Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The joys of pregnancy

There's nothing quite like being pregnant. Every single one is different. Every woman goes through it differently. For me... its miserable for the most part. This one will definitely be my last baby. Gonna have a little chat with my midwife about getting clipped once this bundle makes its appearance. And a warning, I don't know what it is yet, but I'm calling it a "she" as that is what I'm feeling and hoping for. I have 2 boys and a girl. I prefer even numbers. Just can't deal with those odd ones. So if I refer to the baby as "she" or "her", you know why.

Anyhow. My back has been a huge problem. I'm seeing a chiropractor in the hopes of limiting my pain and surviving the remainder of months I have left. I believe I'm right around 16 weeks now. Getting close to that halfway point. Cleaning and cooking are limited and done in bursts that leave me on ice packs or heating pads. But I'm getting through it. Mostly during my weekends. One trash bag of clutter at a time. I'm also arranging my closet and bedroom for the baby addition. I need a place for a crib and for her things. I also have boxes of diapers and wipes to store for her already thanks to generous future in laws 8-) These things take priority.

But there are other things that I have to consider. What comes with a newborn? Exhaustion. Not wanting to cook dinner every night. Especially after working all day. So I came up with a plan. And last night I started the first bout of prepping.
I cooked tacos for dinner, but I also made a casserole to freeze for later. It might not stay in the freezer until the baby gets here, but it will help on nights I'm too tired or didn't remember to pull out meat for the following days dinner.
Tonight when I get home, I plan to cook two of my chicken casseroles. One to eat, one to freeze. And this is how I'm getting ready for those long nights and tired days when I just can't stand up to the challenge of cooking. I've been scouring Pinterest for recipes of meals that can be frozen. So many easy ones that I have decided are going to keep me on track. One meal at a time...
While I was at it, I even made some quick grab lunches to bring to work. Like these stuffed cheesy bell peppers.
My goal is to keep doing this as often as possible so I'm ready for the little bundle and can spend more time with her. Do you think its weird to have freezable dishes and baking pans on the baby registry?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pentel review via

Writin isn't just a hobby for me. It's a passion. Letters, stories, even recipes! They are all special. A persons handwriting is even unique to them. It's very difficult to truly master the ability to copy another persons writing. And your handwriting can even tell a story about you. It can show stress, or other emotions in how you do curves or how hard you press. 
But you need good utensils when writing something worth holding on to. And that's one thing I love about Pentel.
Shoplet sent me some more of their products. A pen and some mechanical pencils.
 I passed the pencils on to a college going fellow who happens to prefer them. I'm pleased to announce that he liked his "fancy" new gadgets. The pen, however, I refuse to give up. It's smooth and cool to my touch. It handles well as I write in a comfortable grip. And I love the metallic blue color. Click on the blue, if you want to see what other Pentel products they have to offer. offers so many office supplies to keep you working and producing greater results. They also have cleaning supplies, medical supplies, and office furniture. Check them out and see what deals you can find!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Why should the Star Wars fun end on Star Wars Day?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan.
And as another fan said, Star Wars Day shouldn’t just end… it should be a whole month of fun! Personally, I think the original trilogy is the best, but the others have their moments. The Force Awakens was a great continuation. I look forward to seeing how it progresses. As a fan, I love to cosplay and attend events. I collect movie posters, of which I have 2 sets – one normal title poster and one in Lego style. If I had the money, I’d probably collect other things that came from the movies themselves. I mean can you imagine? It would be like owning a piece of history. There is a website you can check out if you are interested in participating in an auction of such movie relics. They have a designated spot for all the Star Wars pieces. And yes, they are from the movie making itself. I had Ryan reach out to me from to share some information about what they do. I did some looking around of my own as well and loved some of the things I saw on there. They have movie memorabilia and props added to their site almost daily. This includes the Star Wars section. I'm amazed that anyone would let go of their props and memorabilia from the movies. Like the Rebel Fleet Trooper helmet, Darth Vader helmet... someone even had cameras that were used for the filming! I'd have to be pretty hard up for money to let go of the Vader helmet.... However, the new owner lucked out tremendously!
I'm curious as to whatever happened to the Jedi robes. I know they seem plain and maybe no one else cares. But I think they were awesome.

This is how it works…In regards to Invaluable and how we work: people have their own auction houses that they sell their products on. We are merely a platform for them to do so! You can also join any auction house if you personally have something to sell! How cool is that?!”
Pretty cool, to me!
They have collectibles that you can browse. As well as movie memorabilia. The Star Wars section has quite a bit of great things for your perusal. I checked out their blog to see what they have sold in the past. I loved the Han Solo blaster.
What would you want to own? A movie prop? Which movie would you say was the best? What scene is the most memorable? Talk to me about it in the comments! And check out these fantastic auctions. Even if all you can do is dream about them...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother’s Day is upon us. If you haven’t gotten your Mom a special gift still, you need to get on the ball. I ordered my mom a special gift. She can be so difficult to buy for. She doesn’t need jewelry. And she prefers picking out her own. She doesn’t need sweets. As a matter of fact, she is always talking about dieting or losing weight. Flowers are a waste of her time. They look pretty for a couple days, and then she has a mess to clean up. Live plants… yeah she has a tendency to kill those. My dad is the one with the ability to bring them back to life as long as she doesn’t mess with them. House decorations and furniture are her passion to pursue. I dare not step in and offer something as her style is something I wouldn’t know how to match. Aside from loving milk glass, I can’t think of anything else I could offer. And even then, she has so much of it all over the place… I’m not sure she would have room for more.

I thought about ordering her meals that would be delivered. She does have 8 kids still living at home to feed. But what would they all like? I’d send her a nanny so she can take the night off… but let’s face it. She always tells me how she doesn’t know what to do with herself when the kids aren’t around. According to some people, that’s a recipe for her baby machine to kick on.
So I sent her something that I know she uses. I can’t tell you on here, because she reads my blog posts. But if she likes it, I’ll hopefully share about it.

I love my mother. She’s been an important part of my life. Always there when I need her. We don’t always see eye-to-eye, but we are still there for each other.
Take a moment to thank your mother and tell her how much you love her. She won’t be around forever. And not just your mom. Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, and those special women that have been an influence in your life need to be reminded of how much you care.