Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Getting into the school swing

Its definitely not easy. I'm on day two and the best thing I have going is getting their lunches packed neatly and fully.
I check their backpack and ask questions about how their day went. They are liking it, but it seems we need to work on our routines. They begged to have school breakfast this morning, but after dropping them off they didn't eat. Either the adults didn't understand or my boys were too shy to ask for what they needed help with. So tomorrow I will walk them into school and show them how to get food in the morning. Then there is the problem of them coming home and wanting to go straight to bed. Not that I can blame them, but when they do that they don't want to sleep on time at night. 

I'm glad they enjoy going to class. We even ran into one of my sons classmates at HEB today. She recognized him and tried to call out to him but he was grouchy because I wouldn't let him sit or sleep. Its going to take dedication. I'm going to have to be creative too. We have to get a schedule and activities figured out to make this work. 
But over all I'm making the transition from days like this... 
To days of this... 
And learning how to save money on lunch box foods. I found out that a box like this... 
Is about even in price with 7 boxes of this... 
And I can pack them in reusable sacks like SnackTaxi bags. 
While that's going on, I'm also going job searching and will soon be back at work. It's a trial, but we will make this school year awesome! 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Not the best month, but getting better?

Being a Mother is never easy.
Some say its the hardest job in the world. This month has been one crazy, difficult, and even painful time for this Momma. My stress levels have been through the roof. I've battled a pinched nerve in my lower back, daily migraines in the head, and even a delayed menstrual cycle. So what's been going on to make so much trouble? 

Back to school for my two boys has had me pulling out my hair. I'm running around buying supplies, trying to get the deals so I'm not going broke in the process, and getting them vaccinated for their entry. I had to buy them new clothes that fit their schools dress code. But I'm happy to say that they are now ready for Monday morning. Now to make sure we wake up on time.... Oh but then I hear there is a new way of teaching called the Common Core. So off to the internet I go to research this strange new concept. 

"What do the Common Core State Standards mean for students?

Today's students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are prepared for success after graduation, the Common Core establishes a set of clear, consistent guidelines for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level in math and English language arts." 
I beg to differ with that first part. I work in retail and let me tell you... they weren't looking for the cream of the crop when they hired some of these people. They were only looking for people who fit into a physical ability guideline or who had a military background. Most of the people I work with can't think for themselves. Their best quality is how well they can complain and confuse others. Or maybe they were the cream of the crop as far as who applied for the job and those in charge of hiring got desperate. Most jobs these days are looking for bodies and not the brains. Sure, the "requirements" state that a position needs someone able to rise above all others. But once you charm your way through the interview, who cares right? Thankfully, Texas didn't adopt this type of teaching. I urge parents to check into the Common Core and what this means for your children's learning. 

Then there are birthdays. Sadly, I didn't get a card to my dad on time this year. This was followed by daughter turning 3 years old. Where did those three years go? It seems like yesterday I was racing to the hospital, praying that we didn't get pulled over or that I didn't deliver her in my father-in-law's van. Now she tells me she's a big girl who doesn't need bumper pads around her bed, picks out her clothing, and can tell you all about the various princesses. Her mind blows me away at times. I've found out recently that this little miss has learned to count by herself. From listening to her brothers and I recite the numbers, she has put them to memory. There goes my baby... Then there is another birthday at the end of this month that I have been planning a get together for. Who knew it was so difficult to get a group of adults to converge at a centralized location, have dessert, and otherwise be entertained? 
These have been the main events of the month that have kept my mind on a constant reel. Then I have a full time job that was cut to part time, dealing with an ex-husband, researching a move, daily activities of cleaning, feeding and caring for three highly active children, and trying frantically to get a minimum of 3 hours of sleep everyday.  I have some reviews to write for you all as well. Food, office supplies, labels, and maybe even a movie one coming your way. Just not today... Oh yes, lets not forget that I'm on the job search as well. Applying for and praying I get a new job that pays equal to what I have now but hours conducive with my kids being in school. Which reminds me.. I have to go shopping for more "professional" styles. I don't think my Nerd shirts and Zelda dress qualify for interview outfits. 

So how am I dealing with all this and keeping my sanity? I'm taking a little time for myself. I might sacrifice an hour of sleep, but I'll stay awake watching an anime series one episode at a time. I have 3 books from one series that I will also start taking the time to read 30 minutes per sitting. And today? My ex will take the kids to a birthday party while I will slip away to spend time with intelligent adults before having to come home to sleep for work at 4 AM. It doesn't get easier unless we step up our game and make it so. That's my goal. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Celebrating 3 years of joy

My daughter turned 3 years old this past week.
She has brought so much happiness to all of us. Even to her brothers who, I admit, used to "love" on her so much more when she was a baby. Now that she's big enough to walk, talk, and hit them when they don't listen, I do hear "I don't like babies or sisters. Can we give her away?" Yet, they look out for her and help her when she needs them. 

She likes to play "Ninja Fruit" (Fruit Ninja game). She doesn't mind the idea of beating someone up. And cleaning up her barbies is never something she wants to be doing. 
She is growing so fast! And Saturday we had friends over to enjoy those 3 years we have had thus far. 
I made favor bags using all these things that came purely from the clearance shelves, mostly if not all from Target.
I also made some for the boys as I don't think they want a bunch of Princess items. 
Despite being exhausted from a long work week, I stayed up late before going to work the graveyard shift to set up her decorations and set out her gifts. 
The look on her face was worth everything. 
Here's to many more years with my baby girl. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

HEB summer reading program completion!

So proud of my kiddos for completing the Summer Reading List for HEB. They got their certificates, shirts and pencils in the mail. Makes a nerd mommy proud! 
Remember, reading encourages imagination. It strengthens the mind and language skills. And it only takes 15 minutes a day. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Parenting is fun

Let's face it, parenting is trying on the nerves more often than not. But it can have some pretty funny moments. I know I've had some interesting conversations with my 6 year old recently. I've wondered where he got his ideas on how things work. 
My son has the talent of talking. A lot. And he loves asking questions. "Mommy, how did I get out of your belly?" "What's that red bump on your side?" "Why does Ana have a peepee that's different than mine and Allen's? It's so small and ours is big." 
At first I was thrown for a loop. I don't believe in lying or making up stories to explain things. But he's six. How do you tell the full explanation? A friend suggested giving part of the answer and asking what he thinks then explaining some of it that he is wrong about. How he got out of my belly is the question he won't let go of. I told him I went to a hospital and the doctor helped me push him out. The follow up question is where he came out. My mouth? My belly button? My rear end...? Close enough on that last one, right? I've tried asking him what he thinks. He doesn't give me a straight answer. My son is better at child psychology than I am! We are figuring out the answers as we go. And he brings up more interesting conversations often. Below are some of the recent favorites I have.  

Walking into Target my oldest son looks at me says, "Mommy you're fat, right?" 
I look at him and ask, "You think I'm fat?"
"Just a little. Your belly shakes." 
Thanks son... 
"So when are you having another baby?" 
"I'm not."
"But your belly is ready. Its bigger."
"But I'm not having a baby."
"Then why are you getting fat?" 
Because I eat and haven't been working out as much....  
Tonight was a good one... They bring me all the Barbie dolls and clothing and ask me to dress them again. Princess Jasmine comes around and all they could find were her pants at first. Then my son gets excited and runs down the hall yelling, "Mommy, I found Princess Jasmine's boobie holder!" 
Then there is my daughter who makes some fascinating observations... especially when she doesn't get her afternoon nap. Sleepless toddlers are the BEST! 

My mother is amazing. Her parenting has reached expert level now that she is a grandmother. She sent me a text with this picture.  
What does she call this? Multitasking Mom. "Here is how a stay-at-home mom babysits, takes a nap, and sunbathes. All at once."
This is how its done. 
Children don't have filters. Their minds are directly connected to their mouths. The first thought they have at any given moment is quickly translated to a verbal release. Curiosity is at its peak for my kids. Everything needs to be questioned. Its how they learn. How I can teach them. And how I have entertaining stories to tell their girlfriends later...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Traveling with children

All children are special. They say the darnedest things. Or see things in a way you don't. My kids do it all the time. I either scratch my head and wonder how that came to light with them or laugh until I could wet myself. On our trip, my oldest definitely had me laughing. 
I hear the seatbelt click as its being taken off. 
Me: Put that seatbelt back on!
Stephen: But mom, I need to fart. 
Me: .... So?! Put it back on. Then fart. 
Stephen: I can't fart if I'm sitting down. 
Me: *facepalm* What...? You have to wear a seatbelt so long as we are driving, son. So find another way to fart or wait until we stop again. 

We drive on and I fall asleep in the front. When we stop for gas, I change into shorts and brush my teeth. My oldest starts waking up and hands me a bottle with yellow liquid inside.
I've made enough long distance trips to know what's in the bottle. 
Stephen: *smiles* Guess what's in the bottle, mom! 
Me: I don't have to guess. I already know. Why did you pee in the bottle instead of asking us to stop? 
Stephen: Because you were taking too long to stop and I couldn't hold it. So I just had to pee in the bottle. 
I'm just going to be proud of him for not wetting himself. 

Later we get out of the car to grab a bite to eat. Immediately after jumping out the side, my middle child whips it out and starts peeing in the lot. I turn around and ask why?! "I had to pee. Oh and I peed while I was sleeping so my clothes are wet." 
In my head I'm thinking, there's a place with lovely restrooms just a few steps away. Nope, just couldn't wait. Had to show off those family jewels to the traffic-filled road and restaurant full of people. Way to go, son. 

Day 1 of my vacation

Already halfway through my first day on the road. We left about 3:30 this morning with 3 sleeping kids and a van filled with bags. iPad, tablet, DS... Yes! All set for the moment they wake up bored. I slept while Bryan drove the first part of the trip. Woke up around the time we hit Louisiana and found the Cajun music station. Cajun may be a dying language, but the music plays on so beautifully. I tried to find the Coushatta Reservation to show my children part of my heritage. Thanks to Google Maps, we ended up on a dead end road with "No Trespassing" signs everywhere. I tried. Instead we pressed on to see my great grandmother. 
This amazing woman has been a key role model throughout my life. Now she is 81 years old. She can barely walk, her mind comes and goes, and she's steadily losing weight. At about 90 pounds currently, I'm pretty sure I could lift her with ease. 
Seeing her as she is, I'm filled with two emotions. On the one hand, I'm so proud of her. She has lived through so much. If she could recall them, she has stories that make adventure books seem lame. But on the other hand, she is alone. She's outlived husbands, her mother, her son. Her sister has just about lost her mind entirely. Her memory comes and goes. My Nana's health has been on the downslope for many years. Falling, arthritis, osteoporosis, and Parkinson's disease. All of her remaining family lives in Florida or Texas. And some don't mind stealing from her if the chance arises. She actually longs for her day to "go". And it pains me to see her this way. But I know there's nothing I could do. I just tell her that God isn't ready to take her away. She brings a little more beauty into this world with everyday she is here. Sadly I couldn't stay as long as I wished. My children got rowdy and begged to leave (to my horror). 
Now we are on the 12 hour leg of our trip on to Florida. I get a little peace as the munchkins pass out. 
Onward we go! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas? No thanks!

I'm not a fan of Christmas.
To me it's a huge hassle that usually compounds over the weeks before leading into a disaster on Christmas Day. Buying gifts, sending cards, oops I forgot the family photo, don't forget to cook all the things that no one wants to eat because it's tradition, what no tree?!, do we have to visit that part of the family?, and do I have to get dressed on the one day off from work?! 
I can't really remember a truly happy Christmas Day of relaxing and enjoying myself for at least the past 10-15 years. I pretty much just grin and bear it while hoping the clock will magically speed to the end of it all. Smiling while opening that gift you didn't want and thinking how it's going into the re-gifting pile when you get home. Just remember who gave it to you so you don't give it back! 
Trying to think of compliments to say about someone else's cooking even though you are trying not to eat very much of it and don't want to be dishonest or rude. 
I spend the whole year buying gifts that I can set aside for Christmas. I catch the sales, and pay attention to great deals. When you have 9 siblings, 2 parents, plus all your husbands family... And the occasional friend to buy for.... You learn not to wait until December to get everything. I don't even want to watch tv during the holidays. All you see are ads of 50-70%, but you know they are lies. Stores put prices up higher in the middle-end of the year then announce "sales" to make you think you are getting a bargain. Until they are clearance, I'm not really interested. A couple days after Christmas until the beginning of January or even February, is when the real deals can be found. That's when stores are purging their inventories and prepping for new products to be stocked. Then you also have to listen to your kids saying, "Mom, I want that!" to every toy they see. 
This year was no different. Maybe more miserable, but not different. I was awake about 1:25 this morning with a headache and unable to sleep. Since I didn't want to wake anyone else, I went to lay on the couch and play Hearthstone on the iPad for a couple rounds. Then I dozed off again and woke to a pounding migraine. So much for a restful day. Guess I should be glad that I got so much relaxation the night before. I quickly got to work wrapping the last of the gifts. I stuffed the stockings, made eggs, sausage and toast for breakfast, and began mixing up a batch of brownies for the in laws. We were supposed to go to their house for lunch. By this time, the children are awake. Ravenous little rug rats begging for food and trying to break into the neatly laid out gifts. 
Breakfast first! That's when my daughter throws up. A torrent of chunky liquid all over herself, her father (who freaks out and starts yelling), and the surrounding area. May I just say, I don't freak out. Ever. Panic only makes things worse. I give my husband a handful of paper towels and then gather up my baby girl to go upstairs and bathe. After that, it was a whirlwind of cleaning for me. Something just clicks and puts me on the warpath. First the kitchen, then the floors, the stairs, on upstairs to the bedrooms. My stress levels begin to rise as my husband tried to tell me to stop and rest or continuously ask why I was cleaning. Any other day of the year, he'd be telling me I don't do enough. That if I'm sitting after work, I'm being lazy. After all, when he was the working breadwinner he didn't need as much rest or sleep as I seem to. Also, being the stay at home parent is difficult and he needs me to take over on my days off. But not today? How is it different today than any other day? This is one of my pet peeves. Pick a stance and stay with it. Regardless of day, holidays, or plans. But I digress.
On to opening gifts and deciding what the plan of the day will be.
Since the kids are all sick, we have to stay home.
Can't say I'm too disappointed. I can stay home and get things done, or be bored out of my mind at the in laws. Which would you choose? 
Then I clean like crazy (which is what my husband thinks I am). I plug in the headphones to blast Skillet, AFI, Thrash80, and Sabaton among others. I know it won't help the head pains. It will, however, help to drown out the background noises and thoughts in my weary head. 
My husband complained about not getting gifts for each other. I opened one gift from my parents but he had nothing as he'd already opened his gift from them. My gift to him was telling I'm divorcing him next year. I delivered that last week. No need to gift wrap something after dropping that kind of news, right? 
My daughter again lost her stomach contents just before lunch. It looks to be a long day of cleaning and headaches. But I can't say I'm not happy. I'm not at work. I'm wearing comfy pants. I don't have to answer personal questions from family I don't see often. And I don't have to leave the comfortable, clean, organized chaos of my own home. 
So today, enjoy your Christmas celebrations. Whether you do so in religious ways, with family, or as I'm doing in some form that is uniquely your own - do so with pride and pleasure! Get ready for a new year. It's almost here! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Label Daddy review via US Family Guide

I've once again been able to review products from Label Daddy via my connections to US Family Guide. Summer fun may be "over", but with everyone going back to school and the holidays coming up - having personalized labels is just as important now as it was before. Maybe even more so!
Having labels that identify your personal property can keep confusion of ownership at bay. My boys both have the same lunch box and would often fight over which one was theirs. I wrote their names inside with permanent marker to put an end to the nonsense. Imagine having a sticker there instead. Something that looks professional, has a logo or favorite character on it, with a clear-to-read name printed on it. Better, isn't it?
I got the Luggage Bag Label pack for my mother.
You get 11 stickers in various sizes, with your personalized design, for only $24.99. They work great with any kind of luggage, though its not recommended to be used on leather.
There are two styles; circles or rectangles. These USA-made labels come laminated, and with the option to add your contact information on them. Winter holidays are fast approaching. How many of you will be going on family vacations? These will make finding your bags so much easier when mixed with a myriad of others! Besides, they are fun and uniquely you.

So check them out and be sure to sign up for their newsletter. They are always having some sort of promotion going on. You never know what deal you will catch!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Lego KidsFest

Getting there is tricky. Being there is fun!
The location was difficult to reach, especially for us being from San Antonio. It was downtown Dallas, and not much parking that we saw along the way. Parking was $15 a vehicle for under the garage of the building. 
Outside food and drinks are not allowed. And yes, they search bags. We had to leave our snacks outside the doors at the customer service booth. 
Just inside they had the Lost Parents booth. I love this! Fill out a card with your name and number so that if your child gets lost, they can go there to find you. 
There was so much to do!
Unless you time each activity, I don't see how you could fit every single thing into one session. 
If you completed the scavenger hunt within the Lego Club magazine, you scored a free special Duplo brick. We didn't know about this until the end as we were heading out. They also gave away poly bag sets if you completed or participated in certain events. We did the Challenge event of trying to build boats.
Of course, the one I helped my son build looks more like a raft...
As we finished, they gave us Star Wars Lego poly bags. 
In the Mindstorms arena, my oldest got to control technic robots. 
There were lots of building opportunities. Princess, Duplo,
race cars, and even making memories!
You could add a square to the mosaic boards.
Or to the Lego version of the US as told by the fans of Lego who built squares for it. 
Honest Tea provided snacks. There were also dining areas designated though I wouldn't be surprised if the prices were high. We decided to hold out until leaving to get dinner. 
There were a lot of areas for each theme. Duplo, Duplo Disney Princess, Disney Princess, Mindstorms, Star Wars, Hero Factory, Challenge, Master Builder sessions where you could learn about how they do what they do,
Chima and so many others! We also built some stuff in the Friends section and scored a poly bag just for visiting. 
They gave away Lego Club magazines, Super Hero Batman comics, and some Chima themed stuff. 
We had a great time, despite my 3 very tired kids who began begging to go back to the hotel to sleep. Next year I hope to plan a little better. Things like eating before we go, bringing the baby leash to reign in the baby but still allow her to wander around... What things would you enjoy? 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Our Road Trip to Dallas!

Our trip to Lego KidsFest has begun. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, time is not only running out, but so are the availability on tickets. Each day is broken up into sessions and so far Saturday Session 2 is SOLD OUT and Saturday Session 1 and Sunday Session 1 are at LIMITED AVAILABILITY. Hope to see some of you tonight when I'll be at the 4-8 session. 

Like the kink I woke with in my neck, this trip had barely begun and had a kink of it's own. 
Let me start by saying I didn't want to get up this morning. The shower helped, but it's the Monster that truly got the heart pumping. I felt the transition to Energizer Bunny status as I typed. 
I'd just gotten on the highway when my spouse throws up his hands and tells me we have to go home. I'm thinking, what was so important that we forgot?? I have the tickets... iPads... Chargers... What did I miss?! 
"My hat. I left my hat. And I hate how my hair looks. I don't want to be seen in public without my hat."
I take a couple deep breaths as I looked at him. Seriously?!? What is with men who wear hats that can't go out of the house without them? It's like they are naked without them! 
We had to stop by HEB to get this boy some drinks as well. He didn't think to remind me when I was leaving work yesterday that he had no drinks for the trip. Of course he grabs himself some donuts while he's in there. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't hungry. My Monster and a sandwich were enough this morning. But would it kill him to at least ask if I wanted one? They smelled so good and fresh... Then later the kids wanted a snack. Of course I'm still not hungry. But the smell of Doritos and sounds of crunching fill the air around me. I turn up the radio, but nothing really good is on. Time for a cd. And not too soon. Pouring rain makes it difficult to see the vehicle in front of me, kids are beginning to ask that dreaded "Why is it taking so long to get there?" and I forgot to get gum. I confess, I chew gum when I'm nervous so I don't grind my teeth. Driving in the rain makes me nervous. I don't like talking or being distracted at all during my drive in the rain. Wipe out in the rain on a motorcycle some time. You'll understand it better. We go from the toll mph of 80 down to 60 pretty fast. Finally it clears and the beautiful blue sky returns! 
About an hour away from our destination, we have to stop. My energy is drained by the soothing vibrations of the engine coming up through my seat. You know how babies pass out almost the instant you set the car seat in the back? I'm feeling like that. Time to scan the radio again. I was hoping for a good Spanish station to catch my ears. I'm as white as they come, but turn on a good Spanish song and I'll not only be wide awake but I might even dance! 
Back on the road after getting chocolate and Neuro drinks for the driver.
There's a huge billboard advertising Sarah's Secret; a romance boutique. ??? Just wow... 
Our first stop? The Dallas mall. With a garden in the middle of the food court and a library downstairs. This place has class! And check out the paint job on this beauty... 
Throughout this drive, and all the craziness, I've had the pleasure of my little girl sitting behind me and singing. I might feel my stress levels riding the elevator with my blood pressure, but a moment of focusing on her sweetness brings that soothing calm back. Savor those little moments!