Thursday, October 5, 2017

Are my kids trying to have me arrested??

In these days, more so than before, parents can easily be accused of child abuse. Broken bones, bruises, neglected head lice, even! Society has laid out what kids should be like. Being in the digital age, we except kids to docile and zoned out. Not mine...

My son got off the bus with two marks he didn't have when he left for school.
He had a roundish mark on his forehead that looked like a bruise. And then he had a red mark on his arm that looked to be a mix of a bruise and a bite. Yes, I was quite concerned. And then I got this answer to my query, "I did it to myself." WHAT?! WHY?? "I wanted to."

*Mental face palm*

Fast forward to later that afternoon. Homework was done. Showers had just been wrapped up. They were playing a little Minecraft while I completed dinner preparations. I hear thudding down the stairs from that same son and then CRASH! He had tripped at the last steps and planted his side into the stained concrete floor. He hit the side of his head at the ear, so that his ear was smashed on his glasses. Now he has a huge, swollen, ugly, purple bruise.
His knee had connected to the floor, giving him an ugly red swelling point there too.

*Mentally banging my head against the wall now*

Out comes an ice pack and admonishment to not run down the stairs. Again. I also informed him that if people saw him right now, they might have 1 of 2 thoughts go through their minds.
1. This kid was in quite the fight.
2. This kid gets beaten by his parents. 

My older daughter is also one I worry about for this reason. She is naturally clumsy. Falling, tripping and hitting herself happen regularly.If I had a dollar for every band-aid we have needed for her... And that brings me to child number 4. 10 1/2 months old, this girl can't stay still. I can be holding her and she's trying to do back flips from my arms. Or turning the furniture into her own personal jungle gym.
I had a picture I sent to her father one day when she got mad that I put her down when she was sleepy, and she had headbutted my computer desk. Looked like she had a black eye. 

As parents, we try to protect them from danger. However, we also want them to be strong and be able to handle some pain. Scratches, light bruises, scraped knees. You can't protect them from everything. Not unless they develop some kind of special bubble wrap we can encase them in. One day, right? Until then, we have to do everything we can to keep them alive and avoid Child Protective Services when they take being a kid to another level. 
Bubble wrap... Reminds me of the Chuckee Cheese ad.... 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Social Media is a Killer

As a blogger, I rely on social media to get my posts in front of more eyes. I use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube. The more I blog, the less I like the social media aspect of it. If I didn't have the blog, I'd get rid of Facebook and Twitter immediately. They are evil, if you really think about it. Dangerous even. You put your life out there for the world to see. And for what? Or maybe you spend hours browsing through the lives of others. Again, why? Because humans are social creatures? Ha! I don't think that's the case for the vast majority. 
There have been numerous times that I've heard of studies conducted to determine the impact that social media, especially Facebook, have on an individuals life. You know what they find? Facebook can be so depressing. How so? Let's break it down. First of all, what do you see when you check your news feed? What do you look for on there? You check out your connections and what is going on in their lives. And how many times might you be tempted to see their lives and compare it to your own? "She met the man of her dreams!" "He has an amazing job!" "They get to travel all over the world." "I wish my house looked as grand as that." I could go on. Parents compare kids. Adults compare houses, jobs, spouses, vehicles. Smiles are abundant. But do we ever consider what hides behind those smiling faces? Not at all. We are too busy comparing our own lives to the fake one before us on a computer screen. Twitter is as much of a waste to me now as I knew it would be when I started using it. The only posts I put on there are for the blog. And that's the only reason I started one. What is the point to Twitter?? And why do people share so many stupid details of their life? I don't care what food you cooked. I don't care what movie you are watching. I don't need to follow the details of your day as they happen. Give me a summary in a blog post, if you feel so inclined. 

So as we compare, we start to falter. We begin seeking to mimic the lives of others. "If I just do this..." "Maybe if I buy that too..." "Why can't my kid be as talented?" Depression hits a lot of people when they spend too much time surfing social sites. Its why there are so many campaigns encouraging "unplugging" from technology. Open your eyes to life away from a screen. Or maybe you should look at this way... Are you stalking? Creeping? Are you checking an individuals page to have something to gossip about later?

YouTube is great. I love being able to look up music from various authors and just let it play one after another of my favorite songs. I subscribe to my best artists. But in the midst of so much amazing, you have so many idiots posting crap too. I don't surf YouTube. I'd lose brain cells if I did. I started a channel way back when to post Lego building videos and blog review clips. But there are so many crazy things your eyes can stumble over on there.

Pinterest is my electronic best friend. I can search for new recipes. I can get hints, tips, and pictorial advice on just about anything I can think of. I can create boards and save pins for later reference. I have to be careful or I get too carried away and think I can do anything.
I think we all need to evaluate our usage of social media. Question what it is we are getting from it. Is it worth our time? Are we on too much? Are we simply following the crowd and using it because its the "thing" to do? More importantly, you should ask yourself, "Am I satisfied with my life, no matter what I see of others' lives?" Remember to be happy with what you have. To appreciate what is going on in your personal life. And also to know that there is more than meets the eye on those sites. So much more.Don't let social media steal your joy. Not talking about happiness. Happiness comes from something happening in your life. It is a fleeting feeling. Joy is something deeper. Something that you can hold on to in the darkness that you face. But it can be silenced when we look out and feel as though we are less in life. Are you falling down with a bad case of the social media blues?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Turning the Walk in the Park into an Adventure!

I truly believe that children need to have an active imagination. Our generation and the generation we are raising are a part of the digital age. Where everything is considered accessible to your fingertips. Games, movies and internet uses have replaced things like reading actual books or going on nature hikes. Most families these days consider going outside a chore. Too hot, too cold, too nature-y (no, that's not a word, its a description). Now, yes, you do need to teach your child the difference between a story and a lie. My oldest son tells stories, but says they are true events and I have to tell him, "No, that's just lying." 

This is why I encourage them to imagine out of the box scenarios. When we went to the park this past Saturday, they imagined we were in Jumanji. We had to escape creatures within and every path we took led us either further into the game or closer to the end. It was a blast! And had it been just a little cooler, I think they would have been willing to go on so much longer. 

We went to Comanche Park. There is a Lookout tower on one path, a path that leads to a library, and plenty of deer to be seen if you go early enough in the morning. There is not a playground, but my kids had fun climbing around the amphitheater. As parents, we should always try to make the ordinary, extraordinary! Don't let your kids lose interest in the reality around them. 

I made this video to show the things we pieced together in our little "adventure". 

My kids also create adventures through our family Minecraft moments. So, if you really can't bring yourself to be outside, find a game you can all play and be venturous!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

When the computer and internet fight...

Last week was a real downer. This week has been taking a turn towards the same path. My internet and computer broke up. Talk about hating the cupid role. Try getting those two to communicate again. My husband finally coaxed them back into an intermittent relationship (mostly because I begged him to). It was time-consuming and even now, isn't nearly where I'd like it to be. It is taking me hours to get through all that I have been unable to do from my phone. Including blogging. 
So what have I been up to in the meantime? 
Migraines. My neck and shoulders feel as though everything under the skin has turned into stone. I turn my head, and suddenly the room spins. Everything tenses up and I feel as though my head is slowly building up to an eruption as magnificent as Mount Saint Helen's or Vesuvius. 

Homework with my three scholars. Frustration with at least one of their teachers. My boys are in second grade and my daughter is in Kindergarten. They have so much homework after being at school all day, that we don't have time to watch a movie or play games during the week. We can't even go to the store or run an errand, really. There isn't any time. They get home just after 3, we are having dinner around 5 (if I'm lucky), and they are in bed by 7. There is only homework, dinner, baths, and maybe a quick Bible study or story time. And then you have teachers that are so lazy, I should get their salary. What do they do all day?! Oh wait... that's right... babysitting the pathetic losers whose parents aren't raising them. And yet they say I'm not doing enough to boost my kids' grades. Sure...

Struggling to contact lawyers. What is it about them? They want to rape your wallet, but when you are trying to contact them, no one wants to answer. They have the Contact Us with your case to review page, but no answer. Then I finally get one on the phone today... Guess who was denied by even them? Seems to be a theme. And by the way, this is concerning disability matters. They said I need to start seeing a doctor to be reevaluated to determine my true diagnosis as the last one I had was done too long ago. Hello, people! I'm unemployed. I'm broke. I have no insurance. And if I was working, I'd have no leave time or money to pay for the doctors visits. That's why my stint with Amazon was cut short. But I digress. 

I've also been cleaning out our storage closet.
I pulled out the box of my "skinny" clothes that I used to wear before I got pregnant last year. I've come to the decision that I can no longer hold on to everything with the mindset of "one day". For starters, it is quite depressing. Then you have the fact that it wastes space. And finally, there is no guarantee that I will ever get my hips to shrink back into those outfits. No guarantee that my tummy will go flat again. So, I did the logical thing. I'm keeping my absolute favorites and letting go of the things I think I can replace in an appropriate size. Some of them, I just need to realize I am no longer the right age for. Like my gamer dresses. My rear has enlarged and now I can no longer bend over in them without giving an unwanted show. The corset I had was a little small when I was smaller, so I need to invest in one that fits properly for my cosplay. Little reasoning's like this have helped me clean out quite a bit. And my bins (I had 3 large storage bins full) of books... Cleaned those up too. Any books that are not truly needed, like a favorite series that I won't ever read again - time to let go. Especially with the knowledge that it might be a couple more years, with a couple more moves, until we are able to buy a house and settle down for sure. Don't know about you, but I hate moving. And the heavier the boxes, the less I want to take them with me... 

I sold one of the costumes I had been using. I decided that if I can't be the cosplayer I want to be, its time to cut back on those things as well. I don't often make it to conventions. And even less times do I get to dress up. I went to San Japan to help my friend set up her photography booth. Sadly, I didn't dress up. Honestly and truly, I wanted to. But I didn't want to be alone at her booth in costume and I knew my husband wasn't going to dress up or want to stay too long as he had worked the night before and was already tired. Then I went to the Monster Con they had to get people ready for Halloween. It is a local one that is free, based in a mall that hosts just such events regularly, and is growing in popularity. But once again, I decided to skip the costume. I figured we weren't going to be there long. My husband wanted to go, but also had things he needed to get done. We went to provide support to my photographer friend and our newfound Steampunk/nerdy friend we met through the photographer. They had a booth set up there. I've been questioning whether I should give it up completely, though it is a hobby I love very much. But cosplaying takes time, effort and money. You can buy cheap costumes anywhere. Or you can take the time to create something that will last ages and make you feel accomplished. That is what I do with my cosplay. I just don't have the money right now to continue piecing them together. I'm also limited with my creativity as I'm not as brilliant with my designing abilities. Which again, means that I would need to hire help on some projects. Then you have the price of the ticket to events. Not every one of them are free. The bigger conventions charge anywhere from $20-1,000 depending on the package you want to access. My heart is torn on this one. 

I spent some time creating my list of meals and what I would need to make them for the next week or so. My husband and I have been considering shopping exclusively through Amazon. Sadly, shopping for groceries is only cheaper on there if you have Prime. And that is something we could not afford right now. So I've am budgeting and planning our meals very carefully. More so, now that I have no income whatsoever. Besides the odd jobs I've been taking, the unemployment came to an end this week. Talk about an eye opener. I've been trying for disability because of my spinal injuries and deformities (didn't happen though). As well as trying to establish myself as an editor. That too isn't enough to pay the bills. So I am cutting anything that isn't essential out of my life right now. We were careful before, we will double that caution now. Pinterest is amazing with the meal planning though. I have some great recipes that my family has been loving from there. 

I'm not fully in the groove. And my computer isn't running quickly or smoothly by any means. But I'm getting there. I've got a couple posts started and I'll be pumping those out just as quick as I can. Looking forward to being back!