Sunday, May 15, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 6 - Gideon Springs or Harod Spring

When we were planning to go to Israel, I wasn't thinking lush, green and flowing with water. I thought of desert and the salty Dead Sea. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by all the places that had that lushness about them. The weather may have been colder than I was prepared for (despite checking the weather app ahead of time), but the sun glistened on clear pools of water. Grass grew greener than most places I've been to. The air was clear and crisp. 

Gideon Springs was fabulous. We almost didn't make it in. But our tour guide and bus driver had a throw down with the gate keepers and we were allowed to enter on Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath). 
There are large pools of water with picnic areas to walk and enjoy time out in the sun. The cave where the water springs from lent us an idea of where Gideon and his men from the Bible story would have been when God told him to divide the men based on how they drank from the waters. It is NOT advisable to drink from these waters. They are not purified for drinking from. And you could definitely get sick from it.
I could have spent a good half a day just lounging around here. But then I wouldn't have seen all the other great places there were to see!