Showing posts with label Hues & Cues game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hues & Cues game. Show all posts

Friday, August 13, 2021

Game Night With Hues & Cues!

Our family loves trying new board games. Even more so when we can share game night with family and friends. We did just that on my daughter's birthday. We had Hues & Cues.

*Disclaimer: I was sent this party pack in exchange for my honest review as well as hosting a party. All opinions are strictly my own unless otherwise stated.*

Party fun starts now!

My daughter had a great birthday! And afterwards, we wanted to play a game. So we did! Hues & Clues is all about colors. It was something I had never played. Actually, none of us had! It was a completely new concept. I wasn't sure how well it would be received. Amazingly enough, it was hilarious for us. You think you know colors until you play this game. Seriously! 

So, I start reading the instructions. We gather our pieces and put them in place. Our friend was going first as she had the most colorful outfit (that was what the rules said!). My husband had opened the cards and put them in front of her. But he forgot to remove the non-game cards. You know those ones they include that talk about another game by the same company? Well, she had grabbed that card. It showed something like a chalkboard in slate gray. So, here I am reading the instructions as she studies this card with a confused look on her face. That was the start of our fun! 

Once we got the cards sorted out, she chose the first color option card. There are four colors on each card. They have the coordinates that match on the board. Your job, if you are the one drawing the card, is to give a 1 word hint about one of those colors. Everyone takes a turn trying to guess the color. Then they give another cue, aka a hint. This can be 1-2 words. And again, everyone makes another guess. Then they tell the coordinates. There is a point system that you follow based on who guessed the right color or at least was the closest. At one point, the two clues for one color was "sand" and "donut". Talk about triggering laughter! Or how about "sand" and "lemon lime"?? Oh that really was funny. It gives you a clue to what people associate certain colors with. She beat us all! The game goes for 2 rounds and the one with the most points is the winner. Takes about 30 minutes. 

Want to get one for yourself? 

Here are the places you can find them at:

Target - $17.69

Amazon - $17.69

Barnes & Noble - $24.99

What do you think about it? Would this be something you would like to try out? Why or why not?? Leave me a comment and let me know!