Monday, May 21, 2018

Be The Observant Parent, Not the Passive One

Tonight I write of a frightening event that I found out about today. A boy in my sons class brought a knife to school. Second grade. Little boy. With a knife?! What is going on with today's kids?? Since when do kids do these types of things? What was he thinking? This comes right after the kids heard about the Houston high school shooting. And the school sent home a letter in all the kids' backpack that it has been taken care of. Which according to the little boy that is in my sons class and lives across from us, means that the boy was kicked out of school for the rest of the year. Which is a little under 2 weeks. The letter also stated that no one was in danger. Who do you think you are kidding?! A sharp kitchen knife can be just as dangerous as a gun in the wrong hands. Maybe even more so! After all, it's a far less noisy killer. How many kids could have been stabbed before someone realized what was going on?? 

I'm infuriated. I fear for my kids going to school. Maybe I'm overreacting to some parents. I admit to being overprotective. I love my babies and I do everything I can to protect them, while knowing I can't protect them all the time. 

After talking to the parent of the child who clued us in to more of what happened today, she was telling me of a game that is becoming quite popular. Bendy and the Ink Machine. At first glance, it looks a little weird, but okay. Then you read the description and it talks about the character facing his demons. Sounds a little more mature... Then I watched the game play with my husband of the first chapter. My impression? Not worthy of a child's eyes. One room has a cartoon character strapped to a movable table that looks like his chest cavity has been ripped open or something burst out of it. A scary apparition of some sort jumped out and you see this witches circle pentagram on the floor. Sadly, most parents that allow their kids to play this one probably don't even realize what is in it. It is a free download on Steam. Anyone can fake their age on there and get what they are wanting to download. 

I don't believe that video games are the reason there is more violence in the world. Not entirely. Take Minecraft. Yes, you have to kill zombies or creepers or even a giant spider from time to time. But I happily allow my kids to play it and join in their game. It's a building game. And so mild that anyone can play without fear of nightmares. They play Plants vs Zombies too. First person shooter, but it is really plants killing zombies or vice versa depending on which team you want to be on. Mario Kart is racing. Love it! So many games can be played without giving way to anger or hatred. It is the attitude and the upbringing that can lead to more violence than these games. My husband and I love playing Black Ops, 7 Days to Die and Battlefield. Don't see us raging and wanting to kill. 

Parents - pay attention. Don't be the parent that finds out their child has major issues. Not if you can help it. Play an active role in your kids life. You only have one shot. Make it count.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Dr. Jacobs Naturals Review

My family has been steadily trying to move in the direction of all natural products. With so many chemicals and unpronounceable ingredients in the health and beauty lines, it can be difficult to find ones that are free of what I like to call "junk". And being that I married a man who comes from a family of sensitive skin people, chances are good that my daughter will follow with that. So we have to be careful with what we use. That is why I was eager to try out Dr. Jacobs Naturals

*Disclaimer: I received these products, free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed for my words. All opinions expressed are my own.* 
Teaming up with US Family Guide, Dr. Jacobs Naturals wants to get the word out, through bloggers about their products. They are as they advertise, natural! I was sent three products to try. 
Minty Cucumber Mojito Loofah Exfoliating Castile Soap is a bar soap. Not often do I like bar soap, but this one has my seal of approval! I use it on my skin as well as my feet to exfoliate all over. And the scent is quite alluring. I also appreciate the fact that it is a large bar. These are not like the little ones you buy in stores. 

Almond Honey Castile Liquid Soap came in a pump bottle. This is for both face and body wash. I thought the smell was more cherry than almond or honey. Perhaps the blend of the two made it so. It was too cherry for my liking, however. I used this on my hair first. Being a pure castile soap as it is, it is supposed to work well for anywhere you choose to use it. My hair did not like it as much as my hands did though. It felt a little oily afterwards. I think it is best used for body and face instead. My  husband thought the scent was too overpowering for him. While his hair was not as greasy-feeling as mine, it was definitely a little more weighty than he feels it normally is after being washed. I used it in my baby's bath too. Her skin was silky smooth and she liked the smell. I know because she kept putting her face near the water to breathe it in.
Lastly, I have the Charcoal Castile Soap. This is also a face and body wash. I used this one on my legs to shave with. Lathers up really well! And deep cleans.
I could feel the exfoliation it was doing while I was washing with it. I had thought charcoal was more of a fad, but now I see why so many people are using it. My husband used it to shave with on his face. It did help with the shaving process and made him feel smoother, but the smell triggered a headache for him. He said it was too strong for him, though I thought it was just right. 
Overall, I love these products. I love how my skin feels after using them. I like the scents, well except for the almond one that reminded me of cherries. I am also glad that these are made of more natural products. As the saying goes, if you can't read the ingredients, then it probably isn't very good for you. 
Let me know what you think about the products and the company! Would this be something you would use? Let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Artistic Product Review

Time to clean up the desk space, or in my case, create one! is working with Artistic to help us do just that. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product, free of charge, in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise endorsed or told what to say. All opinions are my own.*

I have been enjoying the benefits of for quite a while. They are the largest e-tailer of office supplies. Their teaming up with Artistic has allowed me to share a special product that I really like. The Artistic Lift-Top Pad Desktop Organizer is both creative and purposeful.
It adds extra space to your desktop by allowing you to put things under the clear overlay flap. Important reminders, favorite pictures or even a daily note of to-do's are visible while not in the way of your computer working or desk layout. I'm also a fan of the fact that I can wipe it off neatly if anything gets on it and not worry about the things under the overlay being damaged.  
It grips your desk nicely so that it won't slide around as well. With my kids always around, this is a definite plus. I don't have to worry about them pushing or pulling it around the table. 
What do you think of this product? Let me know how useful it might be for you in the comments below. Check out Shoplet and their other office supplies. Also, they carry more than just typical office supplies. They have medical supplies, cleaning supplies and office furniture.  
Thanks for reading! More reviews coming soon.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Today is that one day a year, dedicated to honoring and loving the "Mother's" in our life. A day when we remember and are remembered for all the things we do. All the sacrifices we make daily. All the love we pour out for our children. Being a parent is the hardest job on earth. No matter what anyone says. Nothing is more difficult than raising a child. It is more than just feeding, bathing and clothing them. You have to teach them. From the language to the movements, from hygiene to manners, from self esteem to thinking for themselves and thinking of others. You are preparing the next generation for life. And you only have so many years to do it! Some kids stick around well into adulthood. Some take off the moment they reach legal adulthood. Or sooner... There is no instruction manual. You have to play it by ear. While relying on experiences, if you have any. I was the oldest of 10. I was the original test for my parents. I had experience with changing diapers and cooking. I knew some other things, but not how to deal with personality traits. Not the intricate details. Those I had to learn day by day while seeking advice and encouragement from the women in my life who had already been there and done that. It is a lifetime job. Even after your child grows up and moves away. After they start their own journey. They may still return to you for advice, encouragement and guidance. 
Remember those in your life who are Mother's. Moms, Nana's, Aunts - any woman who may have been there to play that role in your life. They are not always the ones related by blood either. One of my "Nana" figures is "adopted". However, she was far better to me than many of those people I was born related to. She was there for me, even in the times I didn't want her advice. Even when I thought I knew it all. She loved me regardless and stuck through the hard times with me. My Mother has been there from day one. She never gave up on me, even when times were so hard that she considered it. She fought for me. She believed in me. I would not be the woman I am today without her. My godmother, my Nana, my Mother and sister-laws, my Nana by marriage - these are all women I look up to in some ways or other. I respect them. I love them. And I'd give them all the world if I could. They each have a life story that has encouraged me in some way. 

Though today is dedicated to Mothers, do not limit your love to just today. Let today be the day you go out of your way more so than any other day, but let every other day still be days you let them know you love them very much. And remember this, they won't always be there. 

Happy Mother's Day!