Friday, February 19, 2021

Snowed In Means - SCIENCE!

Texas has been in a state of emergency. We have been seeing single digits over most, if not all, of the state. Icy roads have ended school temporarily, meaning we had a whole week at home with the kids. Also shut down the need to go to work for many people. My husband stocks shelves at the grocery store and even he was told no shifts - which I was grateful for. The roads are finally thawing and we are just getting above freezing. The windows in our old house are all single pane. Every single one of them had frozen shut inside and out.

We have ice inside! 

So I thought 'It will be a fun time'. At first, it wasn't. Firewood was sold out in the stores when we went to looking for it. So I pulled out the heavy blankets, was keeping all the shades and curtains drawn, and we were bundling up as much as possible. They are still telling people to not use much electricity as the state grid isn't strong enough to handle all this. But then their "rolling blackouts" plan failed leaving most of our town in particular freezing in the dark anyhow. 

So how were we to pass the time? 

Four kids, shut inside, for the next "several" days, according to our governor. I needed to get creative so we could avoid our version of cabin fever. It would be one heck of a time. With below freezing temperatures dropping to single digits, and then in the negatives, we saw lots of snow again. Ice is still everywhere. And that gave me some ideas! 

She blinded me with science!

Mama just happened to remember that Pinterest posted picture of frozen water balloons. Inside, there was food coloring. You put them outside to freeze. The next day (or in our case, a few hours) you remove the balloon and you have beautiful colored ice orbs! 

Before the storm, we went to the Dollar Tree and I picked up some balloons. The kids helped me get the food coloring into them and I filled them with water. My husband laid each one in turn outside on the already frozen ground. We had a light layer of ice, with snow falling. 

Didn't take long for the snow to fall heavier and faster. Until there was easily an 3+ inches there. Icicles hung from every edge - doors, windows and eaves. By the time it stopped, we had 6 inches.

It is beautiful! But SOOOO cold! We couldn't take very long outside. Every step outside had to be done with several layers, good gripping shoes - the works! But so worth it to bring fun to the kids. I even saw where you could make these orbs glow with very small glow sticks! 

Sadly, our power went out. For 3 days. We abandoned trying to wait for it to come on and went to stay with my in-laws. They still had power and we were grateful to finally get warm again. Before we left, however, we learned how to make a fire with wet wood! The kids helped us drag sticks in from the branch that my husband cut down. They enjoyed helping out. They also ripped up the cardboard boxes we used to feed the flames. I considered this a valuable life lesson. Should they ever have need of starting a wet wood fire, they know how to do so!

Back to the balloons. I found that though we laid them out the night of the big storm, the part resting on the ground didn't freeze! This was lesson one for us. About the snow providing a protective layer that prevented the under side from freezing. The part exposed to the falling snow did. The kids loved when I showed them that. So I moved them up and flipped them over to freeze fully.  

After getting word that power was turned back on, my husband and I went to check it out. We wanted to make sure it was and check that the pipes hadn't burst, despite taking the recommended precautions. We also needed to wash the children's pants. They have been outgrowing their jeans rapidly during these cold months. One of my sons rips the knees of his athletic pants like paper all the time. While at the in-laws home, the gas line froze to the washing machine. We learned lessons on using a hand crank version. Definitely need a wringer with one of those! Perhaps Nona shall be getting one for her Mother's Day gift this year... We had a discussion on severe weather prepping. It is amazing what things you find yourself in need of!

While checking out the house, I checked on the orbs. Each one was covered in a thick layer of slick ice. Under the ice, you could see that the balloons were starting to split from the expanding ice. But they were pretty underneath. I took photos to show the kiddos until we could bring them home. It was fun to watch the progress. Both with the weather and the orbs. They also helped their aunt start building an igloo in the yard. I couldn't handle being out in the cold much. Made me hurt so much.

 Another way I love to pass the time is by working puzzles. This is a favorite pasttime for me. I find it calming. A way to clearly process my thoughts and find peaceful focus. Especially with this Nene Thomas fairy one!

Wherever you are, whatever your situation is, I hope you are able to find little fun ways to get through the days. As well as stay healthy and warm.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

R. W. Knudsen and the Pineapple Ginger Shot (review)

 My husband and I are really gearing up this year to have a cleaner diet. And with 2 of our children developing ongoing health issues, we are making this more of a family change. More fruit smoothies, more veggies with dinner, and more juice that isn't loaded with sugar. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for a review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

I love being a part of the Influenster community. You never know what you will get! For my first time, they sent me a 12 pack of Pineapple Ginger Shots from R. W. Knudsen. 

Get ready for a sharp taste.

Wow! Talk about a wake up call. This gets your tastebuds to respond sharply.  Mostly because of the reaction to the ginger and lemon juice. All organic! You really do have to take it like a shot. With about 2 mouthfuls per bottle. 

Why this one?

Only 30 calories per bottle, no fat or sodium, excellent source of potassium! Just heavily concentrated doses of organic ingredients that promote healthier living. 

Can't take the strong shot? 

The health benefits are worth it, but we noticed only one of our four kids could or even would handle them. The toddler called it spicy. Two others took a sip and said it was too strong. My oldest surprised me with how much he liked them. He drank his siblings' bottles. Kept calling it lemonade. My husband even said that the ginger tickled his throat kinda like you get when you feel a cold coming on. So... we decided to try out some creative ideas to see how well it can be used in other things. Like a smoothie or perhaps cooked with chicken for our family's Chinese night. 

I think I liked the chicken option best. The chicken was so tender and moist. For 3 chicken breasts, I used 2 bottles. But the flavor didn't hang on as well as I had hoped. But it was still really good. My kids loved it.

Their website has recipes you can check out as well. 
Where can you find their products?
They have a locator right HERE. You might be surprised where they are selling things.

Our thoughts...

I think the benefits of the potassium in a shot is excellent. And the fact that they are straight up organic juices and plants (ginger). I do have trouble with the taste. It is a strong ginger and lemon blend. However, I think mixing it would help. I can't wait to try it in a smoothie. As of writing this post, I haven't been able to make a smoothie yet. I think that would help with the taste while maintaining the benefits. I also like that these don't have to be refrigerated until open, so you can take them on the go.

Have any of you tried their juices before? I'd love to know your thoughts. Are you flavor over benefits or benefits over flavor when you choose products? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Valentine's Day Musings

I'm not a big fan of the holiday. It has been too much of a corporate thing. As a society, I believe we have moved away from it being about the celebration of love and friendship. Now it is a chance to get something we want out of a significant other. Flowers, candy and gems for the ladies. Sex for the guys. (Though I will say, guys, if you have to bribe her to get some, you are doing it all wrong.) Anyway... Not sure exactly when this transition happened, but disgusted with it nonetheless. However, it is not completely without it's merits. It makes for a great excuse to get away on date night (when you have someone to watch the kiddos). Every once in a while, it can be a time to send cards and gifts to others if you are into that sort of thing. My husband and I don't celebrate it as a couple. And we don't really have a family tradition for it. He and I celebrate the love we have for each other every day of the year. Ours is the kind of love where we try to out-give the other as much as possible, not just in things, but in affirmations and encouragement. So picking one day in the year to do so seems foolish to me.

What is with all the pink?! 

I guess I'm not really into the overload of pink everywhere. I'm a more mellow type of gal. I prefer blues, reds and, yes, the occasional black. And then there are the hearts. Hearts in general are mushy to me. So you won't catch me decorating the house with them. 

However, that doesn't mean that I don't have a trinket or two around the house that show off hearts. My favorite type of heart is the one with wings. Why? The phrase, "Give my heart wings that it may soar" comes to mind. It bears the meaning of freedom. Not being bound to limitations. I first fell in love with the winged heart when someone gave me a necklace. I treasure this necklace, despite not having any ties to the one who gifted it. It is a reminder that my heart is free.

I don't remember who gave me this or where they found it, but I love it. I've held on to it for all these years. I am reminded that we can't judge someone or something by what we see outside only. For there could be a gem hidden inside that shines through the rough edges. This looks like a tough nut on the outside, but inside it hides a beautiful heart. I have since given it to my son to keep with his geological collection.

These are the only hearts I deemed worthy of hanging on to. 

So tell me. What does Valentine's Day mean to you? Share your favorite memory or something you love about it in your comments below. I can't wait to hear them! And Happy Valentine's Day! Or Single Awareness Day! Both are equal in my book.

Monday, February 8, 2021

An Instant Glow Mask You Might Want to Try (Review included)

I love being a part of reviews. Trying new things and writing about them. I'm a member of various blogging groups that hook me up with great products. One of which is the Botanics All Bright Instant Glow Mask.

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

Who are Botanics?

Botanics is nature inspired. They have been established since 1995. Their commitment to creating healthier products is what caught my attention to begin with. They are vegan, cruelty free and do their best to stick with a more holistic approach. 

Why should you care?

I don't know about you, but my face is a mixture of dry patches and oily skin. Especially in winter. I hate the oiliness in particular. But not many products have worked out for me. Until now. I have been using this mask a few times a week now, and the results are amazing! My skin really does have a healthier glow to it. A lot less dry or oily too. You only need to use it 2-3 times a week, which is great when you have a busy schedule. You put a thin layer on, which means this tube will last you a good while. Let it set for 10 minutes and rinse off. Voila! Glowing, refreshed skin. I love how smooth it feels afterwards. 

Where can you find Botanics products?

Walgreens, amazingly enough, carries this brand. You can check out all that they offer HERE. They have a variety of products to suit all your skin care needs. Or you can just purchase from the Botanics website as well. 

My opinion of the product is...

Overall, I'm completely satisfied with the mask. I love the scent. It is just enough to notice, but not heavy enough to overpower. Great for those with sensitive smell and allergies. It contains hibiscus and vitamin c. I would definitely purchase it again and wouldn't mind getting some as a gift for the ladies in my life who are all about beautiful skin! Especially since it is made for all skin types.