Thursday, June 9, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 9 - The Garden Tomb

Easter Sunday. As a Christian, this is a time when I remember that the tomb was not where Jesus stayed after death. He conquered the grave, defeated death, and rose again as my Savior. I'm so glad that He did that for me. 

While in Israel, we were able to see the tomb that is believed to have belonged to Joseph of Arimathea. As a rich man, he had a freshly dug crypt in the rock. It was in reasonable distance of the rock they called Golgotha, of the place of the skull. 

Erosion over time has been erasing the skull-like appearance on the cliffside, however, old photos and a quick glance can see how it came to be named such.

This was important as they had to act quickly once permission was granted to take the body of Christ. They didn't have as much time to bury their dead properly as the Jewish laws did not permit it. 
The Garden Tomb is a lush garden that has so much more than just the tomb. It is a garden, after all.
Watch your head as you enter, the doorway is rather small. As you enter, to the left is where the body would be prepared for the burial. The ritual was to wash it, put the herbs or sweet odors on it, wrap it up and leave it. After a year, they would come back to find nothing but the bones left. These would then be moved into a stone box and put into one of the chambers on the right side. As large as this one was, it would have been for all his family members over time. However, this one was not used again (that I remember). Another reason for the belief that it belonged to Joseph. There was also a wine press. Something a rich person would have had would be their own wine press. Not to be shared like the ones they kept for the public to use.
Whether it was, or was not, the actual tomb that Jesus was laid in - doesn't matter! What matters is that He did not stay dead. And because of that, all people who believe in Him can have eternal life. What we have here on earth, isn't the best there is. It's what comes after that is all worth the struggle here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Smile Brilliant is Back With Another Review!

You know a company has great products when I'm back on here to showcase another one! This time, they have sent me the Water Flosser. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own. Affiliate links are included to track traffic from the blog.*

Flossing my teeth isn't something I enjoy doing. I have some that are closer together than others. My gums often bleed with the string floss, and it takes time.... which I don't seem to have enough of lately. But flossing is an extremely important part of oral health. I was skeptical about a water flosser, but trying one out has proven their effectiveness to me.

Smile Brilliant sent me the cariPRO Water Flosser to help me with my dilemma. 

Things to know about the cariPRO Water Flosser device

  • Shown to be 50% more effective than string floss
  • Using the water flosser results in 99.9% less plaque in the treated areas
  • Ergonomic slim design that easily fits on the bathroom sink 
  • 3 floss modes (normal, soft, pulse) with 4 specialty floss tips for even those with braces, restorations such as crowns and bridges, as well as periodontal pockets 
  • Easy interval timing 
  • Waterproof for shower or bath
  • 60 day easy return & 2 year manufacturer warranty 


It fits on my bathroom counter with my toothbrush. I am particularly appreciative of the variety in the tips that allow for different types of cleaning. What I wouldn't have given to have one of these back when I wore braces! I also like that I could use it in the shower. I have been in such a hurry before that I brushed my teeth in the shower. While it doesn't happen often for me, it can be helpful to get it all done in one go.

It has 3 levels of usage, from soft to normal to the pulse option. You can use what goes well with your comfort zone.  

There is also a battery indicator light that will assist in knowing when you need to charge it again. You don't have to have it plugged in all the time. I charged mine once and I've not done it again in two weeks! 

Another great thing is that there are 4 types of flossing heads you can use to fit your needs. So if you have braces or dental work/implants, there are changeable heads to make that easier to accomplish.

Where can you get it? 

I'm making it easy for you! Check out the link HERE. But remember, they have a great many other products as well. So don't hesitate to look around. You can also check out the previous reviews I have posted HERE and HERE. Oh yeah! And HERE is one, as well as HERE is one! Can you tell I love what they make??

What about this product appeals to you? What do you think is not appealing?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Israel Favorites: Part 7 - Remnants of War

It isn't as often that in America I come across reminders of hard fought battles. Sure, we have our memorials and museums, but they aren't generally in areas with heavy traffic that you might pass every day. At least not in places that I have lived. I suppose the one that fits this criteria the closest would have been the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. However, even this was in an entertainment area. You usually weren't there unless you were seeing the sights. 

This was at a memorial of the Yom Kippur War. Against incredible odds, the Israeli forces managed to hold their own and send their enemy running. Thankfully, it was during a time when most people were home with their families, celebrating life. So there weren't civilians everywhere as there may have been during another holiday.
Our AMAZING guide, Shraga, turns 81 this year. This guy is a hero that retired as a Lt. Colonel. He was recognized everywhere we went, with honor and respect and love from everyone. 

Israel is a different story. War remnants are along their highways. You see it at certain gates in the pock marks. And yes, they also have the museums. Some of the stories we heard from our guide were incredibly heartbreaking. He served in some the great battles in Israel. From the Yom Kippur War to the 6 Day War, among others. His stories were inspiring, yet so tragic.

Israel has a lot of conflict with the Arab nations around it. Egypt, in particular, had a leader so dead-set on destroying Israel that he said it didn't matter how many battles they lost to Israel, so long as they won one. I can't imagine being so headstrong that I'd sacrifice my own soldiers in an effort to just attempt taking out a nation I hated! But these nations have. Repeatedly. 

Tanks are left at one site, but you will see artillery from some others lying along the highway. A tank track is abandoned where it snapped off. Russia sent tanks to help the Arab nations. America sent planes and tanks to help the Israeli's. This one you see below shows an amazing moment, frozen in time. On it's side, you can see where it was grazed with a shot. But then you see the kill shot in the middle, just below it's gun.

Some gates stand in solemn reminder that hard battles were won in Israel. We passed through a couple times and couldn't help but gaze in wonder at what looks like a fortress against evil intent.

After Israel won its Independence in 1948, they knew it was time to set a new law in place. The Holocaust had taken a heavy toll on millions of Jews around the world. So many were displaced. So Israel opened their doors and called everyone "Home". They decided that any Jew, any where, any time, would be able to go home. To the land of their forefathers. Israel would nurture them. They would get them on their feet, to help them restore lives. 

The hardest, most heart wrenching, part of the trip was going to the Holocaust Memorial.  I couldn't even stay in the building or read half of the information given. You could easily spend an entire day walking through the Memorial alone. But the chilling stories of murder, deception, and the amount lives that were taken or destroyed is just staggering. 1.5 million deaths were that of children. I have a mother's heart. I can't understand how someone can be so heartless to kill a child. A special section was created to remember each and every name of the children lost. It was donated by a husband and wife who had their little boy ripped from his mother's arms and thrown into the crematorium. Uziel was his name.

His face is at the entrance to the hall that shines a light for each child, reads their names, ages and where they were from, while also showing their photos.
War is such an ugly thing. From it, however, comes beautiful reminders of the determination of the human race that also warn us of repeating mistakes.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Is Hello Fresh Really Worth Getting?

I love participating in sampling new products. Every once in a while though, we come across something that I shake my head and pass on. The most recent product came in my PINCHme box. They are pushing the Hello Fresh option. While I'm all for saving money on feeding my crew, or finding simpler recipes that are fully put together and don't require me to go shopping, I am not seeing the benefit for our family of 6 on this one. 

What is Hello Fresh? 

It is an automated payment system where you are subscribing to a weekly delivery of boxes containing food. Each meal is planned out for the amount of people included.

Here is what we have learned....

So the first thing we had to figure out were the prices and overall payment for the amount of time the deal was for. The one I was sent was for 6 weeks. In that 6 weeks, it would include meals for 4 people (problem #1 for us, since we have 6 family members). There would be 3 meals per week for those 4 people. So that is 12 meals. And over the 6 week period that leads us to 72 meals. First part of the math is done. 

Now the pricing fun. 

You really have to pay attention here. When they say you are getting a bunch of free meals, in my case - 17 free meals, they break it up. Here is the break down for you according the fine print on the card they sent me....

First week is half off with free shipping.

Week 2 is 35% off plus $9.99 for shipping. 

Week 3 is 20% off plus $9.99 for shipping.

Week 4 and 5 is 14% off plus $9.99 for shipping each week.

Week 6 is only 5% off plus $9.99 for shipping. 

That comes out to a total of $516. 47! For a total of 72 meals. With then translates to $7.17 per meal. Not bad if you are going by price per meal I suppose. Cheaper than eating out. However, for a family of 6, it is not even an option on their website. You can only choose 2 or 4 person plans. 

Any benefits? 

Not for us. But I suppose I would have to concede that if you are a couple who have busy schedules, or are open to multiple options and not just going by a meat and veggie option, then maybe you could make that work? Prices in the grocery stores have been a tremendous burden for a good deal of people. My own family is eating a lot of sandwiches and ramen lately. At the same time, we did the math. Roughly $200 allows me to make those 72 meals. They may not be fancy meals, but they fill my teenage boys. Depending on what the serving sizes look like, my giant sons probably wouldn't fill up on them. 

What about you? Would something like this be cheaper than your current food bill? Tell me about it in the comments below. I'd love to know who this would work for.