Showing posts with label Tryazon party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tryazon party. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2021

Enjoying Fun Outside With Aerobie

Our family doesn't get to enjoy the outdoors as much as I would like. However, I'd like to use what time we do get out there in the most fun ways possible! Which is where Aerobie products come in. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge in exchange for my honest review and for hosting a party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own unless otherwise stated.*

I had never heard of Aerobie or even seen them in the store. I was chosen through Tryazon to host a party and showcase two of their products. The Sonic Fin Football and the Aerobie Pro Flying Ring. 

The Sonic Fin Football caught my attention because of its unique design. I had never seen a football that was hollow in the middle. I had also never seen one that was adjustable for right or left-handed throwing. I have a left-handed son who appreciates things like this. It is so cool, that Quarterback Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks has endorsed it! The gyroscopic core is designed for ideal air flow to allow for maximum throwing distance, which can be up to 100 yards. It even whistles as it flies at its top speeds. You can even get tips and tricks on better throwing techniques from I will say that it really has to go far and fast to whistle. 

The Flying Ring was fun. The girls had the most fun with that one. Even the little one chased after it.

As a Mom, I was most impressed that when she got hit in the leg by it, it didn't even phase her. This is a concern I have when it comes to having new toys. How likely are they to get hurt with it? This disc can really soar long distances! My husband likes to say it was as though "it has a motor on it".

Aerobie products come from the company we love - Spin Master! They are always pushing to come out with the next innovative toy. 

Sadly, our park time was cut short when my younger son went to catch the ball and fell into the freshly cut grass. He had an allergic reaction to something that touched his leg. 

We are looking forward to going back again and playing some more. Next time with more friends! And for a longer time. It makes for a wonderful outdoor experience that the whole family can get into. Even this broken Mama got to toss the ball!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Cool Maker Salon Party from Spin Master Toys Make for an Awesome Night!

I love Spin Master! Have I said that yet? Even if I have, I'm saying it again. I love checking out their latest and greatest. This time, I was able to work with them through Tryazon to host a Cool Maker Salon party. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party and sharing a review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own unless otherwise stated.*

Spin Master makes all kinds of things that you have probably seen down the toy aisles of your local stores or even on Amazon. From RC vehicles to swimming gear to a girls spa night. Wait... what?? Yep, you heard me right. I hosted a spa night for girls using products that come from Spin Master. 

What did we try?

Ever seen the Orbeez Soothing Spa? That squishie ball-filled contraction to give kids a foot massage?

My daughter has wanted to try that ever since she first saw them. And now she finally has! It comes with 2,000 Orbeez that flow through the infinity waterfall to provide a soothing feeling to their feet.

You can get more Orbeez too if you want other colors or need to replace lost ones. And you will need to replace some of the Orbeez after little feet have been in it. We had several break apart. I also had an issue with the device in the prepping department. The little piece you are to put in to keep the Orbeez in the water and out of the waterfall function would not stay in place. I had to try 3 times, before I finally gave up.
I think that might be why there were some broken ones coming out the back filter zone. 

That being said, the girls loved it! They enjoyed the unique sensation of cold, wet-feeling balls rolling over their feet. I think this one was my own daughters favorite part.

Go Glam made for a fun challenge. We learned that the decals will not stick to any other nail polish than what was provided.

After a couple hours, the paint was peeling off the 5 year olds nails. (We forgot to put the top coat on.) Definitely watch the videos before you start using the products. They give you step-by-step instructions as well as troubleshooting helps.

Shimmer Me Body Art was new to me. We love doing temporary tattoos from time to time. This takes that to a whole new level! We had glitter and foil to add.

No wet rag (though we did try it). Not all the stickers worked in leaving behind a tattoo. But with practice, we were able to figure out the nuances of making it more likely to work. This was one of the girls favorite parts to the party! She had a beautiful pink llama all shiny and glitterized. She also had a planet that was cosmically cool with the rainbow foil added.
I was pretty impressed by the foil. Glitter - not so much! You could also add the stick on jewels. Those only stick longer if you follow the directions and wash/dry before applying!

These three products together make for a great party or even a sleepover option. Something fun and girly to do. As a Mom, I like seeing the smiles and hearing the giggles. It was a great time. I even got the adult ladies to try out the products! I like that there are videos on their YouTube channel to show you how each product works and how to troubleshoot any issues you might run into. We used some during the party. 

Where can you find some of your own?

Spin Master products are generally everywhere! Target, Walmart and Amazon are the top three I know of. They also have other kits and toys that add to the glam. So check them out and let me know which product you liked the most!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Game Night With Hues & Cues!

Our family loves trying new board games. Even more so when we can share game night with family and friends. We did just that on my daughter's birthday. We had Hues & Cues.

*Disclaimer: I was sent this party pack in exchange for my honest review as well as hosting a party. All opinions are strictly my own unless otherwise stated.*

Party fun starts now!

My daughter had a great birthday! And afterwards, we wanted to play a game. So we did! Hues & Clues is all about colors. It was something I had never played. Actually, none of us had! It was a completely new concept. I wasn't sure how well it would be received. Amazingly enough, it was hilarious for us. You think you know colors until you play this game. Seriously! 

So, I start reading the instructions. We gather our pieces and put them in place. Our friend was going first as she had the most colorful outfit (that was what the rules said!). My husband had opened the cards and put them in front of her. But he forgot to remove the non-game cards. You know those ones they include that talk about another game by the same company? Well, she had grabbed that card. It showed something like a chalkboard in slate gray. So, here I am reading the instructions as she studies this card with a confused look on her face. That was the start of our fun! 

Once we got the cards sorted out, she chose the first color option card. There are four colors on each card. They have the coordinates that match on the board. Your job, if you are the one drawing the card, is to give a 1 word hint about one of those colors. Everyone takes a turn trying to guess the color. Then they give another cue, aka a hint. This can be 1-2 words. And again, everyone makes another guess. Then they tell the coordinates. There is a point system that you follow based on who guessed the right color or at least was the closest. At one point, the two clues for one color was "sand" and "donut". Talk about triggering laughter! Or how about "sand" and "lemon lime"?? Oh that really was funny. It gives you a clue to what people associate certain colors with. She beat us all! The game goes for 2 rounds and the one with the most points is the winner. Takes about 30 minutes. 

Want to get one for yourself? 

Here are the places you can find them at:

Target - $17.69

Amazon - $17.69

Barnes & Noble - $24.99

What do you think about it? Would this be something you would like to try out? Why or why not?? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Swimming With Swimways!

I love swimming! It is a low impact workout that is perfect for my back, but it also fun. A type of fun that I can do with my whole family. Especially when we have the proper gear. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party and sharing them with others. As well as for my personal review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

Being a blogger associated with Tryazon comes with some pretty sweet perks! Like getting to try out products. The latest pack is from SwimWays. They are from the parent corporation Spin Master. I've written about several of their cool things that we have tried out. They have designed gear that takes your child through the stages of learning to swim and enjoy the water safely so that you can relax and have fun together. 

First up!

We have the infant stage. This one is simple, yet highly effective at not only allowing the baby to enjoy being in the pool with you, but to keep the sun off their skin more. I love the sun shade option! I wish I had one of these when my babies were younger. I'm hoping to find someone with a little one to give this to soon.

Next in the queue... 

Is for kids who are learning the moves, but need help holding their heads above water. I like to think of it as a kid-friendly life jacket. You have the floatie arm holes and a vest that props them above water as they kick and splash around. This is the one that my Baby Girl used. She likes that she can lay on her back and just float along or even swim backwards with me.

Last, but not least!

Once a child can keep their heads up, but still need a little help, you have the soft arm floaties. Well built and able to withstand the flailing, these are perfect for those who are really getting the hang out of swimming, but could use the extra boost to ease Mom's mind. 

They didn't stop there!

Playing at the pool often means bringing toys, right? Well, they have some pretty amazing ones to choose from. Like these mermaids that I think would be perfect for my 4 year old!

These could even be bath toys! Knowing my girls, they wouldn't restrict them to pool or bath, but would want them for all the time play. They have a variety of diving toys, surface toys and even pool noodles to add to the fun.

Where to start shopping? 

Personally, I prefer Amazon. But there are other places you can look at too, like Target and Walmart.

                                                Little Bit likes doing tricks in the water now.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Hosting a Pixicade Party Through Tryazon!

I believe that learning can come in many forms for us all. For my family, even in creating video games! Pixicade was started so that kids can see how games work while also seeing their creations in action. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these kits as part of a party pack in exchange for hosting a party and sharing them with others. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

Do you know or have children that talk about designing their own video games? I do. My oldest son in particular dreams of seeing his designs come to life. It was one of the reasons I was drawn to host a Pixicade party. This was also how Pixicade came to be. A technical computer programmer married a high school art teacher. Together, they found joy in designing video games. The programmer had dinner with a friend who showed him the art his kids drew for a game idea he had. This programmer, Martin, suddenly had an idea. Why couldn't there be a way for kids to bring their drawings to life and make games?

What is Pixicade? 

Simply put, it is an app and kit. You download the app, then use the kit to make games in the app. Programmers will tell you that they write programs so that our electronic devices know how to respond to the commands we give it. Pixicade recognizes the colors that are drawn on paper to have meanings in the code. Green, for instance, is the avatar color. You draw in green, it will translate that to the character that moves through your game. This kit, when working through the app, will bring your kids' creations to life. They can play them, share and play others' games as well to earn cool rewards. 

What can it teach children though? 

Pixicade is a great STEAM option for learning. Your kids have to be able to draw the game board that the character will need to get through to win. There is the Art. Science and Technology comes in the form of knowing what the colors mean and why the app programs them  to function as it does. Engineering and Math come in how they have to make the game just so, in order for the character to get through it. My daughter, for instance, created a maze game, but made a wall too tall. Or you could say she made her character too big. Either way, the character couldn't get past this wall and she had to edit the game. Time for a lesson! Walls, need openings proportionate to the objects that are expected to fit through them. 

Where can you get started? 

First things first, you need the app, which can be found at the following apps. It is free to download the apps.

Apple Store: HERE 

Google Play: HERE

Then you need the kits. You get that from the company website as well as on Amazon. They are $25.99 and come with 800 games (that you can create). You can buy additional game making codes as well. I believe it was 20,000 games on the Amazon option that you can purchase in addition. My 3 older children have barely scratched into their 800 so far. They find it enjoyable to also play others' creations. 

What do you think?? Do you know anyone who would like something like this? Let me know in the comments below. I love hearing from you guys.  

Friday, June 18, 2021

Candy Time With Wiley Wallaby Licorice! (Discount included)

I love candy. But I'm picky about what I have. Licorice is not one I'm eager to reach for. Or at least it wasn't, until now! Welcome Wiley Wallaby!

*Disclaimer: I was sent this party pack in exchange for my honest review and hosting a party for them. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed for this review. My opinions are strictly my own.*

I had never heard of Wiley Wallaby before hosting this party. I didn't know much about this brand. And at first, licorice didn't sound like a very exciting one. But I thought, why not? And I'm so glad I did! They have an amazing array of flavors to choose from. 

What do I love about it?

They are a softer chewy than another name brand I've had in the past. The varieties available are incredible. There is even a candy that comes in sour drops. That was a favorite for my husband and kids.

I'm torn between two varieties as to which is my absolute favorite. I loved the Watermelon ones! 
But I also loved the Blasted Berry pack. This one came with 3 mixed berry flavors. Almost like a surprise as to which one you will pull out next.

My husband's favorite was the Green Apple ones. I think this may have been a favorite of the kids as well since they didn't last long. 

I had some friends try them out with us. One of them insisted her favorite was the Green And then I took some on a road trip this month to share with other family. One of them gave the following feedback.
"I love the thickness of them. Most licorice type candy are thin and not as soft. It doesn't stick real bad to my teeth which is good as well. The flavors are really good. I had never had green apple and I really like it. It truly does taste like green apple. Very good candies."

And my in laws will be having some when they come in from out of state. Apparently, they are familiar with the brand there!

Where can you find them?

There are multiple ways to get some of these. You can go to their website: HERE. Or you can check Amazon HERE. And if you want to see if stores near you carry them, check HERE.

You also get a great discount that is good until the 20th of this month (Sorry for the delay in sharing!)

Wiley Wallaby has generously provided an Amazon discount code for my guests (YOU). Use code TRYWILEY21 to get 20% off. 1 redemption per customer. This is valid June 1st -20th on the following products:

  • B08Q79ZSZB Wiley Wallaby Sourrageous Drops, 8 Ounce Bag
  • B08Q8797JL Wiley Wallaby Blasted Berry Licorice, 10 Ounce Bag
  • B0829DTQHL Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Funsorts, 8 Ounce Resealable Bag
  • B01760GB9A Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Classic Red Twists, 12 Ounce Bag
  • B00GPV8I3Y Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Huckleberry, 10 Ounce Bag
  • B019PN4NB4 Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Allsorts, 8 Ounce Resealable Bag
  • B00ETPQ5BA Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Green Apple, 10 Ounce Bag
  • B0012ZJAJ4 Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Watermelon, 10 Ounce Bag
  • B0082HQFF2 Wiley Wallaby Gourmet Licorice, Red Licorice, 10 Ounce Bag
  • B07254JZ9Q Wiley Wallaby Australian Style Gourmet Licorice, Black, 10 Ounce Bag


Overall, I'd have to say this is my favorite licorice candy! My only disappointment was the dyes they use, but then that is standard practice here in America. The taste is fantastic. The options in flavors is more than I imagined possible. The fact they have less sugar, no dairy and no fat - makes them perfect for me! I want to eat sweets, but watch my diet as well. And with these, I don't have to feel so guilty. 

Let me know your thoughts below! I love hearing from you guys. Tell me what you think of them or if you have even heard of them before. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Silk'n Infinity Hair Removal Review

 Hair removal can be such a pain. Literally! But it doesn't have to be. It can be expensive as well. But it doesn't have to be. No more need to get razors, professional treatments, waxing - nothing! There is a device that can provide painless hair removal that is more permanent than anything else. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product free of charge to try out and host a party with. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

Silk'n is an amazing company. They have brought the luxury spa treatments to the privacy of your home. This is the second time I have hosted an Infinity party for them, third party I've hosted for a product for them. I love them! 

Who is Silk'n?

You ever heard the movie quote, "See a need, fill a need"? Well, these doctors and scientists, who normally created products for spas and salons, got to thinking. There are so many people who can't afford to go to these places. They can't afford to or don't have the time to. But we all want to look our best, right? So how can they reach those in need? Silk'n was born. They saw a need, got together, and created the perfect solutions. They came up with simpler, smaller, affordable devices for home use. And perfect for pandemic shut downs, don't you think?

How does this work?

Shave first, then treat. Just until the treatments get started. Once you get through the initial treatments, you will get to the point that you won't need shave anymore and treatments will drop to every two weeks. By the 3rd - 4th treatment is when you will start to notice bald spots. Most people see full results by their 8 - 10th treatment. You have to be consistent, however, to get results. The Infinity device is super simple to use. Completely painless. The warm sensation is actually nice, I think. I created this video back when I first got the device and thought I would share it with you again!

It doesn't require growing the hair out long and then laser removal. Or hot wax. You shave before the treatment, wipe the area clean and dry, use the device (moving it after each flash of light) and finish by lathering on lotion. Voila! Silky smooth results. It works on facial hair below the cheek bones, upper lip, chin, arms, underarms, legs, and bikini line. There are 5 adjustable energy levels. It uses galvanic energy to open the pores. Then optical energy destroys the roots. And finally, the pores are temporarily kept opened to allow moisturizer to fill in for smooth, softer and stubble free skin. The light converts to heat quickly and is therefore not on your skin long. This light will not flash in open air. Only once against the skin. Which is protection for the eyes. The treatment surface is pretty large at 1.7cm. They also have the safety skin color sensor. If you are putting it on a setting that is too high for your skin tones, it won't work. No refills required! It comes with a lifetime of treatments. Even if you share it with someone else. This is the most permanent option available. After the 10th treatment, you will not have to shave again. Just do upkeep treatments every couple of weeks to keep the hair from growing back.

They keep working to be better!

This newer device has been updated to treat darker skin tones better. Might take more treatments, but it will work! I love this. They are truly innovating further to be more inclusive of additional skin tones. 

Another addition I'm glad to know about, would be the ability to use this device on smaller beauty marks (dark spots on the skin). There were concerns before that you couldn't use it on moles and such spots on the skin. Well, some updates are that it is perfectly safe and capable of being used on smaller ones. Large spots, however, you still want to cover up with a tissue and work around. 

They advise you not to use this device if you have metal within the body (after all, you are using heat). So pacemakers and such make this device something you won't want. They do advise that pregnant and breastfeeding women not use it. Not because it is known to be unsafe, but because they refuse to do clinical tests on such women and therefore cannot guarantee your safety. Safe is in their ACES motto. And they take that very seriously. 

What else should you know? 

Silk'n has a promise that is very important. ACES - Affordable, Convenient, Effective and Safe. Using this device saves you thousands of dollars on spa treatments, which makes it affordable. It provides freedom from shaving, waxing and laser treatments. No more shaving creams, razors, wax treatments, or spa treatments. You buy the device once and use it whenever, wherever you want. The convenience is astounding. I prefer showering and then treating right before bed. It is highly effective in hair removal, so you don't have to do it all the time. Once every 2 weeks! Safety features keep it from burning your skin or causing other damage. You can't blind yourself with it and it won't work if the setting doesn't match the skin pigment. 

Don't use it after sun exposure as your skin is more sensitive. Or on tattoos or dark moles as the pigment is darker and will darken further. Don't use it on the genital areas as they are more sensitive. Don't use it if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant or breastfeeding. These last things are simply because they have not run clinical tests. It doesn't work so well on peach fuzz. It looks for pigment in the hair follicles. So if the color range isn't right, it won't know there is hair to treat.

Want to get yours?

Because I was a super host and had a party for them, my readers get a real treat! Use the code - Infinityset to get 30% off of your own order Infinity Bundle. As an added bonus, they will throw in more free gifts as well! Like a pedi device! The Infinity device alone, is normally priced at $399. This deal is good from March 5-31 - so don't wait too long! I also suggest signing up for their emails. They are constantly having sales. Like the latest one for Valentine's Day. 

My final thoughts on the Infinity.

Shaving is a hassle. It is time consuming. It can be painful and unsightly. But the majority of alternative methods are worse. The Infinity is safe. Affordable in the long run. And just easier! I really love it. And I think you will too. It comes in the perfect case too, so it will stay nice. Even better, this can be taken on a trip anywhere thanks to the plug adapter. I really do think this is the way to go for long term hair removal care.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Last Minute Christmas Ideas!

We are down to the wire, ladies and gentlemen. If you haven't finished your Christmas shopping yet, you better get a move on! But what to get? So many options out there. I have one suggestion if you have children in the 6+ age range. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge in exchange for my honest review and to host a Bakugan party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed for them. All opinions are my own.*

I'm an influencer with Tryazon. I host parties from time to time and in exchange, I get to try out various products. With that being said, Christmas time is here and it is when people are looking for great gift ideas.  There are a lot of toys out there. But few truly capture my children's attention. Especially in comparison with video games. When these Bakugan products arrived, all my kids were excited. Which made me excited. I limit screen time as much as possible. They get tons of that in school now. They need more hands on things to work their imagination.

So what is Bakugan?

Before hosting this party, I didn't really know much about Bakugan. I knew they were some kind of battle toy, and likened them to Beyblade. My husband knew about the show, but not much beyond that. They are way more fun than that. These are animal characters. With different attributes. Spin Master puts them out. Spin Master has been making amazing toys since 1994. They are also the producers of the shows Bakugan: Battle Brawlers and Paw Patrol (which is a show all my kids loved). The Bakugan start in ball form and you roll them into battle, which triggers them to spring open when their magnets go over the BakuCore pieces. But they go further than just the toys. There is a show. There is a YouTube channel. You can dive deeper into their world. Heroes and villians, and factions - not to mention the card game that goes along with them. My kids love card games. From Pokemon to Yugioh, they are branching out. So of course this catches their eyes.

What we thought about them.

We received three packs. There was the Bakugan Starter Pack that came with 3 characters: Sairus Ultra, Fangzor x Mantonoid and Howlkor x Ramparian. You get 6 BakuCores, 3 ability cards, 3 character cards, 1 gate card, as well as the instruction and rule sheets. I definitely suggest this one for the first gift. This will get the kiddos started and allow the perfect set to practice with.

Next, is the Baku-Gear pack. This one had the Pegatrix Ultra Baku Gear set in it. You can add gear pieces that make your Bakugan look more fierce. It also comes with 2 BakuCores, which are the hexagon shaped pieces in the game. Then you have your ability and character cards. This set is for the kid that loves the characters and wants to show off!

And finally, we have another Bakugan - the Nillious. This one is known as a Gate-Trainer. If you are just looking to build their collection, you will get sets like this. A single Bakugan with 2 BakuCores, a character card, and a collectible training card. 

We started by showing the kids videos on the channel. There are the show episodes, how-to's, reviews and battles that other kids have done. It was a great way to introduce them to the game.

Let the battling begin!

I am glad they gave this following video to guide us through the battling process. It also shows you how to use each piece.  

Where can you get them?

Target and Amazon provide you these and more of the Bakugan toys. I have also found them at Walmart.You can get many characters and should get the battle arena. It helps to be able to set up and keep the rolling Bakugan from rolling right off the table, as we have learned. 

Tell me what you think in the comments below. What would be your reason for getting something like this?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Keeping Those Curls Frizz-Free With Curl Keeper!

Time to host another party with Tryazon!  It really is a great one. This time, I want to show you how to keep those curls gorgeous with Curl Keeper

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge in exchange for my honest review and hosting a party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions expressed are from myself and my guests.*

Once upon a time, I was a girl with long, straight hair. One year, I cut off my 16" pony tail , donated it to Locks of Love, and got a perm. I went from straight to poodle, overnight. Since then, my curls have naturally formed. But since I keep my hair longer, they are more like waves that bunch together. It can be pretty cute at times. But what about those days that the frizz cuts in? Well, that is when I consider butchering my hair and chopping it as short as I can. 

Now what if there was a way to prevent that frizz and keep the curls beautifully bunched together? That is where Curl Keeper comes in to play! 

What is Curl Keeper?

Some people see a need and seek to fulfill it. They strive to help others. That is what Jonathan Torch did. His passion for curls led him to open The Curly Hair Institute, back in 1985. But seeing the issues that curly hair ladies had, he knew he had to do something to rejuvenate their joy in their hair. By day, he beautified. By night, he practiced creating new formulas. Eventually, he perfected the water-based solution. The Curl Keeper was born. Designed to keep curls naturally stunning, without the negative side effects of buildup, frizz and hair loss.  

He came up with a line that was all water-based. This was to combat the problem of buildup. They are pH balanced, just for the curls. Created with the highest quality of ingredients and no silicones so as to keep the hair continually healthy. These products reactivate with water to allow for easier styling. They are humidity and frizz-proof though. Curl Keeper is formulated for all types of curls. And the icing on top? If you have colored hair that you don't want to risk fading, Curl Keeper has Silk Proteins that reduce fading.

Why this brand product looked good

First off, I hate frizzy hair. Secondly, I saw an opportunity to introduce something that could potentially bring joy to several women I know who struggle against crazy curls. Their advertisements also included that there are no silicones in the mix. I appreciate this as I've been trying to avoid products with chemicals that can be dangerous to my health. So to keep my coarse locks under control, I decided to take this one on for a trial.

What they sent me

For my guests, I received samples of their Original Liquid Styler. This is applied to wet hair to keep frizz from taking over as the hair dries. It lasts for days! I also handed out pamphlets to them to give a great overview of the company and what they have to offer. 

For the hostess, yours truly, I was given a Style of Refresh product pack. It includes 4 full sized products: Original Liquid Styler, Refresh Styling Spray, H2O Water Bottle, and the Flexy Brush. It truly is the ultimate styling kit for gorgeous curls.  
What my guests had to say
One guest said she used it twice and said she didn't notice any changes the first time, because she didn't use enough. The second time, however, she used more and her hair was a lot less frizzy than usual. This was a plus for her as she doesn't wash her hair every day. 
Another guest tried out the Flexy Brush that I gave as a door prize. She tried it without the product to see what kind of results it alone had. "I liked that it separates the curls. So excited to see how it works with the product." When she used the styling gel, she had to keep her hair clipped up at work, so it flattened out. But she liked a couple things about it. First, it was easy to clean off her hands. This is due to it being water-based. No oily residue. Secondly, her hair felt good. She then used the Refresher and, even though her hair dried flat, it was revived. She also like that it was unscented. 
One other guest said that when she used it, it worked really well. Kept her hair curly all day as well as  wet looking. 
My personal opinion was that it made my hair softer. I don't have much in the way of curls, but my hair wasn't wild with this. The frizz was definitely reduced. The day I first used it was pretty windy, but my hair managed to get tamed quicker than normal. So I say, it was a win for me!

Some other things I appreciated about them

Little things mean a lot to me. Take, for instance, the Next Day Styling Spray. This one is infused with aloe, chamomile and calendula to ward off smells in the hair. Ever notice how your hair and clothing take on scents from around you? Some are not very pleasant to hang on to. This helps with that! Even the smells you are impervious to, but others pick up on. It also defines and restyles your "next day" curls. You can use it multiple times in between washing, without any ill side effects. 

The H20 Bottle is a product that I can see being extremely useful. It provides a continual spray, that covers a larger portion of the hair with mist for quick and effortless styling. 

I think the Flexy Brush came across as the most fun! I hadn't seen such a unique design before. It can even be used in the shower and helps to clump those curls. And it is great for sensitive scalps like mine. The open cushion concept eliminates bacteria and product buildup in the shower. My brush that I currently have collects way more than hair.... And you can use this one on wigs and extensions. Almost wish I had kept this one for my cosplay wigs!

So what do you think? Would you try something like this? Curl Keeper is giving you 20% off with the following code: CKChallenge20.
Don't wait too long though! This code expires January 31, 2021.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Promoting Healthier Living With Organic India Review

 My husband and I have had way too many health issues this year. We keep making the 2020 jokes. If it is going to go wrong, this is the year for it. Sadly, he has been noticing some pretty severe problems in the past few weeks. So we have started to buckle down and invest in healthier choices. One of those choices  concerns our sugar intakes. The holidays have arrived and we seem to have some kind of sweet on hand more often than we should. Which is why I was eager to try Organic India to begin with. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge in exchange for an honest review of the products and for hosting a party. All opinions are my own and that of my guests. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed.*

I love being a member of Tryazon. I have come across some really beneficial products that have been helping us to stay on track as far as getting back in shape and eating better. This next set of products has been amazing in this. 

Who is Organic India?

Before I show you what I tried, you should know a little about the company. As the name implies, the products come from India. They began with a desire to provide organic products that promote well-being for both people and for the planet. They want to go beyond just sustainable to bio-regenerative farming. They saw the devastation caused by chemical farming and decided to make changes. They also discovered health benefits to tulsi aka "holy basil".

What products did we try?

We received 3 flavors of the Psyllium Pre and Probiotic Fiber: Original, Orange and Cinnamon Spice. We also had 3 tea flavors to try: Tulsi Hibiscus, Tulsi Ashwagandha and Tulsi Turmeric Rooibos. I tried each and was impressed. They all had a sweet aroma and their taste was surprisingly pleasant. Turmeric is known to be good for joint relief. Lastly, we have the Ceylon Cinnamon capsules. These are to support sugar metabolism! My husband and I have been taking one each per day. According to the instructions, you should take 2, twice a day. My husband really loves the scent that escapes every time we open the bottle! He says it reminds him of cinnamon sugar. I think of that cinnamon Trident gum though.

What were our thoughts about them?

My husband, children and I all loved the Psyllium Pre and Probiotic Fiber. We used the Cinnamon Spice flavored one in a chocolate cake recipe as well as in a smoothie. The chocolate cake was amazing! My husband and sister-in-law likened it to a spice cake, but not so strong. The smoothie had an apple pie flavor to it. Most impressive. I liked that you don't have to use much to get that effect. The cake, for instance, only needed 1 tablespoon. 

I handed out goodie bags to my guests.
We both have been taking the Ceylon Cinnamon for about a week. Haven't noticed if there is a change in how we feel. The tea is relaxing though. I enjoy drinking them in the evening before bed.  Especially while working on puzzles.
Want to try them for yourself? 
You can find their products on their website. They have a large variety of tea flavors and supplements to help you with all your daily dietary and health needs.  What would you benefit from most? Leave me a comment below!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Play Time with Spin Master RC!

I have always loved playing with RC toys. Something about them spinning and rolling without having to move more than my fingers. And I know for a fact that I'm not alone in this. While working a few years back, I had a manager who set a goal. Once it was met, he allowed employees to race 2 RC vehicles through the store (after hours, of course). That was an exciting several hours, looking forward to playing with toy cars! As a Mom, I now have the pleasure of sharing that joy with my kiddos. These toys have evolved in some ways, but are basically the same that I had. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products to showcase in a Tryazon party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

Spin Master has so much to offer. From board games to toys, we are in love with a lot of the things we have seen from them. Airhogs are just one brand they offer. Monster Jam was a favorite for my siblings and sons. But they have certainly branched out over the years to include some awesome things. 

Airhogs Super Soft Stunt Shot - This one is perfect for my toddler! She wants to play with the big kids, but man, is she rough! With this one, she can't hurt things. However, that being said, the whole family loves this one. It can flip itself back up if it happens to roll to its back. So no worries on getting it stuck. And the power? This little one can truly GO! It is like the new RC cars are on steroids. The stickers that come with it are for the kiddos to decorate it the way they want to.
My daughter lets the truck play with her unicorns.

NinjaBots - I wasn't sure how popular these guys would be. But I am happy to say that we were pleasantly surprised by their action. You program the language, pick their fighting style, and let them battle! They will imitate sounds of being worn out from a long fight and the 'winner' will do a victory song sequence that includes a light show in its eyes. We played them on the table to give them lots of room.

Monster Jam Megalodon Storm - I think this one is a favorite. All terrain wheels, that can go through water, and it has some serious power in its motor. My husband was very impressed by this one. One of the first times we played with it, it actually rolled right over the Airhogs one and kept going as though it was no big thing! 

Extra Info

First off, the trucks themselves charge by USB. We tried plugging them into the computers overnight so that they were ready to roll the next day. But we noticed that this way made for less battery time. So we used our phone wall charger adapter to charge them instead and the battery lasted way longer! (Engineer husband to the rescue!)

We have already seen them on Walmart shelves! So if you are looking for cool toys for Christmas gifts, consider these. You only have about 2 months left to get ready Christmas... 

Remotes for the trucks and the bots themselves take AAA batteries. So far, we haven't had to change them, which means they last long. Great for families! 

Leave me a comment about what you liked most! Did you play with RC cars while growing up?