Friday, November 4, 2016

Kikkoman House Party review coming soon!

I was recently chosen by House Party to sponsor a Kikkoman review, giveaway and party! As such, they sent my party pack today. I received a bunch of shirts, an oven mitt, recipe books, and coupons for Kikkoman products. I'm quite thrilled to test this product out when making Thanksgiving dinner this year. Providing my baby is born early enough to allow me to do so...
I will say that I'm disappointed in the shirt sizes. All I have to offer my guests will be Large and Extra Large.
Aside from being pregnant, that's not even my size.
The recipe books have a variety of entrée and side dishes that I'm dying to try out. I just have to go get a turkey... So who else is hungry?! And who thinks a brined turkey in Kikkoman sauce sounds yummy?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Anonymous is taking a stand. Are you?

There are many sides, facets if you will, to the hacktivist group - Anonymous.
There are accusations against them. There are claims of terrorist acts against them. Some of their members have been arrested and charged for some acts they were a part of. Some of which are ridiculous. But I'm proud to say, that I've seen some amazing things come from them. I follow them on YouTube. And I believe that the majority of those in Anonymous are seeking to better the world. They don't picket, riot, or attack citizens. They seek to stand and protect those who might not otherwise be able to. Does it mean that everything they do is legal? No. Will they always be on the right side of the argument? No. But they are a group of humans. Just like you and I. They have values and concerns. The difference between them and me? They have tech savvy skills to use against a common "enemy". They have brought down child porn users, websites and phone lines to giants such as PayPal, Scientology Church, and even the government in Tunisia. They band together to serve a single and greater good when they feel called to. I might not agree with all of it. But I do agree with their latest goal. To remind the citizens, not only of the United States, but also the world, to stand up. And to remind their governments that we put them in power. We also have the power to take them out. It is a reminder that I think most of us need. I'm not saying to draw arms and start blowing up the government-controlled institutions. But show instead that you won't follow blindly, that you will hold to your freedoms.
If you haven't watched their videos, I suggest you do. I don't ask you to believe every word they say. I don't ask you to do what they tell you to. I ask you to think about what you can do. I ask you to look deeper at the people running for president, if you plan on voting at all.
I would greatly love to see one on Trump as they have done one of Hillary Clinton. "You can look at my record." And her records show that she changes to fit who is seeking support from.

May I also point out that there are other people to vote for besides Clinton and Trump, including another woman! Sure, your vote might not count for anything when the vast majority chooses one of the two, but at least you can say you stood up against the crowds. Or maybe you are like me, don't even bother to vote considering that your vote won't be counted at all. Let's be realistic. The Electoral College does the voting in this country. And it is based off who they feel is the most beneficial to them and their supporters. Supposing we could get them to swing towards our thinking? Maybe convince lobbyists what would be in their best interest and have that be towards the people. Just a thought.

Anonymous is calling us to think and rise. Quit being a doormat to your government.

Growing towards the Light

I bought a couple little seed kits from Target last spring. They were in the Dollar Spot and I thought that my kids would have a great time growing things. As such, I picked them up and brought them home... fully intending to plant them with the kids. They sat on the counter for a really long while. Until about a month or two ago. I was cleaning up that counter and had my daughter come help me plant them. Now, you should know, I didn't have high hopes for them. After all, my thumb is definitely not green. And they were on the Dollar Spot. So not the highest quality. But one can hope right? And hope we did. We placed one little kit of strawberry seeds and one of tomato seeds in the kitchen windowsill where the best sunlight would be. The strawberries molded away. Nothing sprouted. But the tomato seeds took off. We had to go buy some clearance plant pots to separate them with. I had about 4 little seedlings in each of the 3 pots I had gotten. Then they shot up further and we had to buy bigger planting pots. We separated them further. Again they shot up. Maybe from the Miracle Grow potting soil we had gotten. Maybe from the sun and water and gentle care. Whatever you want to say it is from, they have been growing and growing. We had to buy more pots so that it could be one per pot.
One thing I have noticed about these plants, is their unwavering growth towards the sunlight. In the morning, I'd check to make sure they had enough water and they would be growing sideways towards the sun. I'd turn the pot and by evening, they were again tilting in a completely different direction towards where the sun had been. It was fascinating to watch. They grew towards that which gave them life and sustenance.
I've been thinking on this little experiment for quite some time. The comparison of my own life to the tomato plants. No matter who we are, what we do, and what our life goals are, we are seeking to grow in some way. We might be seeking wealth, knowledge, perfect health, career success or religious growth. Maybe we have multiple goals in these categories, but everyone is seeking something. Even the laziest of us are looking for something in life. We are growing towards those goals. The only question we should be asking is "Why?" Why are we going in that direction? What will come from striving towards those goals?
Or perhaps the question should be, "Is this a healthy goal?" It might be that we are growing towards something because it feels good and gives us the fuzzies. Like wealth. You can do amazing things and life can be considered good when you have a lot a money. But what do we really gain? How about in relationships? Happiness lasts as long as things are going well. But is it the right choice to be in it? Will it last a lifetime? Or is that we are seeking something that won't last, but serves us well now?
I believe that its a healthy practice to reconsider life goals. To think about where we stand and where we are going in life. We need to reevaluate what we hold dear. Is it taking us towards a light?
Or is that just the oncoming train about to smack us down?
What is at the end of your tunnel? Where is your path taking you?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Public Education and the issues involved...

Today was quite full of excitement. I dropped my boys off at school at 7 this morning. Came home and started cleaning up while dealing with my little diva of a daughter. Today was to be early release at their school. So I had to drop her off at 10 AM. As I pull up, there is a bus in front, no teachers, no students waiting. Another parent and child are talking to the bus driver. The bus drives away and I'm thinking I will have to park and take my daughter in as their clock must be fast and they will argue with me that she's tardy... Such trivial thoughts going through my head in comparison to what's really going on. The other parent stops me and tells me to get my daughter and get back in the car. A police SUV is parked in front of the school. The parent gestures and says, "The school is under lockdown. Cops are searching the surrounding for someone. Lock yourself in your vehicle with your child and wait."
Here I am, 34 weeks pregnant, trying to take my little girl to school... and the neighborhood is getting searched. My boys are locked in their classroom. No potty breaks. No one goes in. No one comes out. Can you imagine the roller coaster my emotions were on?
I sit there for few minutes. Nothing happening. Another officer shows up and starts telling people who are arriving to get in their vehicles. Then she says they just need to leave. No explanation besides, "We are looking for someone. School is under lockdown."
Tell me something I don't know, lady! Tell me my kids are safe. Tell me the person you are looking for isn't armed or dangerous. I don't want to know their name or what they look like at this point. But with this kind of manhunt going on, it seems like they did something really bad.
But no. I don't get that gesture of trust. Instead I get my daughter back into her seat and we get our butts home. Where I pace and bake a batch of cookies. My hands shake, my mind goes nuts, and part of me wants to cry. Then I get angry, because I'm not one to cry. Stupid hormones.
Just before I'm heading to work, I get a recorded message from the school. It mentions that the school was locked down because the police asked for it to be. But goes on to say the school wasn't in danger. Really? Then why did the police search the neighborhood surrounding the school? How do I know? I watched as I sat there locked in my van with my daughter. And the way they were swarming, yeah.... not feeling confident on the safety of the school.
After I'm headed to work, my neighbor and friend goes to pick up the kids. The police are telling people that they still haven't caught the suspect. And that everyone should be careful. Now here's another problem I have. You locked down the school. No one in, no one out. That is meant to keep everyone safe until the police find their man. But at noon, you are releasing them regardless of the police finishing their search or not. Does this make sense to you? Suppose their suspect was hiding nearby and opened fire when those doors opened? Suppose he mingled with those parents walking up to collect their kids and snatched one as a hostage? Call me crazy... but how is this a safe practice? So what if a couple officers are standing guard? What would they possibly do in the face of either situation mentioned? I'd love to use those rose-colored glasses you are wearing if you put your faith in the police. But considering everything that has been seen in this city... no thanks. I'm grateful to the team in blue. I just don't trust every decision they make. There was nothing posted on the news sites. Nothing mentioned when you run an internet search. I still don't know who the person was or what they did that had the police chasing them. For all I know, that person is still at large in our neighborhood. But who cares? Right? Kids are home with me for the weekend. School isn't liable, I can protect them, and everything gets swept under the rug. Move on. End of story.
As a concerned parent, as an over-protective mother, I don't think this is right. I don't like cover-ups. I don't like secrets. I don't like knowing that someone potentially put my kids at risk. My babies are my life. And heaven help the fool who ever tries to bring them harm. They won't need a judge and jury to decide their fate.