Friday, March 16, 2018

Spring Break Shenanagins

Last weekend, I had thought up some great things we could do to fill up the spring break week. My kids and husband were all out of school. But that doesn't mean that there would be a lot of relaxing going on. While we can't afford to go to any parks or take a mini vacation, we had talked about doing other outdoor things. We have a rocket we could shoot off. We have drones to fly. There are free parks with trails we wanted to walk. We had a family picture that was in the works too. Granted, we also had things we needed to do. Like grocery shopping. And changing the van oil. Mowing the lawn... Not the most fun, but in need of doing. 

Monday came around. We made it to the store. Couldn't get the lawn mower to start and the weed eater was out of string. But that is where doing things ended. I spent most of the day curled up in bed. I had shooting pains through my head, sporadic pains throughout the rest of me and then so much dizziness that I was sick to my stomach. I felt like my pain sensors were on the fritz. And as though I had just gotten off a roller coaster. 

Tuesday we managed to get the family picture done. As soon as we got back home with a tired and teething baby, it all hit me again. This time with my neck so tense that it hurt to move. Once again I ended up in bed. 

Wednesday started off better. We took the kids to a different park. Stage Stop Park is actually really nice and had plenty of choices for the different ages. If you are around the Selma area, I highly suggest it. We stopped by the store to grab ingredients for peanut butter and banana milkshakes. Mmmm we love them so! After getting home, we played some games. I thought I had escaped the torments for a change. I was wrong. As it came time to make dinner, sharp pains plagued my head. My husband once again urged me to sit down and take it easy. His worry has been quite evident. Here's the thing... I don't want to sit on the sidelines of life. Granted, there isn't much I can do until I find out if I am approved for a local assistance program. My oldest son started complaining of pain in his ear after dinner. My baby has been battling fevers. She sleeps randomly and eats on and off. I thought it was due to teething, but as of Wednesday night, I had second thoughts. Her temp was sitting around 100-101 on average.  

Thursday was again unkind, starting around lunch time. But I pulled my wits about me and determined that I would not let it slow me down. We took the kids to shoot off a rocket in a field near our home. They learned how baking soda and vinegar reacts when mixed. Then they wanted us to play tag... My back and neck hurt while my husbands foot threw a fit. We are getting too old for this. After that, I was done. The lightheadedness came in waves for the rest of the evening. 

In an effort to "take it easy", I started painting too. Super relaxing.
We will soon be leaving for my Mother-in-laws and I'm sincerely hoping to keep steady until we return on Sunday. After all, I am not the kind who enjoys it when loved ones watch me in my weak times. I prefer to put on a strong face.

Besides giving my husband stomach ulcers from the stress of seeing me like this (or at least I worry he will end up with them), I think my kids were likely to suffer from cabin fever if we hadn't gotten  out and had fun.We have a few more days for those things we can't do during school days. I want to fill them up as best I can. But I think I will have to take the action down a knot. Really hoping that Monday brings us some good news towards getting healthcare assistance.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Journey to Pain Relief: Purple Pillow Review

Recently, my husband bought me a Purple Pillow. If you have been on YouTube lately, you have probably seen plenty of Purple ads. 
*Quick disclaimer - I was not paid for this review and we did not receive the pillow in exchange for this review. My husband paid for it. It is my honest opinion.*
My husband and I have been searching for ways to alleviate the spinal pains that I face on a daily basis. It has been quite difficult. One of the problems I'm facing is the pain from hypertension in my neck. It causes me to have migraines as well as to lose sleep. We have talked about getting a new bed. One that is bigger, newer and more gentle on the back side. But which one we think is best? Not so easy to answer. He surprised me by buying the Purple Pillow. It is made of a polymer material. Two things I liked right away would be the way it is like a gel in cooling off and in flexibility.
This pillow can take the pressure, conform to it, but then bounce right back to its original shape fairly quickly. It is just like they say, no fluffing required. The cooling sensation feels good to my neck and head, but also to my shoulders. It was why I had bought a gel-topped pillow before. However, with that one I noticed that it is too hard on my shoulders. This one really does ease the pressure points. I even tried sleeping with it under my back. Felt so good! At least until I got up the next morning. That was when the stiffness kicked in from not sleeping on a large enough surface to accommodate my entire spine. This is why we have been considering getting a Purple mattress later on. 
This is what is inside the pillow

The only turn off I had with my pillow would be the initial smell. The polymer they used has an unusual smell. Something in the plastic or rubber zone to me. To help cover it up, I put a dryer sheet into my pillow case between the polymer and where my face would go. I was glad they also sent a zipper case for it. Pillow is inside the washable zipper case, then inside my pillow case. Helps to cover the smell better. 
This pillow runs $99 with free shipping in the continental United States. And it was worth the money. I have not had morning stiffness in my neck or woke up with headaches while using this pillow. So it is a definite win on that battle. My husband has even talked about getting the mattress one day. Especially now that they offer variations in thickness. 

Hope this review helps anyone sitting on the fence about buying one. And if you do, I hope you have as great a nights sleep as I have. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Holding On

There's something about those moments that you see happening in slow motion, but are unable to stop that make it all seem surreal. It's like watching it happen to someone else. Your mind tells you what you should do, but your reactions are not quick enough.

We were driving home one day earlier this week when it got me. Hit me quite strongly. I was feeling pains throughout the morning. The kinds that I ignore and keep pushing my way through. But on the way home, I happened to run my hand through my hair. Triggered another sensation that I do not often feel. It's like the hair itself in one spot is bruised. I don't know how else to describe it. Touching that spot hurt. Like a bruise. But in the pursuit of knowing more about it, I suppose I pressed too hard. Shortly before arriving home, I was conversing with my husband about the EMS at the nursing home up the street from where we live. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head and the sudden lightheadedness that I loathe. So sudden and strong was it, that I felt I was losing consciousness. I breathed deeply, willing myself to stay awake. Fighting my body for control. We arrived at home with my husband worrying. I told him that I would be fine. He had to run to the store for me and I needed to get lunch in the oven. I began feeling feverish. My head was still hurting. But I told myself to get things done. After starting everything, I went to lay down upstairs. 

There is a reason I dread laying down. Well, at least when I get like this. It is when I feel the most vulnerable. When the reminder of my weakness is at its highest level. I don't know about you, but laying down is when each ache, every pain and the slightest disturbance within can be felt with the clearest distinction between each sensation. While laying down, I could feel it all. Tingling in my right foot. A pin prick in my left foot. Tension in my neck. Pain in my head. Pulling in my lower back. I could pinpoint each place bothering me all at once. Then the feeling of passing out returned. This, of course, came just as my husband came back. The look in his eyes brought tears to my own. He worries so much. Of course it did not take long before his tears started flowing freely.
It is hard to be strong, but for those of you who are in a similar situation... It is imperative that we stay strong for those we love. By no means is it easy. I fall short in so many ways. But I can't give up. And neither should you. I don't have a special formula to withstand the imbalances of the deformed and injured body. Instead I have prayer. For my good days as well as for my bad days. On my good days, I thank God for the strength to do what needs to be done. On my bad days, I thank God I'm alive for another day and ask for His strength to get through it.

In an attempt to avoid future issues, I have gone proactive. At least one of my sons knows the pass code to my phone and knows that should anything happen to me, he is to immediately contact my husband. I have one more option I will try for getting health care, but at least this way I have faith that my kids will know what to do in an emergency.

Monday, March 5, 2018

When Crap Flies... Literally!

I sit here, in extremely high spirits. I cannot tell you what a day it has been. I woke up feeling that no matter what happened, it would all work out. God is in control. That doesn't mean that I wasn't feeling slightly apprehensive. After all, we had a morning meeting scheduled with a lawyer to deal with some legal issues that involved my ex-husband. Meetings like that always carry a foreboding feeling, no matter how well you think you are prepared for it. Despite my hesitations, the meeting went so well, that I forgot all worries in connection to it. The future has taken on a more glorious hue. 
Of course, after such a morning, my husband and I were enjoying lunch and watching Ocean's Thirteen. That is when my daughter decided to truly let go and walk. She has known how to and has made several steps on her own just fine, but has refused to let go for good. Well, that changed today. She let go and toddled across our bedroom and the living room floors without demanding a hand to hold or seeking furniture to guide her along. At 15 months, it's about time! I'm so proud of her though. Maybe she took her time, but she found her way to her own feet. She is ready to be a little more independent. 

That is when we came to the event that spurred the title for this post. She had a great lunch with us. We had cleaned her up. We had put away the mess. And then happily settled back down for the movie. That's when we noticed the smell. And the grunts. She was being cute and happy, just sitting over on the bottom stair that led up to the second floor. But you could tell she was having some concentrating moments over there. Once she finished, I started the changing process. Grabbed the diaper and wipes, then grabbed her. We got comfy on the floor and I went to work. It was a smelly one. As I finished with the first wipe, I reached for another wipe. That is when she reached down, grabbed the dirty diaper and swung. You know when something crazy happens and it is in slow motion? This was one of those moments. I could hear myself yelling, "Nooooo!" My husbands reaction was similar, though I did not see his face. Probably priceless material there. She swung the diaper and it landed squarely on the side of her head. She had poop on her face and in her hair. I had one leg in my hand and reached to wipe the rest of her bum with my other hand. My husband scooped up the diaper and grabbed her hand closest to him. I finished with her rear and grabbed her remaining free hand. Part of me wanted to gag. I wanted to cry. But I was laughing too hard. My husband was mortified, slightly laughing and over all saying how gross it was. It was an epic moment. And as soon as I get the notebook back from my Mother, I'm writing this story down in her book. I keep a notebook for each of my kids. Stories like this, memories, or even just those life lessons I want my kids to think about as adults are going into these notebooks. This is one memory we won't want to lose!
Happy parenting moments to you all!