Friday, December 7, 2018

Watch Ya Mouth and Bring On the Fun Times!

Our family enjoys a good board game from time to time. Especially when we head up to my in-laws. It is a wonderful way to connect, relax and even learn a little more about each other. Which is why I'm happy to introduce you to Watch Ya Mouth!

*Disclaimer: I was chosen through my association with US Family Guide to write a review on this product. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*
What kind of gamer are you? Simple games? Quick games? Family-oriented? Well, we like branch out. We like to get silly. This game brings silly to the table.  
Quick facts about the game:
  • Best for ages 8 and up
  • For 3-10 players
  • Comes with 2 sizes of mouth pieces, big and small! (Dishwasher safe!)
 You get 200 cards with references from the 90's that you have to say while wearing the mouth piece. And your team uses the timer to try and guess what it is you are really saying. The more your team guesses correct before the timer runs out, the more you score! You go 4 rounds and rake in as many points as you can!
Remember when scrunchies were cool? When "yo", "that's dope" or "that's tight" were common expressions? How about the phrase, "Party in the front and business in the back"? Leave me a comment below if you know what that refers to! Well, this game brings those things back in full force. 

The mouth piece reminds me of the headgear I used to wear with braces....

Playing this game was hilarious! My 8 year old son was winning the most. We played it again when my in-laws came down for Thanksgiving. We laughed so very much. And as they say, laughter is the best medicine!  
Watch Ya' Mouth 90s Edition will take you back to a brighter, more simple time when Scrunchies were cool and Marky Mark was a musician. With the 90s bundle, you get twice the content and nostalgia for days! That's tight, yo!

VOTED BY FANS: 90's version exists because of YOU!
From the company that made Watch Ya' Mouth, the top selling, original, award-winning party card game
Watch Ya' Mouth: 90's Edition combines the game play you've come to know and love with the nostalgia of all things 90's
Bangin' phrases such as "Billy Ray's Mullet" and "Gameboy" will bring it all back for a night of dope fun!
3-10 players wear cheek retractors and speak out 90's phrases while teammates guess what they are saying
Includes 300+ Family-Safe phrases. Great for all ages including kids who are 8+
Watch Ya' Mouth 90s Bundle - Save 30% off Watch Ya' Mouth 90s Edition bundle pack (voted by
fans!) by using the code "Flannel" at Includes Free Shipping. .@usfg

Friday, November 30, 2018

Settle In For Your Best Sleep Ever! (+ discount)

Getting a good nights sleep is always essential to healthy living. However, there are many things that get in the way of sleeping well. Besides stress or insomnia, some people sleep hot, can't sleep because the sheets slip and bunch from not fitting well or they wrinkle up. Everyone has a sleeping style. A way they typically sleep (or lose sleep). For us, we sleep hot. So having sheets that have the cooling technology is incredibly helpful. With Settle In, we can get just such a set that adds comfort to our sleep. 
*Disclaimer: I was sent this product through my association with Ripple Street, free of charge in exchange for my honest review and to show them off at a party. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed.* 

I was so excited when I heard about Settle In. They have so many options to fit your needs. They list out the sleeping styles as follows:
  • Sleep hot
  • Sleep green
  • Sleep naturally
  • Sleep easy
  • Sleep tight
My husband and children, without a doubt, sleep hot. They have terrible dreams from overheating. More than once have I felt the sheets and pillow case dampened after my husband has slept on them. I think I would have preferred to pick something from the Sleep Green line, with the sustainable bamboo option, but I'd rather my husband cool off for a change.
I ordered the 525 thread count cooling cotton solid 4-piece sheet set in Dusk Blue. The color is beautiful! And they are so soft. I threw a house party to show these amazing products off. 

Then came the party! 

Ripple Street sent me all kinds of goodies to throw a fantastic party and share the news about Settle In. Hot/cold face masks, discount cards, grip sticks for our phones, coasters, lotion and book light for yours truly.
I made brownies and got some cookies to have with milk.
After all, if you are talking about sleep then you need to have a pre-slumber party! And slumber parties need great treats. 

Now is the time to buy! 
They are currently offering free shipping on all orders. They are also giving a portion of all sales to the REED Foundation for Autism. That's a cause I can sympathize with. Whether you want sheets for yourself, for your guests or as gifts - you are bound to find the perfect set or for your needs. 
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. What product do you like the most? Want to sae 20%? Use code GETSETTLED at checkout! Good until December 15th.

Sleep your best! Sleep well so that you can live well! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

6 Things I Learned When My Daughter Had Her Tonsils and Adenoids Removed

A simple procedure, but it takes so much planning and time... who knew that having my daughters tonsils and adenoids removed would require me to step up my Mom game? I had mine out around her age, but of course I don't remember much besides getting a Popsicle in the hospital afterwards. I certainly learned a thing or two, however, that I think other parents can benefit from. 

Why did we do it? 
First off, this wasn't something we wanted to do. But this kid went through 3 bouts of strep throat and antibiotics before the pediatrician said no more! Her little body can't handle that much. Plus, according to the specialist we were sent to, she had very large tonsils. Probably why she snored so heavily. And SO loud! You have to understand why and truly be on board with it before agreeing to it. Her tonsils took up a huge part of the back of her throat. There was no escaping the need. No coming up with excuses and putting it off.

Stock up on all the essentials. 
Since she could only eat soft things for up to 10 days, Popsicles, ice cream, yogurt, pudding and jello were the top items to get. She didn't like jello or pudding, so we stuck with the other things. Then you might consider things like broth - but remember it has to be served cooled/room temperature. I also got Pedialyte to make sure she got some nutrients. Aside from that, water is the best thing she can drink for a while. 
Remember to schedule it carefully. 
We scheduled it right before the Thanksgiving week break so that she only had to miss a day and a half from school. Didn't want to get into trouble or have her falling behind in her studies while she was recovering. Recovery is for 10 days. Whether your child has school or you have work - schedule accordingly! I found that talking to the teacher ahead of time was a huge help. If needed, they can provide school work to keep your kiddo up to speed.

Have someone available to help. 
I strive to be a Wonder Mom every day. It is not easy - that's for sure. It can be so tiring at times. And after something like this, you need someone to tag team for a day. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning, even though her surgery was scheduled for 7:30 (and didn't get under way until 8). So we had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Then after her surgery, we stayed for her 4 hour observation period. By the time we got home, I was exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open. Thankfully, my husband took the night off and happily watched the kids while I laid down for a nap. Remember that it is not only because we are waking so early, but the stress can wear you out too. 
At other times, her siblings tried to keep her company and have been helping her when she asks for something. Even my boys have been spoiling their little sister - and they are usually the ones arguing with her!
Be firm -_-
I can't tell you how difficult this has been. On the fifth day since her surgery and this girl has been really begging for other foods. She almost tricked me into letting her have a chip. Talk about wanting to pull my hair out! I have finally gotten graphic in my responses. Talking about having to go back for more surgery wasn't cutting it. So I had to go into detail. "You eat these foods, you could rip out your stitches. You will bleed a lot and I have to take you back to the hospital where they do more surgery. Then you miss Thanksgiving dinner. AND miss out on more than 2 days of school." Harsh, right? But she needed the wake up call. She was asking for chicken nuggets, chips, sandwiches, fries... Yes, these things smell so good and make our mouths water - BUT - NO! So steel yourself. It will come and you will want to cave at those big baby eyes, pleading for mercy and begging for something they can't have. But be strong. Say no. 

Have fun with it! 
My daughter started begging for regular foods without 3 hours of her surgery. And every time since that I made the family something that she wanted, she made comments about how good it smelled or how she wanted some "so bad!". My husband got to the point where he would sit there and take a bite while closing his eyes and saying, "Mmmm". Now before you tell me how cruel this is, remember that for the week before her surgery, she did nothing but talk about how she was going to eat Popsicles and ice cream every single day while we had to eat vegetables! My, how the tables have turned... Now she can't wait to have those home cooked dinners. 

I hope you don't have to deal with such things. They can be so exhausting and stressful. But if you do, I hope this list of helpful hints makes it just a little bit easier for you!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Taking The Mommy Hook To My Local H-E-B Grocery Store

Sharing The Mommy Hook as often as I can! 

While on a recent shopping trip to our local H-E-B, I brought along a Mommy Hook to introduce as well as give away. The Mommy Hook is the perfect gadget for parents and caretakers alike. They really do give you an "extra hand"! We have been using ours for shopping and times when we are carrying too much with the baby around. I absolutely love it! It is the ultimate stroller accessory that can also be used for holding things to a cart. I wrote a review on it that you can read here
I highly suggest it as a Christmas gift idea. I have decided to pair it with a couple other Mom gadgets to complete an ideal gift collection. You can find out where they carry them locally.
I also suggest that you look them up on Facebook here, as they have been posting a lot of helpful tips for parents.

With my last Mommy Hook, I have put together a gift basket idea to take to a Christmas party where I know parents will be present. One set of parents in particular that I think would truly enjoy these have three kids. One is autistic and one is an infant. Their hands are kept busy everywhere they go. I'm hoping the Mommy Hook will make it easier for them to get around.
What do you think? Am I on the right track with this??
Do you know anyone who can benefit? Who is left on your Christmas gift list that needs help?