Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lysol® Power & Free™ spray and wipes review

I'm a BzzAgent, in case you didn't know. They allow people who love to try new things and talk about them, test out products or services in exchange for sharing the knowledge with anyone and everyone! The latest product I was given to try was the new Lysol Power and Free spray and wipes cleaners.

I love Lysol. I don't know when the first time was that I came in contact with it... but I know I'm a consumer for life. I also love bleach. Bleach kills and destroys ANY germ in my opinion. Did you know bleach can actually "tamper" traces of some evidence. (Don't get any ideas.) But the smell of bleach is dangerous. You need to have it diluted OR have the windows and doors open to clean with it. Now, Lysol does have a cleaner with bleach. And I have that... but my husband and kids complain about the smell. (Whereas, I'm basking in the fresh scent of CLEAN!) So, I was pretty excited when I heard about this one. I really do love the scent. Its light and refreshing. And it has Hydrogen Peroxide. Ever get a cut or scrape and have your parents clean it with hydrogen peroxide? Watching those millions of bubbles get to work pushing out the contaminants in the wound to prevent infections was my favorite! I know... I'm a weirdo. But this is the same idea. Spray your surface, it bubbles up, wipe it off. Voila! Clean surface.
No need for cleaning gear: masks, gloves, eye wear. There will be no tears. Your fingers won't get raw and chapped - or bleed. And breathing this in won't have you gasping for oxygen. And best of all - it carries the well known Lysol promise of killing 99.9% of germs.
And for the wipes, they are soft but strong still. I wiped up a very messy stovetop with only one wipe. (And my husband in the background telling me how much he prefers the smell to my normal bleach routine.) Overall, I see a great product that I look forward to using around my family.
Here's to healthier living! And happier if you are like my boys and husband who don't like the side effects of bleach 8-P.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Protecting your child

I recently ordered 2 DNA kits from my Disney Movie Rewards account. As a child, I remember being fingerprinted at a public safety awareness event that we happened upon as we went shopping with my mom. Back in those years, I remember a widely publicized story of a girl named Maddie Clifton who went missing in her neighborhood and was later found under the waterbed mattress of the teenage neighbor boy across the street. Parents went frantic trying to protect their kids from things like that. My parents were what many refer to as "over protective". We weren't allowed out after dark. When that sun wasn't visible, our butts had better be inside. We couldn't go anywhere out of sight of the house without permission. We didn't stay over at friends without prior permission and even then, it was only with a select few friends that we knew and trusted really well. At that public event, they were only doing basic fingerprinting. That was a step in the right direction. Now though, technology has changed to broaden the possibilities of DNA tracking and genetic fingerprinting makes the chances for finding a missing child all the better. I've been offered the chance to share with my readers a better and more in-depth way to protect your child.
A DNA profile which years ago was over $400 is now only $99.  But my readers will receive a limited time $50 off coupon by going to and using code USFamily50.
This exclusive offer will allow you to get a hefty discount on a $99 DNA Profile for your child.  This is not kept in a database, but is kept solely by you.   In the case of an emergency, you can provide this profile to law enforcement who can compare it to DNA at a crime scene and speed up the process to bring your child back safely.  In addition to the DNA Profile, you will receive a kit that allows you to store your child’s fingerprints, key information, and a photo. What better way to safeguard your child besides implanting them with a tracking chip of some sort? (Which is still not available or legal I believe...)
No one wants to think about what if something were to happen. But not being prepared could cost you.
Things to consider about what a DNA profile means:
  • ChildProtect by DNA is provided by DNA Diagnostics Center, the largest private DNA company in the world and #1 hospital recommended in the US
  • Over 800,000 children go missing every year!
  • Law enforcement agencies state the first 3 hours of a missing child’s search are the most important. After the first 24, hope of finding them alive and well begin to decrease dramatically.
  • A DNA profile is a Genetic Fingerprint and every person’s is unique. No two DNA profiles are exactly alike (even twins).
  • Every profile is signed by a PhD when it leaves the DDC laboratory
  • A DNA profile is used by police when they find an item (saliva) that contains traces of DNA. By having a DNA profile on hand, the police have something to compare against.  If there is no DNA profile, police need to collect DNA from the child’s home and send it to a laboratory to get the profile. This costs valuable time. Remember what I said above about 3 hours and 24 hours?
    So let me know what you think! Once I receive my own kit, I'll write a review about it further and let you know more details about the kit itself!

    Saturday, July 6, 2013

    Money and time saving meal planning

    I really dislike shopping with my kids. It's a lot of, "Mom! I want that!", "Mom, I'm tired.", "Can we go home and play Mario Kart yet?" Or even just straight up "Waaaahhhhh" from being too tired. So I decided to plan my meals ahead. Anywhere from 2 weeks to a whole month, depending on my financial status. I have a list of meals that I know my family loves. I have a list of things we need that I've been writing as things diminish in my pantry and I know we use often.

    Knowing your family and their favorites is the most important part. Knowing your schedule is another important factor. I work part time. My husband has a time-consuming Lego hobby. Plus there are the daily tasks and chores of keeping house and home schooling. On the nights I work, my husband has to do the cooking. On the nights I'm off - I pick it up. So when I'm picking meals I have to pick the easy ones for his nights alone. I also try to incorporate things we get on WIC. We get beans, brown rice, cheese, fruits and vegetables, among other things. All healthy stuff. Beans and rice are one of my easy choices for my husband to cook. He likes to add sausage and onion to it.  None of us really like brown rice. So to compromise, we mix half white and half brown. Even my kids love it. It also makes the bag of white rice stretch farther.

    When I'm planning, I also check the sales and try to match my meals with them. I print coupons based on what we use and try to match them with stores sales.

    So here's how you get started. And yes... It's going to take time and effort, but it pays off later.

    Start by making a list. Write meals that you know you and your family eat regularly and love. Know your ingredients or list them with the meals. I keep mine in a notebook but you could use a binder. Especially with the clear page covers so you can just flip through while planning.

    Step two, is knowing your budget. We know when big bills are due and plan around them. I prefer to plan at least two weeks at a time, but maybe you can only do a week per stretch. Once you know your budget, count the days and pick a dinner for each one. Throw in a couple of lazy meals. Some days you aren't going to want to cook. So make it something easy to put together or make that the take out night. Either way, writing it into your list will remind you. Then pick breakfast and lunch items to fill in. I always keep peanut butter on hand. Tuna works well too. Snack things like chips, cookies, desserts - whatever little things you need to have on hand get added to your list next.
    Now if you're really on a roll and want it super organized, take it a step further and actually list the items by category i.e.- meats, frozen, can aisle, snack aisle... You get the idea? I don't often have the patience and I'm still getting used to my stores here, but sometimes I aim for the ballpark. This makes your trip easier and faster. Also organizing your coupons to match your aisles helps too.
    Now the fun part (not) of shopping! Coming home, you might have a kitchen looking something like this picture.
    Another thing to keep in mind is how much storage space you have around your kitchen. We are fortunate enough to have a large pantry. But we are limited in freezer space. We don’t buy a large amount of freezer foods at once. Sometimes we have to go back to the store for things like bread, fresh veggies and fruits, or more freezer items.

    Sometimes when I buy onions and bell peppers, I will chop them up and keep them in the freezer. Just remember that when you pull them out to cook not to let them stay thawed. They can get a little mushy. Cooking them right away tastes better.
    I hope this is helpful in getting you started on meal planning. Be sure and leave a comment on anything you think I missed! Love hearing from you all.

    Tuesday, July 2, 2013

    Delivery Man movie preview

    There is a new movie on its way to theaters near you. I’m sure at least some of you have seen hints of Delivery Man.
    I’ve been chosen to deliver a little more information and a limited release preview to appeal to your movie-going senses. It’s about a guy that, in his younger years, donates to a fertility clinic “anonymously”. For whatever reasons, a large number of various women get pregnant using his donated sperm and in the end there are 533 children bearing the same genes thanks to an unknown father! Vince Vaughn plays the father. A large number of these children that were fathered thanks to him decide to sue for the right to know who he is. As you can imagine, he doesn’t want to have anything revealed. He’s a bit of a loser with no real purpose to his life other than to survive the day-to-day monotony. He’s given a folder with names and information on these, now adult, children that are suing the clinic.
    Despite being warned by his lawyer that he shouldn’t show interest in them, he decided to open Pandora’s envelope and check up on these people and see what he unknowingly created. As he meets them, his views on everything in his life and the lawsuit begin to shift and change dramatically. He finds himself wanting to help these people.  
    I think it’s a very interesting concept. I was adopted by my Dad. My mom got pregnant by the guy I dearly refer to as the “sperm donor”. He was young and scared and ran off like a pup with his tail between his legs to his mother. But love found my mom and me in the form of the only man worthy of me calling Dad. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now I’m a grown woman with my own family and 9 siblings to boot! Couldn’t be happier.
    “Family” has so many variations and meanings to people today. But I think the one thing they hold in common is that families are made of the individuals who stick with you and love you no matter what. I believe this movie opens up a touching family theme and I hope you all enjoy it! Be sure to check it out and then tell me what you like/dislike about it. What does family mean to you?

    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    Wise Company food review and emergency preparedness

    I recently requested a sample from the Wise Company of emergency food storage. The Wise Company specializes in emergency prepared foods that can be stored for extended periods of time.  Have you ever seen Doomsday Preppers? Have you ever considered the possibility that some kind of emergency might arise causing you to rely solely on what you have stored at home?
    I know I have. I've been living in a state where hurricane parties are normal and anything less than a category 4 isn't worth worrying about. I've filled up Rubbermaid bins with water, kept a first aid kit in all my vehicles (even my motorcycle), and also try to keep things in the pantry for emergencies.
    Food is always one of the most important things to have on hand in case of emergency. There have been many times when the power goes out and canned beans become the main part of your diet. Let’s face it though; you really don't want to be cooped up in a home with everyone eating baked beans morning, noon and night. The smell gets so bad you might just brave the storm outside instead.

    Wise Company sent me a pack of Chili Macaroni that feeds up to four adults. It's 100% vegetarian. You just need to boil 4 cups of water, add the contents in the package and stir. After turning off the heat, cover it and let it stand 12-15 minutes while stirring occasionally. Let it cool and dig in!
    My homemade chili macaroni....
    Now, to be perfectly honest, it’s not the greatest chili macaroni I’ve ever had. (I much prefer my home cooked kind.) But when it’s an emergency, this would be the best thing ever for dinner! Food is always on the top of lists during an emergency, so be prepared with something that won’t require a lot of attention or things that go bad without refrigeration. Better than beans and better than MRE's, which I've also had a taste of before. However, while it might taste better than your other options, its still on the bland side so have some hot sauce at the ready. Texture is flat too.
    Cooking Wise Company...

    My husband brought up a valid point about how you would heat such a food without electricity? Well, if you have a grill, a pot of water over the charcoals or fire wouldn’t hurt to heat this up. Also, most people around here invest in generators. For people with those, voila! Electricity at your disposal. But only for a limited amount of time until you get it recharged for use. And lastly, option three would be a camp fire. Just remember to keep loose brush, leaves, or other debris away from it. Last thing you want is to start a wild fire and cause more damage.
    A fully cooked batch of Wise Company chili macaroni.
    Your opinions may vary greatly from mine and my family's, so why not contact Wise yourself and request a sample? Leave me a comment on your thoughts about emergency preparedness. What would you prepare for? How would you prepare?

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Kidecals via US Family Guide review

    As parents, we buy things that we want to make sure won't get lost or stolen. Or should they get lost, we want to make sure it's easier to recover them. Kidecals helps us do just that.
     I put one on my laptop since that's something I wouldn't want to lose or get mixed up with my other nerd friends'.
    My husband put labels on his fishing gear. We chose the camo pattern as well as to put Vinyard Family on them. This way we all can use them. You can customize them any way you'd need. Put your child's name and your phone number on them so if something is found, they can call you to report it.
    They are machine washable, dishwasher safe, and can be put on anything you need to label as your own. I recently ordered a batch as a reviewer promotion. They are excellent! Whether you are preparing for summer camps, recruit trainings (boot camp), or just have an active life that requires you to bring things along they offer a sense of security in knowing your stuff is identifiable and unique-inized (yep, making up words again).
    Another great thing about these - they go on clothing or objects. I think in a state like mine where storms are prevalent during certain seasons, it helps to be able to identify your things when you have to be crammed in a safe zone with others.
    They are great for so many things like school supplies, vacations, outdoor gear... the list ends with your imagination (or needs).  I also love how no matter what the order, shipping is free! Always a bonus. And they ship out pretty quickly. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or just sign up for their newsletter. You can browse the selections to get an idea of what they have. And remember to leave me a comment about what you think! I love to hear from you all. Thanks for reading 8-)

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    Deflect-o Cubes via review

    I'm sure by now you all know how much of a neat freak, organizer I am. Everything gets a place of its own. I like knowing exactly where to go when I need something. So you can imagine I was pretty excited when offered me the chance to test out another product they have on their website of office supplies; Deflect-o Cubes.
    I decided my office desk needed an organizational makeover. It's where things usually get tossed for me to deal with later.
    These Cubes have little rounded indents with clips included so you can clip them together and keep everything stabilized.
    You can get multiple kinds. I received the Deflect-o Two Drawer Cube Organizer, Desk Cube with X Dividers, and 2 kinds of Desk Cubes with 4 and no drawer options. I love that they are somewhat clear so you can see what you have but also have a blurred texture that gives some discretion. The open fronts give you quick access to your office supplies. Perfect way to keep organized!
    Shoplet now also offers promotional products that you might be interested in. Its things that can personalize your business. #shopletreviews
    ***These items were sent to me free of charge by the marketing team in order to test and report a review on for my readers. I was not otherwise endorsed and all opinions are strictly my own!***