Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Freeloader Child Carrier Review and Discount

Through my association with US Family Guide, I have been chosen to review a very cool product called the Freeloader.
When I first heard the name, I was curious as to what item could possibly be associated with such a name. After seeing the product, I can see why the name is so fitting.
We have a carrier for infants. But that only lasts so long. If you are anything like us, you might have a toddler who gets worn out quicker than everyone else. Their little legs can't manage the adventures like us bigger folks. That is where the Freeloader comes in handy. It is built to provide comfortable transportation of a toddler without straining your own back. 
Families need to be able to get out and explore. Have some adventures together! This carrier allows you to continue to do that, despite the limitations of the little ones. 
What do I like most of all about this carrier? 
  • The frame is lightweight, but sturdy. When you are carrying a child, the last thing you need is for the carrier to be heavy. However, you also don't want it to be flimsy and fall apart easily. Especially if you are using it to travel with. 
  • The straps and back are well-padded as well as adjustable. Ever have a backpack full of something and it pulled on your shoulders, biting in? This thing won't give you such problems! It has strong padding on the straps as well as on the back where your kiddo goes. 
  • Pockets on either side are capable of carrying your phone, keys, money, etc. Whether you are hiking or going into a long line, you want to have your hands as free as possible. So keep those little things tucked away. 
  • There is a little seat for the kiddo to sit upon. You want you child to be comfortable as well. So instead of just strapping them into a harness, this gives them something to actually rest on. They aren't just hanging around. 
They include a guide on all you need to know about your Freeloader. About the design, how to single-handedly load your kid in it, how to make adjustments, how to care for it and what can come off for cleaning. The cover and seat cover are both removable. 
I can see more than the potential of long hikes or traveling benefits with the Freeloader. My husband and I are beginning to prep for emergencies. After all, there have been some pretty bad hurricanes out there recently. But emergencies come in more than one form. Weather disasters, wars, government collapse. Those are just a few reasons why someone might have to venture away from home and start trekking on foot one day. If that were to happen, you wouldn't want to have whiny toddlers who "can't take another step". Or can't keep pace. The Freeloader would be a huge help in transporting the child as well as giving you the ease to go long distance. 
Or what about runs? Marathons? This would make something like that possible even with a kid in tow. 
See how to get it on and the kid loaded when you are alone. 

And this video shows it in use and how the two of them reacted to it. 

I'm feeling great about this product and would love to hear what you have to say about it. Do you think you would use it? And if so, in what way? You can also get 10% off while taking the whole family on your adventures. Just check out the deal here

Crafting for the Holidays

There is something to be said for being able to make things yourself. It can boost your confidence in yourself, raising your self esteem. For some it can be a stress reliever. You get so focused in what you are doing, that you loose the chaotic thoughts of life for just a little while. It saves money. When you make gifts, you are showing that you took the time to pour love and thoughtfulness into it. 

I'm not naturally gifted with the crafter gene. I am one of those who so desperately longs to be creative, that I will try my hand at something with high hopes, but still have the expectation it most likely will fail. My natural optimism falters when it comes to crafts.

Since I'm trying to save money this year, I thought I'd try to make some gifts. Okay, originally, I planned on making most gifts... Now, however, I am being realistic and making just some. Like a pearl framed mirror for my 5 year old daughter. 
Or this pearl and crystal framed photo. After failing to make what I originally wanted (see below) I had to decide to be creative or toss. And then I saw this idea and got creative.
I'm also attempting to make this napkin holder giftable.
I started this Christmas tree-looking decoration.
I was advised to add some bling. Currently out, but my daughter likes it. 
Things like this are simple, but cute. For someone just starting out, check out Pinterest and see what you have laying around your house. As I have learned, not everything comes out as intended. We don't all craft on the same levels. That crystal picture frame was actually meant to be a candle holder, but it didn't turn out like the Pinterest video.

You have to think outside the box. And always remember - "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill.
History tidbit: WD-40 stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try. It took them 40 tries to create what is now a household name with a plethora of uses!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Texas Renaissance Festival anyone?!

I can't tell you how often I've heard people I know talking about this amazing thing called the Texas Renaissance Festival. It happens once a year. People of all ages, races and backgrounds are attracted to it. Be it for the booze, the festivities, or the chance to go back to the renaissance age - there is something for everyone. 
I've been wanting to go for the past few years. So much so, that I even added it to my bucket list. Thanks to my association with US Family Guide, I may just get to finally go this year! 
If you like to have unique family fun, I suggest you take a look at what they have to offer. 
The Texas Renaissance Festival is the nation's largest and most acclaimed Renaissance themed event. Established in 1974, the event attracts over half a million visitors each year to its 55-acre New Market Village and Fields of New Market Campgrounds in Todd Mission, Texas. This immersive experience features world renowned live entertainment, works by master artists and craftspeople, award winning food and drink, hand-powered rides and games, and over 100 interactive characters during its nine themed weekends from September 30 through November 26, 2017. For more information, please visit

Each weekend, a different theme comes to life across the 55-acre festival grounds including:

Oktoberfest (September 30 & October 1)
1001 Dreams (October 7 & 8)
Pirate Adventure (October 14 & 15)
Roman Bacchanal (October 21 & 22)
All Hallows' Eve (October 28 & 29)
Barbarian Invasion (November 4 & 5)
Heroes and Villains (November 11 & 12)
Highland Fling (November 18 & 19)
Celtic Christmas (November 24, 25, & 26)

Texas Renaissance Festival! Kids 12 and Under Admitted Free Every Sunday!
Use this link to check it out! 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Costume Preparations Begin Now!

I love to dress up and do cosplay. Which is why I have a large tote full of costume stuff for our family. Also why my kids have costumes to play with any time they want. 
You can dress up and for that time, be someone else. Someone you wish you were. Someone you admire. Your favorite hero. To me, its a blast!
I currently have a handful of costumes. I have a complete Sweet Pea from Sucker Punch costume (even down to a blond wig).
I've been a Lady Phantom of the Opera.
I'm just about done with my Lara Croft cosplay.

Spent a few minutes in between loads of laundry this week, painting the toy guns I had picked up last summer. I love these because they were cheap (Walmart cheap brand of imagination toys), look like the type of gun Lara would use, and they make the sounds of being cocked and fired!
Per cosplay regulations, I left the orange tips slightly showing so that others will know they are toys. Now, all I have left is to fix the leg holsters I had bought from Spirit Halloween last year. They turned out to be too small for these guns. Plus, it's generic. So both guns are facing the same way and it looks silly. I plan to pull out my needle and thread and *fingers crossed* fix it! 
And eventually I want to have a Wonder Woman one as well. The other costume I want, is a realistic Steampunk one. The one I have now, makes me look generic, and with a red wig, like a steampunked version of the Scarlet Witch.
While we were hiding from Hurricane Harvey in Waco, we went by a Dirt Cheap store. If you don't know what they are, its sorta like Ross. They get the scratch and dent items from retailers though (saw a lot of Target labels there) and sell it at a fraction of the retail price. It wasn't as awesome as I had hoped, but it still had some cool things. We picked up a set of Star Wars books that comes with an electronic reader device that would've been $29.99, but we paid $9. Then we went through the mountains of Halloween stuff they had. Found my oldest son a Deluxe Navy Seal costume. Came with multiple toy weapons, full jumpsuit, and belt. 
Normally this sells for $23.99, but we only paid $12.He can't wait to wear it to the party we plan on having to celebrate his birthday and Halloween! The same time we go for that, my husband plans to dress up as Darth Vader and pay a visit to his sisters class. Last year, when her class was going over family, she showed her students a picture of our family in costume. She pointed to my husband, who was in his Darth Vader cosplay, and tells her students, "That's my brother." From that moment on, they were convinced that her brother was really Darth Vader! This year he has plans to upgrade his outfit so that there is a voice changer in the mask as well.
I didn't get to cosplay at any cons (conventions) this year. Next year, just maybe, I do hope to. The neighbor across the street even wants to join in! Who knew?! Its a small world when you meet a fellow Nerd in your own neighborhood. 

So what about you? Are you the type to get hyped up for Halloween because you get to dress up? Do you dress up for cons too? Are you a closet nerd who seeks to show this side of yourself only in the presence of those just like you, or do you scream it from the rooftops?? I'd love to hear about your costumes and where you wear them in the comments below.