Tuesday, February 5, 2019

When They Love Plants vs Zombies

My son turned 9 this month. And for his birthday, he decided that a Plants vs Zombies party theme was what he wanted. Of course we were 2 weeks from moving day when we started talking about this party of his. I always give them the choice of theme. But why does it have to be PvZ?! This is not in my comfort zone... Still, I do my best to create the party they dream of. Even mid-move! 

Planning starts with invitations. A party needs guests and since we are moving long distance, I had to give him a chance to hang out and socialize with his buddies near here before the move. After that... well, it might be a while before he sees some of them again. If ever. 
After the invitations, I decided to design his birthday cake. We agreed to make it ourselves to save money. But I didn't want to do the same one I had done for my older son. I made him the sunflower one. Fun and easy. Made from a round cake and Twinkies for the petals. No, this time I got a little ambitious. I mean, how hard can it be? 
At first I thought I'd make some characters using marshmallows. That was a mess. I had green fingers to show for it. And a perfect specimen for the show Nailed It. I was aiming for this guy and came out with...
Can't help but laugh. And then try something else! I figured I might have better luck creating paper ones that I can put on the cake using toothpicks instead. When I told the kids, they decided to do it for me! Can't blame them. After all, they saw my first attempt...
I also decided to use Golden Oreo cookies for the sunflowers. And grapes shooting green M&M's for the Pea Shooters. My daughter had some rectangular shaped graham cookies that I turned into headstones.
As for snacks, I thought popcorn, green grapes and watermelon bites would be perfect additions. They fit with the characters from the game. Plus, they are healthier options. Overall, I think it went well. He was thrilled with it all. Some of his friends came and celebrated with him. Quite the happy party!
In the middle, I used mini marshmallows, covered in green frosting to make the "bushes" that are in the game.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Moving Through the New Year!

So how is your 2019 coming along so far? Can you believe that we already completed a month in this new year? Wasn't last night when we celebrated New Year's Eve? *sighs* Time keeps getting faster. Or maybe I'm just slowing down... I did turn 31 last month, after all. Now, I'm also planning a birthday party for my younger son who is turning 9! He wants a Plants vs Zombies party.

Did you have a resolution? I didn't. I mean, let's face it, resolutions have high failure rates. I did have goals. Things I want to accomplish. And so far, several things are falling in to place to make those goals come to fruition. 

  • Move 
  • Be more organized
  • Begin homeschooling again
  • Get on a new program to get my back fixed
  • Create my steampunk cosplay
  • Try out Urban Exploration
  • Start a garden
 My husband and I are moving next week to be closer to family. Next week! *insert happy dance here* This has been a dream long in the making. I started packing months ago. And now, I'm happy to report, we should have everything completely boxed by Thursday. I've been weeding out the junk we can live without and boxing up everything else. We found a beautiful little duplex with a fireplace, spacious closets EVERYWHERE and a carport. My husband will miss his garage space, but he will have an outdoor storage room instead to put all his tools in. We also had to give up a yard, but will be near two family members' homes that have large yards. Plus, there should be some parks close by. My dashing husband took my advice and got a suit for interviews use.
$20 at Goodwill led to impressing his new boss and landing the transfer he needed to get us up there. Plus, he hopes to start looking for a job in the engineer field, so he will need to have a suit for the interviews to come. Well worth the investment! The first dream is coming true!

I have also been planning to get more organized. The realization has come that as the kids have grown, so has my need to keep things in order. They all have needs and I have to adapt to those needs. So with this move, I am planning on ways to keep everything together in its proper place. No more random clutter and junk everywhere. I find that I stress out more when I look around and see things everywhere. I love being a minimalist. However, with kids, that isn't always possible. So I want to make everything more manageable. I've found ideas on Pinterest to keep me on track.

Homeschooling has been on my mind lately. The public school system is frightening to put it lightly. And if we are to be perfectly honest, all they are learning is how to take and pass a test. That is the main goal. But there is so much more that our children deserve. I want them to excel. I want them to grown mentally as well as physically. To surpass the limitations of mainstream society. I want them to know how to succeed in college and in life. So, with that dream, I am thinking that if it is possible I want to start teaching them at home. I've begun to research curriculum. I started a Pinterest board for that as well (love Pinterest!) that has all kinds of projects, helpful tips and websites I could use to get started with. My husband agreed that he would like this as well. We will teach more than just the required subjects. We will study life skills that have been lost in the recent generations. 

My greatest dream is to get my back fixed so that I can be healthy and vibrant again. In order to do this, we have to get me somewhere that has a spinal clinic included in the program that services poor people. Where we are now, I can't get help. They closed down the spine clinic right when I finally got my referral. 

My Mom sent me so many amazing things to help me create my ultimate steampunk cosplay.
This year, I'm finally going to complete it! I have a fully finished top hat and all the trimmings to turn my dress, skirt, shirts into my time traveling inspired outfit! Cannot wait!

Urban exploration is a bigger sensation than I ever thought below. And I think we have a good chance of seeing some great abandoned places where we are moving. It is like walking through history sometimes. From things as simple as a condemned house to an amphitheater. Or as grand as the abandoned Soviet hanger with shuttles still parked inside?! It is so exciting to me!

And finally, I want to start growing things. It will be a bit trying as we don't have a yard. So I'm looking at ideas to build a platform garden. Pinterest, again, came through for me on this one. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

How One Book Can Make a Huge Difference in So Many Ways!

How can you help National Park personnel who have been affected by the government shutdown as well as the parks they serve in? While also promoting your child to read a book that teaches them the importance of our National Parks? I have the perfect solution: The Adventures of Brock Cliffhanger & His Jr. Park Rangers!

*Disclaimer: I was not paid or endorsed for this book review. I own a physical copy of one book and the digital copy of the other. All opinions expressed are my own.*
Mark Villareal has been writing for some time now. I've had the pleasure of reading several, if not all, of his books. Lately, he has branched into writing a children's series. One that teaches kids the importance of our National Parks. His first book in the series was The Adventures of Park Ranger Brock Cliffhanger & His Jr. Park Rangers: The Missing Hikers of Allegany State Park. Not only does it tell the story of hikers gone missing, but it teaches the importance of proper safety while hiking. Now he has written the second book in the series. The Adventures of Park Ranger Brock Cliffhanger & His Jr. Park Rangers: Mountain Rescue: Preserving Our Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Readers also learn about the parks in these books. The proceeds of this second book are currently being donated to the National Parks Conservation Association.

Brock Cliffhanger brings a legend, that is bigger than life, to a reality that inspires children. He is the mentor of two kids that became Jr. Park Rangers. Their love of National Parks brought them to the program where they learn how to pay it forward and teach others. I fell in love with their story at the first reading. And was quite happy to share it with my children. I believe it teaches valuable lessons.  Our youth will be the ones shaping and changing the future. What they learn now, will decide what they choose to do later.

Now, I will be sharing the second in the series with them. I just purchased the digital copy today! This one teaches the importance of careful camping and respecting the parks with our actions. The Smoky Mountains went through devastation after careless people started a wildfire. It affected so much more than the park, however. Future generations can avoid making those same mistakes if they learn how to care and pay it forward. 

These books are perfect for grades 1-6. Or ages 6-11. I read to my kids, ages 6-10. And they all loved it. We discussed the book and some of the important points in it.

But enough of my talking. Here is where the truth shows through in action!

Monday, January 14, 2019

True Love Doesn't Need a Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Stores were putting out goodies before Christmas had even passed. Now we are seeing red and hearts everywhere we look. 
It is the one day a year that most people expect to be shown exceptional love. Sadly, most of these people are shallow and don't realize they are missing out the rest of the year. Ever notice how much effort is put into showing off how they were spoiled on that one day? I'm happy to say that my husband spoils me every single day. No, he doesn't buy me expensive chocolates so that I can complain about gaining weight. He's smart enough to know that fresh flowers are not going to last and that the mess they leave doesn't bring me joy anymore. I'm not the type that wears jewelry often. And of course, even if I wore jewelry more, diamonds wouldn't be preferred. I'm a pearl, silver and costume piece sort of girl.

Learn the Love Languages

So what is left for him to do? The things that matter most to me. He knows my love languages. He and I learned them during our pre-marital counseling. And he has learned to speak them fluently. He takes out the trash for me. He helps change diapers for me. Let's me nap or sleep in when I'm having a hard day with my pain. Showers me with kisses and hugs me as often as he can, but more so when I am finding I don't have the strength to get through the day. He leads our family with God as his inspiration, doing daily devotions with the children and then with me. He encourages me whether I show signs of needing it or not. My list could go on.

Take the Time to Know

He knows that I don't take empty words. My previous marriage taught me that a guy will say anything to get what he wants and to break you down to dust afterwards. Love is not a feeling. So show me how you feel about me with your actions. I like gifts, but make them meaningful. Something I not only want, but things I truly have use for. I'm a minimalist at heart, so I don't like clutter. However, the flip side is that he won't give me a treadmill, no matter how often I talk about needing to lose weight. Or a vacuum, when ours breaks. Not as gifts. Show that you listen and understand, but don't throw something like that at me as your way of "love" gifts. He has more class than that. I know, women are fickle, right? So what gifts does he give? He took me on lunch dates, when we could afford it. He bought me the Purple Pillow to help with my neck and head pain. And I LOVE that pillow! It has brought me better sleep than before. He made sure I got padded floor mats for the kitchen since I loved to cook and bake, but couldn't stand on the concrete floors long enough to do it. So what does your significant other like?

Don't Judge Your Relationship by Social Media Standards

I used to be so jealous of my friends, thinking they had dream marriages with the perfect family dynamic. Today, I can tell you that no matter how fairy tale-ish their lives are through their social media posts, they have nothing on us!

My husband and I don't fight. No need to. Ever. We are both intelligent, logical-thinking beings. We talk through difficult decisions and pray. And we made a conscious choice before we got married about disagreements. You see, when we were in counseling, we were asked about conflict resolution. How would we handle an impasse? First, we talk. Boy, did I have to learn on that one... I like to bottle things up and say, "I'm fine" while inside I feel like dying. But now, I'm able to say anything and know that he can handle it. Then we pray. God leads our marriage. And we trust in Him to guide our paths. If we still are not completely in agreement, he makes the ultimate choice and I back him up. It doesn't happen often, but it is a decision that we made in counseling and I have held to it since. I don't always agree, but I stand by his decision and own it as my own. I respect him. More often than not, his choice turns out to be the best one. 

So what does Valentine's Day mean to you? 

Be completely honest with yourself when you try to answer this one. It means nothing to me. We don't need Valentine's Day. I still say it is more Single's Awareness Day. A chance for ooey-gooey fools to taunt those who have not. For single people to be pressured by the belief that everyone needs someone else. They will spend their billions, according to USA Today. But the stigma stays that most of it is done with the belief that they will get something out of it in return. So what good is Valentine's Day then? 

For a while, when I was growing up, my family didn't think of Christmas as a holiday to celebrate. It is over commercialized and has moved away from its original meaning. Instead, we celebrated Valentine's Day. Gave each other meaningful gifts then. It was the holiday associated with love after all. But now, we are celebrating Christmas. We have returned to the true meaning. As for Valentine's Day... For my husband and I, it is just another day. Another day to profess how much we love each other. To continue doing what we do best. Love one another as no one ever has before. Better than anyone would ever love us again. 

Don't use Valentine's Day as your catch up for the rest of the year. Not as an excuse to buy something or do something nice for your love. Live every day as though it is your last. Morbid, you say? Or is too harsh a reality for you? I've witnessed the loss of someone as young as 4 years old, a woman who just turned 21 and a young man in his 20's. All in excellent health and vitality. But within a moment, their life was gone. They hadn't planned on it. Life just happened. How much more so for you? 

So what do you do? 

Tell them you love them. Often. My husband and I say it so much more than once a day. And it never gets old for us. It's not just words. There are true feelings behind them. How do I know this? His actions back up his and my actions back up mine. 

Show them how much you love them. Love is an action. So put your actions forward. Do the things you know they wish you would. My husband loves when I hug him after a long nights work. Or when I have lunch ready when he wakes up in the afternoon. I appreciate it when he takes out the trash and changes the baby for me. Or how about when he washes the dishes for me after dinner? 

Learn their love language. My husband is big on Physical Touch. Most men are. And I'm not just referring to sex. It brings him joy when I reach out to hold his hand, when I pull him in for a close embrace or even when I take his arm as we walk together. It is simple, yet says so much. Acts of Service are on top for me. Don't tell me, show me. Nearly 8 years of being lied to in my first marriage taught me that words mean nothing when they are followed by abusive actions. 

Don't get upset at them when they don't do or say XYZ unless you first let them know it is expected. Do you know that one of the biggest issues in a relationship these days, is lack of communication? I'm talking true conversations here. With both parties actively listening. Nope. Most couples split up because they don't know how to truly listen. They don't know what is expected or why. Why? Because the other person doesn't know how to say it and just gets mad instead. 
And the most important part of loving someone? Don't do it and expect reciprocation. If you truly love someone, you will find yourself doing things to make the other person happy as that is what brings you happiness. Otherwise, you get cranky when you didn't get what you wanted in return. That isn't love. That's just an exchange. That is like the couple who buys something for the other to justify spending money on themselves. "I bought you a $100 camera, so I can buy myself a $500 toolbox." "I spent $60 on a video game for you, so that I can spend $150 at the salon." That isn't really love, sweetheart. And if you show this person that you are doing things to make them happy because it makes you happy to see their joy, chances are good they will reciprocate. Especially if they really love you back. Not saying this always happens. Not all relationships are two-sided, no matter how much you wish it were. And maybe this will bring that to light. 
I'm not holding back love to be given more on one day than the rest of the year. I'm keeping that fire roaring every single day, for as long as we both shall live. In every way I possibly can, I will show him that his happiness brings my own happiness. And I will revel in the love he shares with me.