Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Princess stories continue....

Have you noticed how many of those princess stories you grew up with, are being re-written? Or you are seeing a different side to them than what you were used to. I've got mixed feelings on some of these. I loved reading the variations of princess stories when I was growing up. Did you know that most of the originals were dark and horrifying? Disney softened them up for young girls here in America
The latest one stars Angelina Jolie as Maleficent. As you might remember, she was the evil witch that cursed baby Aurora to prick her finger on her 16th birthday and fall asleep. This version has Angelina Jolie as the evil Maleficent. But they added a twist... What if she was right to feel anger, resentment and want revenge? Okay, so its never right to feel that way. But there are times when we feel justified.
What about Red Riding Hood (2011)? The story we know: Little Red goes to visit grandma's and the Big Bad Wolf tries to trick her after eating Grandma. But the Woodsman hears the cries for help and saves Red before cutting Grandma out of the belly of the Wolf. Sound familiar? But in this movie, Red was related to the Wolf. Her own father, in fact. And he was looking to change her so they could go on the killing sprees together. Its dark and contains other sub plots to keep you busy. She's conflicted about which guy to pick (like a Twilight tale). Then comes the Wolf problem. Her sister was killed, mom injured, scandals revealed.... Who is the Wolf is asked... Quite a busy tale.
Cinderella has been made into so many movies, there is no way I can list them all. But they are usually about teenage girls who are living with a step mom and exploited. Cooking, cleaning and caring for someone who has no love for them. They are placed in various time periods. Ever After is one of my favorites. She was strong and saved herself. I just didn't see the "carrying the prince" scene as my thing. But they wanted her to be the tough girl.
Snow White has been revamped as well. More times and ways than I can mention. Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) was more on the action side. I found it to be more stupid though. A young woman who has been locked in a tower until she has beauty surpassing the Evil Queen's. She falls in love with the older Huntsman who was supposed to kill her. He's just a drunk who can't get over losing his love before. I did like Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen. Kristen Stewart plays Snow White, the princess that is the very essence of life. She's as dull here as she was in Twilight.
The horror version was indeed creepy. Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) takes it to a new level of scary. The Evil Queen becomes obsessed with being the fairest in the land and goes around killing to get there.
Another one I thought was okay was Snow White: The Fairest of them All (2001). I love Miranda Richardson. She plays the queen. She wants everyone to see her as being the fairest. And goes out casting spells.
Beauty and the Beast has not only been made into movies but is now a TV show on the CW. Beauty (Belle) is the most beautiful girl in a country village. When one wrong turn leads her father in the dungeon of the Beast, its up to Belle to sacrifice her freedom to save him. And over time, her love for the Beast sets him free and returns him to human form. So far, one of my favorite versions has been Beastly. It wasn't the most awesome rendition, but it has some good parts.
I believe movie makers should spread out their horizons. There are plenty of princess stories out there. And perhaps they could retell them in ways that are enjoyable, but maybe closer to the originals. Who was/is your favorite Princess?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I hope you all have very blessed Easter no matter what you believe.
Enjoy the day off with family and friends.

We are enjoying freshly baked cookies and grilling brisket. What will you be doing today?

Have fun!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Free reusable tote from Disney

Earth Day is around the corner. And as usual, Disney stores will be giving away free totes! This year, April 22nd, bring in 5 plastic bags to trade for a free Disney Nature Bears reusable tote bag. This is only for April 22nd though, so mark your calendars and be ready!
Find out more at their website as well as locate the store nearest to you.

Don't let life pass you by....

How many times do you find yourself looking around and wondering where time has gone? I know it hits me like a wall of bricks at least once a month. Okay... maybe once a week. Truth is, life passes by way too quickly. We get so wrapped up in the business of day-to-day life, that we miss all the amazing moments that create the big picture.
I know I sure do. I spend so much time working, cleaning, cooking, and seeing to the details of family life... I miss out on the little things that normally bring me joy.
I work before the sun comes up until late morning/early afternoon. When I get home, I have to clean and possibly run all the errands. My three kiddos make their demands and I try to fill them. My husband lays out his list and I try to accomplish those goals. Everyone wants something and some days it seems I'm the only one to deal with it all. Lunch time comes and goes in a blur. Before I know it, the house is clean, but now its time to cook again. Dinner gets made, mouths are fed, and again I'm cleaning. Then, before I can blink, its time for a shower and sleep so I can wake up bright-eyed and bushy pony-tailed at 2AM for another shift. How does it pass me by so quickly??
Somehow I have to fit in home school, behavioral development of three kids aging 5 and under, and those self-set goals. All this, while desperately trying not to sit or fall asleep. I sit = I fall asleep.
My self-set goals are to get those six pack abs back. Even though I've had 3 kiddos, love to eat, and am often too tired to workout after all the working I do daily. I know its probably impossible, but I'll be darned if I don't give it a try anyhow.
I want to finish my degree in Criminology. But how? I work full time, home school, and keep up with life's demands.

I want to pay off all those debts that weigh me down and keep me from getting that dream home of my own. But that just means another few years of working 40+ hours a week and cutting back on all things not needed for survival. Okay, not that strict...
So many wants with no time to accomplish them. And at the end of the day, I find myself looking back with regret. If I had just finished this, if I had just taken another moment to do that, maybe I should wash that last dish... The list goes on. I know I shouldn't. After all, a Mother needs her rest too. And no matter how hard I try, I'm never going to be that fabled Super Mom. Let's face it, she doesn't truly exist. We can only do our best. We can learn from our mistakes. We can try to be better. Practice doesn't make us perfect, but it brings us closer to perfection. Don't strive for perfection. You will go mad in the process. Strive instead, to be your best. And to be happy with that. Kiss the kids often, take a moment to relax, and try to remember the little things that bring you joy!
"Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Discount information from Label Daddy!

Right in time for summer activities, I have another great discount for you all. Via US Family Guide, Label Daddy is offering 10% off your entire order. I love labeling things around here. That way if something is borrowed, gets left somewhere, or lost - you will know its yours once found! Check them out and see what they have to say about their labels:

Label Daddy - The number one solution for labeling your belongings! Remember to label all the clothing, sports equipment and other personal belongings your kids bring to school, camp, sports leagues, day care, and other places. Label Daddy labels keep your belongings from getting lost or mixed up with others. These labels are super durable peel-and-stick washable labels -- they're washer/dryer safe, microwave safe, dishwasher safe and UV resistant! Label Daddy labels are also fun and attractive. You design your own labels! . . . Pick from many colors, sizes and logos, including Disney and Marvel characters, MLB, NBA, and NHL team logos, other sport and fun logos, and more. Our exclusive laminated coating gives labels an extra layer of protection and is a must for camp! These labels are made in the USA and shipped directly to you worldwide. Save 10% on Label Daddy labels! - Save 10% on your entire Label Daddy order. Use code USFAMILY10 at checkout.

Make sure you click the last link to get the discount from US Family Guide! And tell me what you think of them. I'll write a review of them later when I get mine.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Everyone should know how I enjoy building Lego sets. I reviewed the Pleygo service, which I still think is awesome. But I know that some people would rather buy them to own and display. Or... you could be like me and need that one part to complete a set and not want to buy another full set just to get it. If you are local, and in need of Lego anything (just about), there is a place to go besides the Lego store at the mall. San Antonio Plastic Bricks, Inc. is a local store front. It is a family owned company that has been growing over the past 2+ years and I must say, quite amazing. The owner, Ron, buys and sells in Lego kits (sets), parts, mini figures, manuals... list goes on. If you have some to sell, stop by and see him. He even has custom mini figures that are really well done.
I'm hoping to finish my own project after making a stop by his store...
For those who aren't local, but still interested - fear not! There is hope for you through the wonderful, World Wide Web. He sells via Brick Link, eBay, Amazon.
And keep up with what's going on through the
Facebook page.

Alisa, I hope Artie enjoys the video! Thanks for being such a strong supporter of my blog and yes, I'm going to get your kids hooked on Lego!!! 8-)

***I was not endorsed, asked or otherwise coerced into writing this post. Everything I have said is based on my own knowledge and opinion of what I have seen for myself. Your opinion might differ.***

Monday, March 31, 2014

Free Poise samples

Select a Pads or Liners sample pack from Poise! Plus, you can choose to print a coupon afterwards. (You will need a Poise account.) 
Coupons are here:

Samples are here: