the first feeding was quick. But if we had to feed them more or wanted to feed the other pets, we had issues getting the food to pop up to them. Now, this could be the game or maybe it's my outdated tablet.  

Another issue I had was the permission function. If the kids come to a certain function, they need parents permission granted. You enter the adults email address. I got an email that wanted to verify my age. There were two options in this. Charge my credit card .50 (which will eventually be returned to me) or enter my information. Normally, I'd say no way. I don't have a credit card. And I don't like sharing personal information online. However, since I'm reviewing the functions of the game, I went with personal information. What I found was that I don't exist. The information I entered (which only I should know best, right?) kept telling me I couldn't be verified as an adult. On a whim, I started using outdated information. Bingo! Turns out, they think I still have my previous last name. Something that changed over 5 years ago! So the company that does the verifying is incredibly out of date. That or I'm better at off-grid living than I thought... 

However, fear not. If you ever get stuck in the game, they are incredibly open to getting you the support you need. After all, it was created by a husband and wife team. He programs and she is an art teacher! 

It has been a lot of fun. We showed it off to our friends and the kids love being able to play. With Christmas coming on fast, it makes a great gift option too! 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Creative Meals With Heinz 57 Sauces!

I love cooking. The easier the meal, the better. Especially since I started having so much pain. But I don't want to sacrifice healthy or tasty for ease. I've discovered that sauces can go a long way in keeping the balance for all 3 of these needs! 

*Disclaimer: I was sent a party pack in exchange for hosting a dinner party as well as sharing my reviews. All opinions are mine or my guests alone. I was not otherwise endorsed.*

I'm not as knowledgeable in Heinz 57 sauces. Once upon a shopping trip, I only knew of its original sauce. They have certainly branched out since then! I was sent several sauces. And even some other party materials. I'll show you my unboxing below. Then we can talk about the cooking and tasting!

Okay, this is why I don't make videos often. I feel so awkward in them. But at least you get to see what I was sent to work with as I prepared for the feasting. 

Sauce choices include...

We found the sauces at our local Walmart. These are sauces I don't think I would have tried unless I was doing the party. Not that I wouldn't think them good. Just that they are a shot in the dark with my picky eaters.  There are 5 flavors to choose from, 3 are crunchy and 2 are infused with honey.

We decided to make the Crunch Chili Pasta recipe that had been sent in the pack. However, in my normal cooking habits, I modified the recipe a bit.

I decided to use ramen noodle instead of spaghetti and pair it with egg rolls as the side dish. It was a super simple meal to put together using the Chili Pepper Crunch sauce. I also added small pieces of pork loin into it. 

Next up was trying the Roasted Garlic crunch sauce. Heavy on the garlic, not so much on anything else. This was the one that was least liked. I could see it working better if it was used with another sauce of some sort, maybe. Not so much alone.

The final sauce in the crunch variety is the Mandarin Orange Miso. I saved the best for last! This one was the winner of the taste test. Even a couple of the kids preferred this one most. Perfect blend of the orange with seasoning. Slow cooked some pork with this one too. (We only ever seem to have pork now.) Served with fried rice and sides.

What about the honey?

Now we move on to talking about the final two sauces. Both of these are infused with honey to give them a sweet tone. As soon as I looked up the one with truffle in the title (Infused Honey with Black Truffle), I knew that one wasn't happening for our family. My husband said if it comes from the mushroom family, it doesn't serve our family. So I gave that one away to guests. The Infused Honey with Chili is the other one, however. I cooked this one slow with pork and served over rice. Taste-test for this one showed that it was more favorable among the adults than the kids. My sons reaction was that it was "too sweet". His loss! This was one of my favorites. 

Pricing and Location! 

Two important factors for my family when buying groceries are how much it cost and where to find them. We found these in the sauce aisle of our local Walmart. A quick search should even tell you what aisle they would be in your local store IF they are carried. As for pricing, each bottle is $6.78. Which makes one full meal as you have seen from the dishes I created and served. 

Over all, I'd say they each have merit. Best 2 were the Honey Infused Chili and the Mandarin Orange Miso Crunch. I would gladly make those again and be looking for new recipes that included them.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Game On! With OP Games!

My family has quite the collection of board games. We try to play together as often as we can. We were sent two more to add to our collection! Both were sent to us by OP Games. Don't recognize the name? Have you heard of a game with 'opoly' at the end? Then you know the company who sent these to us! 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party as well as sharing reviews afterwards. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are mine and my guests only.*

Through Tryazon, I was sent 2 board games. Telestrations and Blank Slate. We have played a version of Telestrations before. But this was a different version. Here is where we have fun and get to know the games. 


Telestrations was hilarious. It really does include everyone no matter their level on drawing skill. As a matter of fact, we didn't bother keeping score. We just enjoyed seeing where the original word led us each round. The original word is written in the secret word space. You pass the book to the next person. They read the word, draw it, and then when time is up we pass again. Next person guesses and passes. And the rounds continue until we are on the final guess on the last page. Everyone gets their original book back and the big reveal is likely to have some hard laughter belted out around the table.

Where can you find this and other variations? Walmart has several kinds. As does Amazon. And then if you shop at Target, there are some there too. I was surprised, but Barnes & Noble also sells this one.

Blank Slate

Now we move on to the second game we tried out. Blank Slate! We didn't have enough time to play this one, so I decided to pass it on as a door prize. However, I do have this video to explain how to play the game.

Where can you find this one? 

Walmart has it. So does Amazon. And so does Target

We love having games like this. It brings us together in a fun way. And with the weather getting colder, it will be great to pass the time indoors together surrounding a board game! 

What do you think? Does your family still take time to play together? Let me know in the comments below!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

BasToy Photo Acrylic Review (Discount included)

I posted about BasToy Photo and his latest endeavor of selling his prints. Well, I have since purchased one of the acrylic prints. Now, it's time to review! 

As I mentioned previously, he is selling 3 types of his prints. You can get the regular print which comes on high quality card stock, the holographic prints which have a nice sheen to them, or the acrylic prints which don't even need a frame. I chose acrylic. Although I have to admit that some of the prints in holographic are amazing! Check out the Joker one to see what I mean in his video.

I love the anime Attack on Titan. And my all-time favorite hero is Mikasa. So I had to get that one! 

Ordering prints is incredibly easy. You choose the print, select the type of print, and add to cart. I placed my order on August 15th, and it shipped out the 22nd! Two days later, it was on my doorstep. 

I'm sharing my unboxing video here. Just know, I mistakenly said BasToy. It is BasToy Photo! I wanted you to see how well they package it for the trip to your home. 

The quality is amazing. Clear, shiny finish. White, shiny backing. Easy to hang with command strips. No frames necessary. Here you can see the print on the left with a framed poster on the right.

Now you can get your own! Using the code NERDUNI10, by August 31st, you can get 10% off your order. He has even added more to his selection. What do you think? Let me know in comments below! Remember, Christmas is coming! And nerds like cool things too.

Don't forget to check out BasToy Photo too. Let me know what you think is his coolest work!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Creativity Blooms With Cool Maker By Spin Master

Spin Master might as well be a household name for us. We love so many of their toys and games! I have posted previous reviews on some of them. But now we got some more of their Cool Maker line that was really awesome. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party and sharing my own personal review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

Cool Maker aren't your typical girls toys. They are for creativity-boosting play. For learning and designing in fun ways. I was sent these two for a fun online party I did. My daughter demonstrated their uses for our guests while I explained the features. 

Stitching creations!

Style 'N Stitch Fashion Studio was definitely our favorite. My daughter has been learning to sew by hand, but some things are easier to do on a machine. Like her doll clothes creations. As her Mom, however, I worry about needles and fingers being in close proximity on my clumsy girl. With this device, that isn't an issue at all. The needle is safely hidden in the cartridge. There are so many features to love besides that though. There is the fact that it runs automatically. All my girl has to do is line the material up under the guide line and it starts to stitch.
The guide line shows her exactly where her sewing will be. There is a drawer for her to keep the needle threader, which just helps her to adjust the string if it comes out of place. In the drawer, there is also a stamper. With a touch of water, she can add decals to her creations that came with it. There are 2 clamps to hold the material in place for her and help her to maintain that straight stitch. Oh yes, there is a pre-printed cloth inside this kit of hers. It has patterns on it and instructions in the manual that allow her to make things like a hair tie, purse or plushie. I find this is a great addition to teach her about patterns and how they work. Almost forgot a couple more things. The machine has an on/off switch as well as a cutting switch to help if the thread catches. There is a pause switch in case she needs to turn the material and can't keep up while it is running. Should the material get stuck, which has happened, there is a knob on the side that allows her to release it manually. 

While there are a lot of good things about this device, we have noticed there are some cons. I would highly suggest reading the manual as thoroughly as you can. We have learned a lot through it. Like how to get material unstuck - something it has done several times. I'm still trying to understand the threading as it keeps stitching on one side only, meaning that once she stops, the seam just comes apart. On a normal machine, that happens because the bobbin isn't connecting or threaded correctly. I'm hoping we will figure it out though as she really wants to be able to use this machine to make more things. Even I want to use it! 

Braiding and Beading come next

That wasn't all they sent. We also received the KumiKreator Bead & Braider.
This one took a little more practice to get used to. If you don't follow the directions, you find it jams. And heaven forbid your 5 year old think it funny to grab it while the older sibling is trying to turn it... That was a tricky time that required my engineer husband to step in and save the day.
But if you do it right, and it isn't so hard to do that, you can create beautiful necklaces and bracelets.
The spools look like we can even refill them. It has beads you can add to make them more stylish. My older daughter loves it. As her Nana pointed out, they make great gifts she can give away for Christmas (something she loves doing). 

Where to find them

If you want to get your own (Christmas is only 145 days away, just so you know), you can find the KumiKreator at Walmart, Target, and Amazon. The Style 'N Stitch is available at Target. I've also seen other versions on Walmart and Amazon for the sewing machine. You can get more refills too. 

What did you think? Which one strikes your fancy more? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bath Time Fun!

Have you ever heard that throwing some glow sticks in the bath and letting the kids bathe in the dark could be fun? Well, I have. And we have tried it! My 5 year old thought it was awesome. But glow sticks are a one-time deal. Short-lived fun. I wanted to make it a little longer-lasting. And thanks to a company that had something fun to try out - we have a solution! 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for a review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

I was contacted about doing a review on some LED underwater lights! Of course I said yes. I mean, I knew we were moving, but let's face it - I can always make some time for fun! 

They are on Amazon. You can get free shipping on them if you have Prime or even if you buy other qualifying items that give the free shipping option. So that is my first bonus. I don't have Prime, but I like to wait and order multiple things at once for the free shipping. Only when I know there are things I need to get! 

Bonus number two - this thing works underwater! You can light up a pool, the tub, a sink! Whatever you want to add a small light to. It would work as a nightlight in the bathroom sink. My daughters like taking baths in the dark with it hanging in the tub. If we do ever get a pool, I'm setting up these lights for fun night swimming! 

Next good thing that I like about it is the remote option. With a click of the remote, I can easily switch between the options of how it lights up. 

Then there are the suction cups. They hold pretty well. Easily slide them into place. There was also a spare one in case I needed it. 

Lastly, is the charging function. I can plug it in for charging using the USB cord that came with it. So if I'm working, I can plug it in the laptop and have it ready when I'm taking my evening bath. Just don't forget to put the waterproof plug back in to keep the water out of the inner workings. 

And that is it! Awesome? Or not so much? Let me know in the comments below!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Smile Brilliant is Back With Another Review!

You know a company has great products when I'm back on here to showcase another one! This time, they have sent me the Water Flosser. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own. Affiliate links are included to track traffic from the blog.*

Flossing my teeth isn't something I enjoy doing. I have some that are closer together than others. My gums often bleed with the string floss, and it takes time.... which I don't seem to have enough of lately. But flossing is an extremely important part of oral health. I was skeptical about a water flosser, but trying one out has proven their effectiveness to me.

Smile Brilliant sent me the cariPRO Water Flosser to help me with my dilemma. 

Things to know about the cariPRO Water Flosser device

  • Shown to be 50% more effective than string floss
  • Using the water flosser results in 99.9% less plaque in the treated areas
  • Ergonomic slim design that easily fits on the bathroom sink 
  • 3 floss modes (normal, soft, pulse) with 4 specialty floss tips for even those with braces, restorations such as crowns and bridges, as well as periodontal pockets 
  • Easy interval timing 
  • Waterproof for shower or bath
  • 60 day easy return & 2 year manufacturer warranty 


It fits on my bathroom counter with my toothbrush. I am particularly appreciative of the variety in the tips that allow for different types of cleaning. What I wouldn't have given to have one of these back when I wore braces! I also like that I could use it in the shower. I have been in such a hurry before that I brushed my teeth in the shower. While it doesn't happen often for me, it can be helpful to get it all done in one go.

It has 3 levels of usage, from soft to normal to the pulse option. You can use what goes well with your comfort zone.  

There is also a battery indicator light that will assist in knowing when you need to charge it again. You don't have to have it plugged in all the time. I charged mine once and I've not done it again in two weeks! 

Another great thing is that there are 4 types of flossing heads you can use to fit your needs. So if you have braces or dental work/implants, there are changeable heads to make that easier to accomplish.

Where can you get it? 

I'm making it easy for you! Check out the link HERE. But remember, they have a great many other products as well. So don't hesitate to look around. You can also check out the previous reviews I have posted HERE and HERE. Oh yeah! And HERE is one, as well as HERE is one! Can you tell I love what they make??

What about this product appeals to you? What do you think is not appealing?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Reviewing Gluten-Free Pasta With Taste Republic

We were able to try out Taste Republic's Gluten-Free pastas. I was really surprised by the taste. As was my family. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent coupons to redeem for 2 free products in exchange for our review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

Where did we find them?

Walmart is the carrier of Taste Republic products. We did have a hard time finding them until asking a worker there. Turns out, they keep them in the deli! 

What were they like? 

These are fresh pasta packs. Cooking them is quick and simple. After getting the water to a boil, you separate the pasta to make sure they don't form clumps. I bought 2 types and made 2 dishes so that we could get a well-rounded trial.  

The Four Cheese Tortelloni, we mixed with Italian dressing. Simple, yet delicious! 

The fettuccine mixed well with the sweet chili sauce and chicken I made. My husband thought it was a bit dry, but that with a little more sauce would have been perfect. 

They were a bit on the pricey side for larger families like ours. The packs pictured above cost $4.28 and $5.28 with them being about 2 servings per package. But if that is in your price range and gluten is out of your diet, I think these are amazing!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Printique Canvas Review and How to Beautify Your Home With Them

I love having things hanging on the wall. From posters, to beautiful landscapes to prints of our family. But not all companies that provide these things are equal. 

*Disclaimer: This review was in thanks to Printique for the free 8x10 canvas print. All opinions are strictly my own, however, and were not otherwise paid for or endorsed.*

I have been introduced to a brand that I have fallen in love with - Printique. I met them through my association with US Family Guide. And I have added to the aesthetics of our home with their help. 

Printique offers high quality prints that come in a great variety. I have ordered this one from their canvas prints. This canvas that featured one of my favorite parts of our trip to Israel will hang proudly once we are moved. It displays my husband and I standing before a waterfall in En Gedi, Israel. I wanted a prominent display of this treasured memory. So I ordered it from Printique! 

I was not disappointed. It came on a wrapped canvas. I prefer to have the photo wrap around the edges, however, there are 3 options to choose from in the styles you can use.

It is wrapped on a sturdy wooden frame. And best yet, it comes with the accessories needed to hang it already attached and ready to use.

They include an instruction card to keep you on the right track.

I am also impressed with the care they put into making sure that the mail carriers don't damage it during the shipping process. I have had many packages come in crushed from the US Postal Service workers, but not the one from Printique.

Want to get your own? 

They want to entice you even further (as if my review isn't enough *wink wink*). So they are offering you a discount! 

When moments matter, print them. Printique is an online photo boutique that specializes in printing memories on photo books, prints and wall decor. Take the time to print your life for you and your little ones. Save 15% on your first order with code: WELCOME15