Friday, February 12, 2021

Valentine's Day Musings

I'm not a big fan of the holiday. It has been too much of a corporate thing. As a society, I believe we have moved away from it being about the celebration of love and friendship. Now it is a chance to get something we want out of a significant other. Flowers, candy and gems for the ladies. Sex for the guys. (Though I will say, guys, if you have to bribe her to get some, you are doing it all wrong.) Anyway... Not sure exactly when this transition happened, but disgusted with it nonetheless. However, it is not completely without it's merits. It makes for a great excuse to get away on date night (when you have someone to watch the kiddos). Every once in a while, it can be a time to send cards and gifts to others if you are into that sort of thing. My husband and I don't celebrate it as a couple. And we don't really have a family tradition for it. He and I celebrate the love we have for each other every day of the year. Ours is the kind of love where we try to out-give the other as much as possible, not just in things, but in affirmations and encouragement. So picking one day in the year to do so seems foolish to me.

What is with all the pink?! 

I guess I'm not really into the overload of pink everywhere. I'm a more mellow type of gal. I prefer blues, reds and, yes, the occasional black. And then there are the hearts. Hearts in general are mushy to me. So you won't catch me decorating the house with them. 

However, that doesn't mean that I don't have a trinket or two around the house that show off hearts. My favorite type of heart is the one with wings. Why? The phrase, "Give my heart wings that it may soar" comes to mind. It bears the meaning of freedom. Not being bound to limitations. I first fell in love with the winged heart when someone gave me a necklace. I treasure this necklace, despite not having any ties to the one who gifted it. It is a reminder that my heart is free.

I don't remember who gave me this or where they found it, but I love it. I've held on to it for all these years. I am reminded that we can't judge someone or something by what we see outside only. For there could be a gem hidden inside that shines through the rough edges. This looks like a tough nut on the outside, but inside it hides a beautiful heart. I have since given it to my son to keep with his geological collection.

These are the only hearts I deemed worthy of hanging on to. 

So tell me. What does Valentine's Day mean to you? Share your favorite memory or something you love about it in your comments below. I can't wait to hear them! And Happy Valentine's Day! Or Single Awareness Day! Both are equal in my book.


  1. oh wow!!! These are so so cute!!! I love how simple and yet meaningful these pendants are...Amazing!!!

  2. That looks dainty and cute. Save it coz one day you will remember where and whom gave you this cutey :)
