Monday, May 16, 2022

"I am that woman!" Another Part of Being In Israel

Sometimes we just can't help ourselves. We are presented with a situation or something is said that triggers our emotional responses. Often times, we react to our own emotions with shock or disgust. We feel that such an emotion should be locked away.

While in Israel, I had such a moment. A VERY poignant moment, at that. We were in Magdala. My pain was already making it difficult to listen to what was being said, to take in the sights, or to enjoy the day. It was raining lightly. It was cold. And I ached. My back. My neck. I just hurt so much. I was heavily relying on my cane that day. But even with it, I was struggling to keep my balance. My legs kept trying to give out on me. To collapse and never have to move again. What a thought! But I moved on with the group. Thankfully, I wore my hat. A ball cap, that when I looked down, hid my face. Or so I had hoped. We saw the ruins of the city that Mary Magdalene was from. As history has taught us, people used where they were from as a surname, not a family name like we do today. The ruins weren't much. A large, and rather fancy hotel overlooks them. They have a covered portion that protects some of it from the elements. Mostly lower parts of the walls, and then there were some mosaic flooring to be see. As well as what would have been a synagogue based on the types of stone "furniture" that was found. Like a type of podium. Of course, the Catholics are the ones who own it. And they do have the large cathedral built there too to honor some of the women that have attained higher status according to their religion. Mary Magdalene is one of them. I don't agree with much, if anything of the Catholic religion, so don't get butt hurt if I don't ooh and aah over their buildings. 

That being said, I was struck by one mural within that cathedral. Huge. Beautiful. And powerful. Done by a Peruvian artist. They told a story about it. Inspiration came from the story of the woman who was healed by just touching the hem of Jesus' garment as He passed by. (Matthew 9:18) How often have I heard that story from the Bible? How often had I heard the preachers mention her amazing faith? But you know what? I had never seen myself in her. Until now. 

That mural, spoke to my situation. Maybe it was because I was emotionally unbalanced from the high pain level I was experiencing. Maybe it was a visually stimulating picture that drew the lines connecting my dots with hers. I don't care what it was. I just know that as I stood there, I felt her pain. I KNOW her daily struggle. I feel it every single day. I hate that way I am because of a body that refuses to function properly. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to get a doctor to "fix" my physical ailments. All to be told, "Sorry, we can't do anything for you". Or "Learn to live with it". She had been through all of that. She was considered
"unclean" according to Jewish law. Unable to be touched by her family and friends. Unable to participate in any of the events. FOR YEARS! She would have been shoved to the side. Avoided like the plague. Touching her would make others "unclean" as well. How lonely she must have felt! No one to understand. Cursing her body for all the trouble it was causing, but unable to fix it. Then Jesus comes walking near. There are people crowding around Him. Everyone wants a piece of this 'prophet', 'healer' and maybe even the Messiah that was promised. He was on his way to heal a little girl that was dying. He was being rushed. But then "virtue" goes from Him. And being God in flesh, He knows it. He stops everyone to find her. To tell her that her faith had made her whole again.

I stood in front of this mural. Shaking. Crying. And praying. I kept my head down for the rest of the time we were there. I avoided talking to anyone. I don't like anyone being able to see that side of me outside my house. But, man! I was struggling! Her story is my story. Her pain and suffering is mine. And I can completely understand her faith. If Jesus walked today, you can bet I would seek to move mountains to grovel at His feet. I'd crawl around too, just to touch the hem of His garment and pray that that would be enough to heal me. 

You want something powerful? THAT is as powerful as it has ever been for me. That story grabs on and fills me with a feeling that I can't explain. And while I know I'm not likely to get that miracle, I am still hopeful for what comes next. For the freedom from pain and suffering that I am moving towards in heaven. The joy that will never desert me either. That is where I'm going.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 6 - Gideon Springs or Harod Spring

When we were planning to go to Israel, I wasn't thinking lush, green and flowing with water. I thought of desert and the salty Dead Sea. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by all the places that had that lushness about them. The weather may have been colder than I was prepared for (despite checking the weather app ahead of time), but the sun glistened on clear pools of water. Grass grew greener than most places I've been to. The air was clear and crisp. 

Gideon Springs was fabulous. We almost didn't make it in. But our tour guide and bus driver had a throw down with the gate keepers and we were allowed to enter on Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath). 
There are large pools of water with picnic areas to walk and enjoy time out in the sun. The cave where the water springs from lent us an idea of where Gideon and his men from the Bible story would have been when God told him to divide the men based on how they drank from the waters. It is NOT advisable to drink from these waters. They are not purified for drinking from. And you could definitely get sick from it.
I could have spent a good half a day just lounging around here. But then I wouldn't have seen all the other great places there were to see!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 5 - Who Do You Say That I Am?

I love the story of Jesus asking his disciples who men think he was and then asking who they thought He was. At some point, Christian or not, I think we should all ask ourselves that. Was He a prophet? Just a man? The Son of God? Whatever your answer, the site that this questioning took place at was of great importance to the conversation. It was a place where pagan god worship took place. There is a great cave (great as in size), where people threw their babies in to die as sacrifices to the god, Pan. His statues littered the cliffside surrounding the cave. Springs of water flowed from the site. 

While I cannot fathom following a god that requires the bloodshed of my children, I did walk the grounds in awe of its natural beauty.
How mankind can turn something, or someplace, so wonderful into the location of something so horrendous just boggles my mind.
The cave was even magnificent. Large, and filled with water.
All of these alcoves, of varying sizes were once filled with statutes of Pan.                                        

                                         What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Smile Brilliant is More Than the Name of a Company (Discount and giveaway included!)

Oral hygiene and health is very important to me, as an individual as well as a mother. I want to do all I can to prolong our smiles. Not an easy task with children, but I'm not alone. I have some help from Smile Brilliant

*Disclaimer: I was sent products free of charge in exchange for sharing my review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

What is so great about Smile Brilliant? 

You may recall my past review of trying their Teeth Whitening System. Feel free to refresh your memory by clicking the blue link above. I had some amazing results with it! They really do put in the effort to make products that you will be proud to have tried out.

Smile Brilliant has a variety of products that are backed by scientific study. They seek solutions to problems that plague us all. Problems that can be pricey and uncomfortable when we have to get professional services done. Check out this infographic, for more detailed information. Smile Brilliant seeks to help everyone have a whiter, brighter smile - through products that will improve your smiles health. The benefits span more than just your oral health, however. 

Products I've tried and love

I recently reviewed their kids' Plaque Highlighters. I loved using it as my kids need to be trained to better brush their teeth. They have a tendency to miss a lot of spots. Going to the dentist is a pain for all of us because of that. 

I was recently contacted by them about doing some product reviews. I've had previous good experiences with them, so I couldn't resist. Besides, these are products that have some amazing results.

The probiotics I have tried before and absolutely loved. I have been learning that prohiotics have more benefits than just strengthening your teeth against plaque build up. It builds up your immunity as well. Then you have better breath (especially in the morning!) and better gum health. I am also happy to report that the taste is better than I expected. Most tablets are just too chalky and that covers any flavor that they might have had. These, are a wonderful pomegranate berry flavor. They also have dental probiotics for kids. They boost immunity for oral and sinus health in a natural way.

Being someone who grinds their teeth, I could, and should, be using a night guard. But I haven't put in the effort to get one. Smile Brilliant creates one specialized for your own mouth by having these kits available to make molds of your teeth. That way, it will fit like a glove while protecting your teeth! You are less likely to feel irritated by it. You don't have to pay for dental appointments either. 

I had made a video on the process of making the mold, but can't seem to locate that. So I'm showing you the finished project for now. I love that it is pliable and comes in a case. I can store it and take it on trips with me without worrying of damage. 

This Custom Night Guard System kit comes with assistance as well. Someone reaches out to you to make sure you understand the process and will also answer your questions, should you have any.  

It fits in comfortably while providing cushion between the teeth so that they are not wearing down from the pressure of each other. 

What else might interest you? 

They have the cariPRO Electric Toothbrush and a water flosser to help you with oral health and dental hygiene needs.

Want to get your own products?

Do you want to take the journey towards making your smile brilliant? How about getting your own Smile Brilliant products? Wonderful! I have great news for you. Smile Brilliant has offered my readers 20% off when you use the code foreveranerdmom20 at checkout. But they didn't stop there! They have asked me to host a giveaway as well for a 30 day supply of dental probiotics. 

Here are the rules for the giveaway:

  1. Entering is as easy as checking out the Adult Probiotics product, and then leaving me a comment below on an interesting fact you have learned! 
  2. You must be a resident in the US, UK or Canada to enter. 
  3.  My blog post must have 3+ comments to be considered a valid giveaway - so tell your friends and family to enter as well! 
  4. Winner must be 18+ years old. 
  5. Winner will be chosen 1 week after the post has gone live. I will enter the names of all those who comment in a random wheel spinner to pick from. Which means I will need to be able to message you. So leave me a way to contact you!