Monday, December 21, 2020

Last Minute Christmas Ideas!

We are down to the wire, ladies and gentlemen. If you haven't finished your Christmas shopping yet, you better get a move on! But what to get? So many options out there. I have one suggestion if you have children in the 6+ age range. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge in exchange for my honest review and to host a Bakugan party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed for them. All opinions are my own.*

I'm an influencer with Tryazon. I host parties from time to time and in exchange, I get to try out various products. With that being said, Christmas time is here and it is when people are looking for great gift ideas.  There are a lot of toys out there. But few truly capture my children's attention. Especially in comparison with video games. When these Bakugan products arrived, all my kids were excited. Which made me excited. I limit screen time as much as possible. They get tons of that in school now. They need more hands on things to work their imagination.

So what is Bakugan?

Before hosting this party, I didn't really know much about Bakugan. I knew they were some kind of battle toy, and likened them to Beyblade. My husband knew about the show, but not much beyond that. They are way more fun than that. These are animal characters. With different attributes. Spin Master puts them out. Spin Master has been making amazing toys since 1994. They are also the producers of the shows Bakugan: Battle Brawlers and Paw Patrol (which is a show all my kids loved). The Bakugan start in ball form and you roll them into battle, which triggers them to spring open when their magnets go over the BakuCore pieces. But they go further than just the toys. There is a show. There is a YouTube channel. You can dive deeper into their world. Heroes and villians, and factions - not to mention the card game that goes along with them. My kids love card games. From Pokemon to Yugioh, they are branching out. So of course this catches their eyes.

What we thought about them.

We received three packs. There was the Bakugan Starter Pack that came with 3 characters: Sairus Ultra, Fangzor x Mantonoid and Howlkor x Ramparian. You get 6 BakuCores, 3 ability cards, 3 character cards, 1 gate card, as well as the instruction and rule sheets. I definitely suggest this one for the first gift. This will get the kiddos started and allow the perfect set to practice with.

Next, is the Baku-Gear pack. This one had the Pegatrix Ultra Baku Gear set in it. You can add gear pieces that make your Bakugan look more fierce. It also comes with 2 BakuCores, which are the hexagon shaped pieces in the game. Then you have your ability and character cards. This set is for the kid that loves the characters and wants to show off!

And finally, we have another Bakugan - the Nillious. This one is known as a Gate-Trainer. If you are just looking to build their collection, you will get sets like this. A single Bakugan with 2 BakuCores, a character card, and a collectible training card. 

We started by showing the kids videos on the channel. There are the show episodes, how-to's, reviews and battles that other kids have done. It was a great way to introduce them to the game.

Let the battling begin!

I am glad they gave this following video to guide us through the battling process. It also shows you how to use each piece.  

Where can you get them?

Target and Amazon provide you these and more of the Bakugan toys. I have also found them at Walmart.You can get many characters and should get the battle arena. It helps to be able to set up and keep the rolling Bakugan from rolling right off the table, as we have learned. 

Tell me what you think in the comments below. What would be your reason for getting something like this?

Monday, December 14, 2020

Diet Changes and Exercise for the New Year

Another year is approaching. 2020 has been draining in so many ways. Physically, with all the health problems. Emotionally, with all the distance that came with "social distancing".  Mentally, with trying to keep everything together and running smoothly. I would love to say I juggled everything in perfect harmony, however, the truth was I tripped and rolled through the goal posts often. Now, it is time to take action and make some changes.

Dietary changes take center stage

I had to make some serious adjustments to my diet after they removed my rotten gallbladder. Full of stones, that thing was causing pain for months. However, a gallbladder stores extra bile that assists in breaking down fatty foods that are ingested. Without it, my liver hasn't been able to keep up with that job. The list of things we have removed from my daily diet has been growing ever since.

All but mozzarella cheese

Fried or greasy foods - fries, onion rings, egg rolls, fried chicken

Tomato sauces


Ground beef

Peanut butter

Then, for a while after I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and couldn't eat anything too hard so pudding, yogurt and soups became my staples. Even then, eating or drinking cold things triggered pain. (Still do.) Especially when I developed dry socket. Around this time, my husband started having severe heartburn issues. Indigestion and heartburn can make an overnight stocking job extremely difficult. It is like having fire in your chest that tries to spill out every time he bends over. We both had to start taking the generic for Prilosec to treat GERD symptoms. 

It was at this point that we decided to substitute some things while taking out the carbs that are more dangerous. Instead of regular rice, we are now trying to add in cauliflower rice as often as possible. We make smoothies for one of the meals we have instead of eating a full meal. Most days, neither of us eat breakfast. I'm not much of a breakfast person. And since he works overnight, when he comes home - he just wants a shower and bed. If he has breakfast, it is typically granola cereal. I scoured Pinterest for ideas and decided that we needed to start having protein and veggies a lot more. My favorites are the variations on taco bowls. Super simple to put together, easy to make ahead, and tasty to boot! We have even started adding spinach to both smoothies and these veggie bowls I make. Doesn't seem like a big change, but I think it is taking off really well for us. 

Drink until you feel bloated!

I had a doctor tell me that I needed to drink until I felt bloated. Or until I felt like I was drowning. I don't suggest the latter phrase. But you should never feel thirsty. I once heard it as, "When you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrating." So we have a new way to gauge how much water we are drinking. I have 3 water bottles that are 16.9 ounces each. I have labeled them E1, E2, E3. I also made a set for him. This way, I know I'm getting at least 6 of those8 - 8 ounce water glasses that are suggested to stay truly hydrated. Sadly, my husband has seen that he may have an electrolyte imbalance as he drinks until he feels bloated and still feels thirsty. If that is the case for you, you need to add in electrolyte drinks (something like Gatorade, just find lower sugar ones).

Physical activity is a must!

Our biggest problem comes in working out. Or should I say, the lack of working out. We invested in a pull up bar. Not the best one on the market, but it has worked. My husband has some amazing upper body strength, whereas my strength has always been in the legs. He can pull himself up fully with his arms. I have to do it with my legs already propped up... 

My sister-in-law shared a downloadable book with me. Now, I'm not as tough as her. She can work all day, come home and work out for at least an hour, and then deal with her family. And I thought I was Wonder Woman! But as much as that makes me feel inferior sometimes, it can also push me to work harder. I start small. But I plan to finish big. 

Starting small, ending big! 

You know what I keep hearing? That you need to change something a little at a time to work up to the big change. What does that mean? Take my diet, for instance. I had an internal organ removed. After doing so, I learned which foods messed me up. Mostly by eating those things and paying the price afterwards.  I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, however, that doesn't mean my stubborn streak stays under control. I don't like being told what I can or can't do, eat, etc.. So of course I had to try to eat those foods and suffer the painful consequences after to realize that was a stupid decision. Now, I leave those things out. But it is trial and error. 

So my advice to you is to start small. Cut out one food at a time. Or two. Do one kind of workout, or two, per day. Fill up your 15 minutes a day with those until you get a routine started. Then add something else. If you try to start big, I can almost guarantee that you will fail. You will give up. Why? Because it feels impossible. I should know. I've been trying for 4 years to get back on track. Time and again, I've quit. I've walked away. Now, I don't have a choice. The pain has gotten stronger, the back has gotten weaker and now I'm having to deal with other health problems growing.

Dancing our way to health

We have decided to turn on a Just Dance game for our daily workout. You want to talk about working out? Dancers are fit for the one reason that their movements are often strenuous. We get our hearts pumping, start sweating and it only takes about 4-5 songs to fill 15 minutes. We also are both competitive, so it pushes us to work harder to beat each other in fun.  It goes by so much quicker than we thought. We love it! Even the toddler will join in. Once we are ready, I have a fit game that does simple, but deep workouts and keeps counts for us. But for you? Do what you love. Walking make your day? Then do it! It is low impact, but you can go at your pace. If you have access to a pool (YMCA has them indoors), do laps. I told my husband I want to try to get a membership with them so that I can workout without tearing up my back more. Water aerobics are great for that. You don't feel the strain. And remember, 15 minutes a day is what you need. Every thing over that is just a bonus accomplishment.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Building Self Esteem With Positive Reinforcement

 I have talked about viewing myself better with a change in style. But now I want to look at other positive reinforcements that will assist me in rebuilding my self esteem. Self esteem is built from that happy feeling as well as from accomplishments. Here are the ones I turn to. 

Look for the good in myself

“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” ~ Louise L. Hay

I have tried criticizing myself for many years. I have put myself down and told myself that all the lies I had been told by others were true. They had to be, right? Wrong! Just because life isn't looking so bright as I would want, doesn't mean that I am not the me I once knew. Just because I look different, or just because I have changed physically, doesn't mean I'm less than I once was. I have to remember this.  

Positive thoughts, bring positive action

Can't tell you how often I have let myself think negatively and things seemed to be negative indefinitely. However, when I let my thoughts be positive, things around me seemed to be going well despite the challenges. You have to get into the mindset of seeing the good around you in every aspect of your life. Only then can you keep the positivity going.  

Surround yourself with positive reinforcements

Those we spend time with affect our emotions, for better or for worse. You want to maintain certain levels in your life. Happiness is great, but to hold on to it forever isn't realistic. That doesn't mean you can't stay positive. Just know that the emotions of those around you will bend you their way. Seek to be surrounded by those who build you up. Not with flattering words, but with positive encouragement. Who remind you of your good qualities. But don't fear the constructive criticism you might also receive. Sometimes we need to be alerted when we are going in the wrong direction. Sometimes we need that push. Just make sure it comes from those you trust. 

Rainbows and Rainclouds

We received a book from some friends this past year. Rainbows & Rainclouds by Molly Campbell. Each night with dinner, we sit as a family and tell the best thing that happened as well as something bad that happened to each of us. This became so popular in our home that we continued the tradition beyond the book. I took a journal I was given and we record our responses daily. My kids will remind me now if I forget it. This serves two purposes for me. First, it gives me a way to see the good and bad events that happened that day to each of my family members, as well as for myself. Secondly, it gives us the chance to see the good beyond the bad. Too often, we find ourselves focusing on the negative events in our lives. They cast shadows over good times and dampen the joy we could have. 

Let's say you need to take it a step further. Maybe it is too hard to see those blessings in the darkness that surrounds you. My suggestion would be to carry a notebook with you. Every time something happens that makes you smile, write it down. Every time a good memory is triggered, write it down. Pay a bill in full or on time? Or both?? Write it down. These every day, run-of-the-mill events are little blessings. Little accomplishments. 

Put a smile on someone else's face today

Believe it when they say that bringing joy to another will increase your own happiness. Ever that warm feeling when you made someone else smile? I have. And I love it! It truly does lead to the spread of good will. They are more likely to make others happy in return. We have many sayings for this. Pay it forward and The Golden Rule (which actually originated in the Bible - Luke 6:31) being the top two. It is also the Ripple Effect. How one action can trigger ripples that follow. Good deeds from one will lead to many from others.
As a Christian, I attribute all these to God. I see every good thing as a blessing from him. How do you stay positive? I'd love to hear your ideas!  As we head towards a new year, maybe we need a little extra positive influence in our lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Gifting For the Guys in Your Life - Manscaped Review

We all have men in our lives. Grandfathers, fathers, brothers, friends - the list goes on. And sometimes, buying for these guys can be tricky. But it doesn't have to be. Especially if they are men who can grow undesirable hair. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for sharing my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

As part of my association with US Family Guide, I was introduced to the Manscaped company. I've seen some men's grooming products, but hadn't really put much thought into it. After all, my man tends to himself pretty well. But I couldn't help thinking that it didn't hurt to branch out. To introduce him to something new. They chose to send me The Lawn Mower 3.0. Designed for grooming groin and body hair. This little beauty had me awe when it arrived. 

Who are Manscaped?

They are the company that wants to provide men with the tools they need to maintain the wild hair that grows in uncomfortable spots. They have products that cover delicate needs. And the best part is, they put in the effort to make sure men don't have to. Their products are built to be strong enough to tackle a bush without losing the delicacy of nick-free comfort. Whether you are looking like a grizzly on the chin, want to smooth the back, or take the trim down south  - they got you covered!

Why would I buy this?

For the gentlemen - First off, I have heard plenty of jokes about a woman's leg, underarm, and pubic hair. And what you guys prefer women to do about it. As a lady, I can tell you, that I prefer a man who puts more care into his looks in return. Muscles alone won't cut it for me. Truth be told, they aren't even the highest selling point for me in particular. Second to brains, I look for sophisticated style. Nicely trimmed hair goes a long way. It shows that you are willing to put in effort to match or beat the effort I put in. My husband and I have an agreement. He shaves his face and keeps the mustache/goatee within reason, I will keep the legs and certain other areas smooth for his enjoyment. It is a two-way street, guys. And it goes a LONG way! So if you have nose hairs long enough to be touched by sunlight or excessive body hair that makes us wonder if you are the missing link - you might want to pay attention.

For the ladies - I know what you might be thinking, this would be an embarrassing thing to give to someone, right? My question to you would be WHY? We all have hair. And many of us have it in unwanted places. Shaving can be uncomfortable. Most of us have done it, or are still doing it. Probably started as young as 12 years old. So here are my thoughts. 

  1. Guys don't often do their homework when searching for products. Either they are embarrassed or they don't feel the need to. That alone is a good reason to help them out. 
  2. There are multiple options. I'm not suggesting you get The Lawn Mower for your boss or Dad. That would be WEIRD and so wrong. But maybe Dad or Brother has unsightly nose hairs. This might be a polite nudge that gets them trying to look neater. And maybe your significant other has a bush bigger than yours. There is such a thing as too much. But these aren't the only TOOLS they offer. And certainly not the only products. They also have male nail grooming kits. Have a guy who can never seem to keep the claws within reason? There are two kinds to choose from.  
 The Lawn Mower 3.0 
This little bundle of magic came with a lot of neat things. A silky smooth bag to keep it in, a brush to clear away hair, a charging station for the rechargeable battery. This smooth device is waterproof and ergonomic to make it as comfortable and versatile as possible. Comes with a light to guide you in the darker crevices too.
Even I was getting excited and thinking I need a female version...

But, wait! There is more!

They have the Formulations and Lifestyle products to peruse. The first section covers items they make to enhance the male grooming experience while the second one offers more luxury and comfort. 

So tell me your thoughts. Why would, or wouldn't, you consider their products? Leave me a comment below!