Friday, July 20, 2018

Why DaffaDoot Should Be Your Go-To For Innovative Baby Gear

Imagine driving along with the kiddos in the backseat and suddenly hearing gagging. Ever been there before? That panic moment. Wondering what is happening, but unable to see what they are doing. A moment of panic... Well, I think DaffaDoot is the way to go to avoid just that. 
*Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. I was not told what to say, all opinions are expressly my own.* 
This Momma of 4 has had moments just like that. But I can't just spin around and check whats going on. And despite what my children think, I don't actually have eyes on the back of my head. So having a mirror option is amazing. It can't just be any mirror though. You need to be able to easily attach it to something. It can't be sliding around making you crane your neck and squirm to see just right. The wider the view, the better - you can see everything that is going on behind you. Shatter-proof is always a plus. If you have kids, you know that things get broken without any apparent reason or cause. No assembly required - enough said for this Mom. Clear mirror. Don't know about you, but my eye sight isn't as good as I would have wanted. So I need something that is and stays as clear as possible. Able to pivot - which allows for horizontal or vertical mounting - means I can use it whichever way suits my needs best. 
So who do I trust to deliver all these in one? 

DaffaDoot. They have this awesome Back Seat Baby Mirror. It is for rear facing infants. It allows them to also see me. Which I think is pretty cool. Sometimes kids get cranky in the car. But if they can see us and know we see them, it has a calming effect. Installing it was extremely easy. Don't let my video say otherwise. I just have butterfingers tonight. 

DaffaDoot made themselves known with their innovative Crib Wedge. Designed and built to help fussy babies sleep better.
But that is not where they stopped. They moved on to other creations that give us parents the gear to go! I love their seat cover too. When picking which product to review for them, this one was something that I was seriously leaning to.
Having kids has definitely made keeping the vehicle, especially the seats, clean.... well, a lot harder. That is where something like this comes in super handy! I also love the sleek design. Easy to install, easy to wipe down. 

I think new parents, especially, but also parents of multiples can truly find something useful and practical from DaffaDoot. Being a mother of 4, I have had my fair share of baby gear. Each child has been different and displayed different needs. I've been through the colic stages. I've had the baby with the reflux issues. I'm glad to see innovation in products that enable comfort and ease for the parents and infants dealing with just such situations. So check them out and don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments below! 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Great Steps I'm Taking Towards Whitening My Sensitive Teeth at Home! + Savings!

One thing I have always been embarrassed with as an adult, has been my smile. Growing up, I had braces and even the ugly headgear. As an adult, I have had yellowed teeth. I don't drink coffee. Never had the taste for it. I also do not like soda. I will tolerate it for special occasions, but only Dr. Pepper or Sprite if I have to. Or maybe a Big Red... But I sure did drink my sweet tea. Being the southern girl that I am, I like tea with my sugar. But it has a bad side effect - it discolors your teeth. Which is where I am now. Finding that brighter smile with Smile Brilliant

*Disclaimer: I was sent this kit for free in exchange for my honest review for the product. I was not paid or otherwise endorsed. This was through my association with US Family Guide.*

I brush my teeth regularly. 

Usually, three times a day. And I have tried using toothpaste with whitening in it. That has not done anything to help. I have also tried whitening strips without much success. Now I could see a dentist, but I didn't have much time to do so when I had insurance. When I had the time, I wasn't working and had no insurance. Hard place to be in. So how else might one whiten their teeth? Some myths are that teeth whiteners are more likely to damage your teeth. Studies actually show that lab direct whitening are safe and effective with little to no side effects. 

Does teeth whitening actually make them pearly white? 

Well, no. Most likely not. Teeth whiteners are to remove stains from your teeth, not to totally whiten. I know, misleading name. So don't be surprised if they don't actually look pearly white. They might, but they might not. Still, removing stains is better for your teeth and your look. 

Will I have instant results? 

No. Like anything worth doing or achieving in life, it takes time. Results are not instantaneously available. And if you remember, you probably have years worth of stains on your teeth. Can't expect them to disappear in a moment. This is not a magical wand fix. 

Aren't strips better for the job?

Sure. If you don't mind stripping the enamel off your teeth, leaving them vulnerable and causing yourself pain later on down the road of life. Using this gel method is safer as it removes stains, not strip your teeth and then bleach them with chemicals. 

So how does all this work?  

Let's look into trying out this teeth whitening kit. First off, you get a kit. The kit has gels for whitening and for sensitivity. It comes with plenty of detailed instructions to follow along with. And then the fun part - the molds and plaster. You have to take molds of your teeth to get customized whitening trays to apply the gels with. These have to be done precisely. Gotta admit, my gag reflex was killing me on the lower one. 

The kit came with detailed instructions. We knew exactly what to do and how long to time the molds for. The plaster can be a little messy on your fingers. 

Once the molds were done, I set them aside to dry overnight. The next morning they were ready to be put into the envelope with my consent card. You have to fill out the consent card as they are not dentists and you have to be prepared for adverse reactions if you have not consulted with a dentist ahead of time or if you are overly sensitive to the products.

You might not succeed the first time, but that's okay!  

Sadly, after being received, I received another email that informed me that my molds were not good enough. I didn't realize the molds needed to dry in my mouth, so I did them a little longer this second time. One thing I felt they should have told me was what was wrong with them. Then, inside the second molds package they sent, they included a card that explained why the first molds would not work. Mine were distorted. Looks like I dragged my teeth. So we tried for a round two session. We didn't think the first upper mold worked well enough. So glad they sent extras of the casting materials. My husband set the alarm for 4 minutes this time instead of 3 and we got the molds ready for shipment! 

The whitening trays came pretty quickly. I like how the company emails you to let you know when they received and shipped everything. The whitening trays are flexible.

(You can see the yellow lines I had before in this picture)
Not some hard, plastic piece that you jam into your mouth.

My husband helped me with timing and prepping. I had to wipe my teeth and get them as dry as I can. Trickier than I thought. This is best done right before bed. You can't eat or drink for 30 minutes after the process is done and the process takes about an hour minimum. 

Be prepared for discomfort initially. 

My gums, just above my teeth, were extremely sensitive when I first put these trays on. I wanted to take them off almost as soon as I put it on! But in 10 minutes or less, it was fine. After my time ran up, I rinsed and dried out the trays and we switched it to the desensitizing gel. This too was slightly irritating, but not as bad. About 20 minutes later the process was done. 
I found that the second whitening round worked a lot better. It was irritating at first, but quickly settled down. My teeth felt sensitive for things like brushing later on, but not in too bad a way. Within 7-14 uses (depending on the density of stains you are removing), you should be seeing results. I know that after my 14th use, my teeth looked a less yellowed. I feel better about smiling for pictures!

The system is great overall.  I think it works really well and is a comfortable way to get whiter teeth. I'd love to hear what you think, however. Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts below.

If you are wanting your own kit, or maybe you already have one, but need more supplies - I have discounts for my readers as well! Use the coupon codes below and enjoy the savings! 

Coupon codes: 

foreveranerdmom20 - 20% off store wide!
foreveranerdmom30 - 30% off Whitening Kits!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Shadow of the Valley of Death... Remember the Light is Coming!

This past week got dark. I guess you can say I just couldn't handle all the downs that seemed to be hitting us back to back... to back. It was pretty miserable. The first week of July saw all my children sick. One at a time, each of the older three got strep throat. The baby was teething. HARD. Total meltdowns. Screaming fits for no reason. Biting on everything. Wanting Mommy to hold her CONSTANTLY! Then the back pain and migraines had to chime in. Sleeping at night became a bygone and by 1 in the afternoon, I wanted to crawl back into bed even if I barely managed to get up by 10 AM. My husband comes home from work one morning and I tell him we have to take the kiddos to the clinic. He mumbles something about, "if the van will even start". Talk about my heart wanting to skip a beat. He hadn't told me that the vans catalytic converter had gone out the night before when he was heading to work. Said he didn't want to add to my stress just yet. This was the third part to break down in less than a month. Before that, it had been our emergency break. Followed by the AC. Yep. We had to rig the brakes and drive with the windows down. In triple digit heat. Now this thing breaks! So we sound like an old Harley Davidson. Or like those big trucks that so many Texan men feel they have to drive to compensate for their lacking in other departments. Which is funny when you consider all the times we made fun of those guys... He was driving to or from work once and this guy on a Harley in front of him kept checking his mirror and looking behind him for the other "biker". 

Mental head slap here. 
The kids commented on the sound. I told them to imagine themselves on a big motorcycle with the wind whipping through their hair. Or in a big truck that no one else could touch. My husbands imagination is lacking, but I'm working on him. We can't talk when we drive. Can't hear each other or even ourselves above the wind and loud exhaust sound. Then we went to the part store to have them check the codes. Our Check Engine light is on. As is our Brake Light (though we know why on this one). The codes said we have a gas leak. My husband looks over the van after a new sound started. The fuel pump needs to be replaced. So now the van jerks as well when we drive. 

It is so hard to stay positive right now. After all, if the van breaks down any further, we are completely screwed. No secondary vehicle. No one close by to bum rides off of or borrow a vehicle from. My husband has school Monday - Friday and works 3 nights a week. Which is another reason I have been down. He put in for more work hours since his summer classes are less than the normal semester hours. He can work more nights. But they haven't been scheduling him for more. In fact, one week they didn't schedule him at all. So on top of our normal bills that we are unable to fully meet on his check, we now have other bills pouring in. Surprise! 

Which is about when another surprise came. We had hired a tax lawyer a year ago to fix an issue that the IRS brought up. It had to do with my tax return filed the last year I was married to my ex. He did his job, or that's what we thought, and we moved on feeling confident. Until now. We got word that the issue had not been resolved. I contacted the lawyer for answers and he got back to work. Now he sends me a bill for nearly $200! 

When it rains, it really pours. 

I was so done. I did not want to talk to anyone. Not even the love of my life. Didn't want to care anymore. I told myself I had to take it one day at a time. I tried to figure out what the heck I must have done to deserve all this. Why my life couldn't be what I wanted. I mean, I know people swimming in debt who seem to have happier lives than me. I know of people that have marriages falling apart (though they can't see it) and they are moving up in life like there is no tomorrow. So why aren't we? Here we are trying to obey the rules and live our lives the way God would have us do. Why are we struggling and suffering so much more? I once asked my Dad about that. He told me, "The good die young." The wicked prevail. Good people suffer. Why? Take a look around. The world is full of evil. No good deed goes unpunished. It is not that we can't be just as happy, but that we are put to the test. Will we stay true? Or will we falter and fall into the pattern of everyone else? These trials build our character. They make us stronger and wiser. We make better choices next time. 

Enjoy the view on the mountain top. 
Life comes with highs and lows. Some times it seems that there are more lows than highs. My current life, as a case in point. When we are standing at the high peak, we see endless possibility. We see a beautiful horizon. But when life throws us lemons and things go sour, we are in the valley. Full of shadow. Worries and fears creep closer. Darkness threatens our happiness. These are the moments when we truly have to recall the memory of being on the mountains top. To remind ourselves that things can be better, will be better. That there is another one coming. It seems impossible at times. And there will be times we fall into the darkness of our hearts. When we feel no one can understand what we are going through. When even my child's smile makes me feel inadequate as a Mother. 

These times will pass. 

Good or bad, every thing passes. Nothing is a constant. It took me a couple days to get over it. A couple days to cry myself to sleep and remember that nothing will change with me being in a bad mood. Time to make the best of what we have. Time to remember that things could be worse. And that blessings come when least expected. Like our new lawnmower. Our lawnmower broke down a while back. My husband has been "mowing" the grass with the weed eater. He dreads it. We have a 10'x10' yard. Tiny, right? But in 100+ degrees, it seems like an endless task with the weed eater. Then our neighbor comes over and offers us his electric mower as they are moving and will not have a need for it anymore. God moves in mysterious ways when we aren't looking for it. It won't make everything better, but at least it is one problem fixed on our always-growing list. 

Make the bad parts funny.

I have always been a fan of imagination. Not everyone can use theirs as well as I can, but it doesn't hurt to try. Your mind is a wonderful factory. It can make the worse situations comical, which helps you get through them. We "pretend" that our van is the Harley or the big truck. We laugh at the little things. My husband and I joke about showing up to my in laws in our monster van. He talks about wearing a wife beater and a flannel shirt with the sleeves torn off. Although, he says the icing on the cake would be if it backfired when we parked. I draw a line here. If it dares backfire, we will officially be in the "white trash" category, so I say no. Absolutely not. People can laugh and make fun of how we look. We will be laughing right along with them. This valley won't go on forever. My mountains peak is coming. I just have to get ready to enjoy the view and savor the memory.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Accepting the Challenge - Are You Strong Enough?

Today I want to get real with everyone. I got real with myself. Broke down. Cried. As strong as I have tried to portray myself... When I'm alone or when its just me and the husband, I break down. I let go of the strings and let the puppet with the smiling mask fall away. He understands. He is patient through it all. Supportive. Life, right now, is nothing near the perfect, happily ever after I may have dreamed up once. But it is also not as miserable as it could be. I have an amazing husband and our kids are growing up with happy memories. Sometimes I have to challenge myself. And today, I'm proposing a challenge to you as well. 
Accept what you cannot change, with patience.

We all have to accept certain changes. Life throws us curve balls, after all. And we get slammed in the face by them more often than we like to admit. Sometimes they knock us down. It is up to us whether we stand back up and try again, or whether we just stay down. There are so many times when I think that I should just get comfy and stay down. That I just don't have the strength to keep pushing forward. That has been when I turned to God in prayer. You aren't religious? Great! Neither am I. I'm just a follower of Christ. I have and read my Bible. I pray. I believe. That doesn't mean that I always feel happy. I don't always feel satisfied with my life. I'm learning that I have some things to accept even though I don't want to.

I've been told I need to repent for my sins. Like when Job's friends called him wicked and said that obviously he was sinning, so repent and all would be well again. (Bible reference - Book of Job) He was righteous before God, yet his children were all killed, his servants slaughtered, and livestock taken. His wife even tells him to curse God and die. Job 2:9 (No wonder Satan didn't kill her too.) At first I believed all this hardship was because of something I had done wrong. A punishment. Not anymore. 

Some days, however, I just want to fold. I tell my husband often, "Just shoot me. It'd be a mercy." His answer, "No. You can't leave me." We do it jokingly. But I would be lying if I didn't desire death sometimes. I'd be fibbing if I didn't think that I would rather lose my legs than keep fighting this pain. But then I know that wouldn't help me in the long run. I have people depending on me. Broken or not. I'm not going anywhere and not giving up the fight. Not today at least.

So hear my challenge and accept, only if you think you have the will for it. 

Get a piece of paper. Or three, depending on how you write your list. 
Your first thing to write is who would be affected physically if you were gone. How do I mean? If you died today, who would be affected? Coworkers? Spouse? Kids?  
Second list is of anyone that would miss you financially. Who do you support? Kids, spouse? Could they make it without you? 
Third list is of who relies on you emotionally. Friends, family. Who comes to you for advice? Who spends time with you when they just can't take the stress of their lives at that moment? 
Why do I suggest this? I believe that everyone in the world has at least one person out there that would miss them in some way if they were suddenly gone. More often than not, we don't realize just how much of an impact we make on others. We tell ourselves that no one would care. That's selfishness and self pity talking. It's baloney. Make your lists. Put them where you can find them. The next time life strikes, pull them out. Remind yourself why you fight. Why you can't give up. You can take the easy path. Give up. And you might feel good about yourself. But who will you hurt by doing so? I'm going to hold fast to my God. And being there for those I love.