Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Friday, April 28, 2017

Prosper and live long, you must!

See what I did there? If you didn't, that's okay. Not everyone speaks geek. 

Star Wars Day is on May 4th. Its May the Fourth (be with you), actually. My family had a little help from my dear friend Mary in preparing for this day! She brought over some Lego Star Wars Yoda ear hats. During a moment of bonding with my future nerdlings, we decided to take pictures and be our silly selves together. I also determined it was time for a new couple selfie with my fiance.
While doing so, I noticed that he was wearing his Star Trek shirt (one of them). While I'm wearing my Star Wars shirt (my only one). So when he went to take my picture with the kids, I went ahead and did the Vulcan hand sign we know so well from our beloved Spock. All the while, telling my Trekkie husband-to-be, "Prosper and live long, you must!"
His smile, combined with the laughter of my children, made my afternoon perfect.

Moments like these erase all the worry and fears of life. They are the mountain tops in the path of my life's walk. Tomorrow, I might find myself in a valley once again. And I will look back at this brief glimpse of beauty that will drive me to push harder towards the next wonderful memory. 
Chin up, Moms! This is what true happiness looks like. 
Happy Star Wars Day!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Gooooing to the chapel and I'm gonna get marrrrieed!

Sorry, can't help myself with that title. Unless you remember the oldies song it went to, you probably think I've lost my mind and started writing like the idiot millennial youth of todays day and age. Yeah... no. I might be losing my mind, but I'm not reverting to stupidity with my English skills. I have dignity. They do not.
Anyhow.... moving on....
Normally, a couple decides to get married and THEN have kids. My fiancé and I went outside the box. We got knocked up and then agreed to get married. Neither of us are doing so because I had a baby though. Believe it or not, talk of such had occurred before we learned that 1+1 sometimes does equal 3. (Get the common core reference?) In addition to going about this step in the relationship backwards, we also took another step out of order. There was no ring involved when the question was posed. Heck, it wasn't even a question. More of a, "You know I plan on marrying you, right?"
I sit here laughing at the memory. Let's face it. I don't reside inside the box. I don't follow the crowds. I won't be a white sheep in the herd. I won't even settle to be the black sheep. More like a purple or a red sheep... The point is, I move to my own drumbeat. My decisions may not be what certain people want them to be. Maybe they aren't as well thought out as they should be. But they are my own. And my fiancé certainly rolls along with it. So the question wasn't, "Will you marry me?" Because I already knew that was the plan. I already knew there wasn't a doubt between us that that was the path we were on. There was no other answer than, yes. Followed by, "When are you planning this, by the way?" Because I promise you, I won't be having a shotgun wedding. I won't get married simply because I'm pregnant and its taboo. I won't do a justice of the peace ceremony thrown together in a couple months. My first wedding was in my parents living room and laughable all the way.
No, if I'm getting married again, it will have class. It will be done right. It will live up to the dreams I had of that happily ever after moment. Don't get me wrong, I'm no princess. I won't expect, or want, that Disney wedding fairy tale set up. I have every intention of nerding it up.
Fast forward to me being 9 1/2 months pregnant. We have now decided to start planning a wedding for next June. By then, I won't be pregnant. We will be moved into a better home/neighborhood. And I should be back to a much smaller size so that I can rock an elf-like or medieval style dress. The theme for our wedding? Star Trek marries Star Wars! He's the Trekkie and I'm all for SW. Granted I didn't fall in love with any of the dresses in the Star Wars movies. So that's why I'll be rocking another style. But close enough. I'm also a huge Lord of the Rings fan. It will work perfectly.
This month, we finally found the perfect venue. Its in an area we can enjoy, affordable (considering all that comes with the price and in comparison to others we looked at), fits our estimated guest list, and will add a great deal of class. Not to mention the staff is all for our theme! Vintage Villas in Austin is where we plan to go for our wedding.
I'm totally looking forward to it. And now that I know where, when and time... I can start putting together the more fun aspects of the wedding.
So from here on out, I'll post an update on the plans and things that are happening for the wedding. I'm sure it will be one to remember!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Why should the Star Wars fun end on Star Wars Day?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan.
And as another fan said, Star Wars Day shouldn’t just end… it should be a whole month of fun! Personally, I think the original trilogy is the best, but the others have their moments. The Force Awakens was a great continuation. I look forward to seeing how it progresses. As a fan, I love to cosplay and attend events. I collect movie posters, of which I have 2 sets – one normal title poster and one in Lego style. If I had the money, I’d probably collect other things that came from the movies themselves. I mean can you imagine? It would be like owning a piece of history. There is a website you can check out if you are interested in participating in an auction of such movie relics. They have a designated spot for all the Star Wars pieces. And yes, they are from the movie making itself. I had Ryan reach out to me from to share some information about what they do. I did some looking around of my own as well and loved some of the things I saw on there. They have movie memorabilia and props added to their site almost daily. This includes the Star Wars section. I'm amazed that anyone would let go of their props and memorabilia from the movies. Like the Rebel Fleet Trooper helmet, Darth Vader helmet... someone even had cameras that were used for the filming! I'd have to be pretty hard up for money to let go of the Vader helmet.... However, the new owner lucked out tremendously!
I'm curious as to whatever happened to the Jedi robes. I know they seem plain and maybe no one else cares. But I think they were awesome.

This is how it works…In regards to Invaluable and how we work: people have their own auction houses that they sell their products on. We are merely a platform for them to do so! You can also join any auction house if you personally have something to sell! How cool is that?!”
Pretty cool, to me!
They have collectibles that you can browse. As well as movie memorabilia. The Star Wars section has quite a bit of great things for your perusal. I checked out their blog to see what they have sold in the past. I loved the Han Solo blaster.
What would you want to own? A movie prop? Which movie would you say was the best? What scene is the most memorable? Talk to me about it in the comments! And check out these fantastic auctions. Even if all you can do is dream about them...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Where has the time gone?

My oldest just turned 7 years old this past weekend. Seven years old... Where has the time gone?! Its as if yesterday I was wheeled into the delivery room and now he's a walking, talking, little question-filled boy. Its been amazing, trying, tiring... a long journey that seems to have passed in the blink of an eye.
This year he wanted a Star Wars themed party. He loves watching the Star Wars Clone Wars cartoons on Netflix or the Rebels on cable. And with the new movie coming out soon, its a family thing all around. I didn't have the time or resources to do too much this year, but thanks to Pinterest, I was able to find ideas to decorate and make it fun with. 

I printed out this cool little certificate. 

Then came decorating cups and water bottles with R2-D2 labels. 

The cake was awesome though. HEB had this one with the Vader mask that makes that breathing sound we love so well. 
I hung Star Wars dangle decorations, had a table cover, and a few other things I had picked up on clearance at Target. While most of the people invited weren't able to join us as the weather wasn't cooperating, some of my ex's adult friends stopped by.
The kids enjoyed just having visitors for a change. 
The birthday boy got some fun gifts too. 
The following Monday, my ex in laws asked to take the boys out to Chuckee Cheese.
They had pizza and played games. 
So much fun! I treasure these moments I have with them. They are fleeting and pass me by so quickly. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Star Wars!!!

In case any of you are not aware yet, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has a new trailer out.
And with its release on Monday night during the Monday night football games, tickets are now on sale everywhere!

This newest trailer has raised my hopes and given me more excitement to see the new movie than before. So how many of you will be going to the midnight showing?! I want to, but sadly, thats during the blackout dates at my new job. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

This has been a fun summer so far

While stores are getting ready for back to school sales, I'm still finishing up the summer activities with my kiddos. The Lego store started giving away the second Lego Star Wars poster in the once-a-month promotion they run. Now until the 28th I believe, buy ANY Star Wars merchandise and you get the newest poster. 
Next one comes around July 20-26. 
Any I do mean ANY Star Wars purchase. I bought a small keychain for $5 to get mine. Plus Carlos hooked me up with a Ninjago dual-sided poster. 
After the Lego store we went to Barnes and Noble to turn in our book list and get our free books. The kids picked out some cool ones. I wish I could've gotten one...
Sadly it's one per child, per summer. They do have a great variety of books though. So get reading! And enjoy the last bit of summer.