Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 5 - Who Do You Say That I Am?

I love the story of Jesus asking his disciples who men think he was and then asking who they thought He was. At some point, Christian or not, I think we should all ask ourselves that. Was He a prophet? Just a man? The Son of God? Whatever your answer, the site that this questioning took place at was of great importance to the conversation. It was a place where pagan god worship took place. There is a great cave (great as in size), where people threw their babies in to die as sacrifices to the god, Pan. His statues littered the cliffside surrounding the cave. Springs of water flowed from the site. 

While I cannot fathom following a god that requires the bloodshed of my children, I did walk the grounds in awe of its natural beauty.
How mankind can turn something, or someplace, so wonderful into the location of something so horrendous just boggles my mind.
The cave was even magnificent. Large, and filled with water.
All of these alcoves, of varying sizes were once filled with statutes of Pan.                                        

                                         What are your thoughts?


  1. The rivers remind me of Texas. Very nice.

    1. They do! I miss going to the park in Kerrville that was like this.
