Monday, August 17, 2015

Bostitch review via sent out another product for me to review! This time its the Bostitch Dynamo Stapler.
Made by Stanley, its a sturdy addition to my office collection. And so far, I'm quite tickled by it. Its red (awesome color anywhere!). There is a built-in pencil sharpener in the back of it.
Also in the back is a built-in staple remover.
So the minute you realize you made a mistake and left a page out, you can remove the staple and then redo it without swapping out the tools to do so.
The underside of the stapler has a removable cover that hides the extra staples storage compartment. The top has a smooth grip to allow you hold it steady as you staple up to 20 pages at a time. 

Don't forget to check out the many other office supplies that Shoplet has to offer. They also have medical supplies, cleaning supplies, as well as furniture. So many great things provided by one company!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Celebrating 3 years of joy

My daughter turned 3 years old this past week.
She has brought so much happiness to all of us. Even to her brothers who, I admit, used to "love" on her so much more when she was a baby. Now that she's big enough to walk, talk, and hit them when they don't listen, I do hear "I don't like babies or sisters. Can we give her away?" Yet, they look out for her and help her when she needs them. 

She likes to play "Ninja Fruit" (Fruit Ninja game). She doesn't mind the idea of beating someone up. And cleaning up her barbies is never something she wants to be doing. 
She is growing so fast! And Saturday we had friends over to enjoy those 3 years we have had thus far. 
I made favor bags using all these things that came purely from the clearance shelves, mostly if not all from Target.
I also made some for the boys as I don't think they want a bunch of Princess items. 
Despite being exhausted from a long work week, I stayed up late before going to work the graveyard shift to set up her decorations and set out her gifts. 
The look on her face was worth everything. 
Here's to many more years with my baby girl. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Oreos... You have not quite succeeded

I love Oreo cookies. And I don't mind trying different flavors from time to time. The newest flavor I've tried was the brownie mix ones.... Not a fan. Brownie mix is yummy when you're making brownies and licking the spoon. Not as frosting in a cookie. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

HEB summer reading program completion!

So proud of my kiddos for completing the Summer Reading List for HEB. They got their certificates, shirts and pencils in the mail. Makes a nerd mommy proud! 
Remember, reading encourages imagination. It strengthens the mind and language skills. And it only takes 15 minutes a day. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Living with idiots...

It can be draining sometimes. Living with people who would rather blow through money than manage their time well enough to actually take care of and maintain what they have. Case in point... my roommate and our vacuum. Its true that vacuums are not made as they once were and that you do have to treat them like fragile machines or replace them more often. However, if you use them properly and occasionally take the time to clean out their insides, you can prolong the inevitable. That's what I did today.
And oh what a wonderful difference my cleaning was.... 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Pixels Movie Review

I was fortunate enough to watch the premiere for the movie Pixels.
When I first heard about it, I wasn't thrilled. Adam Sandler isn't as funny to me as he is to everyone else. I usually choose not to watch his movies in general. But this one was about gaming. So how could I not? Besides, it was a free movie. 
So, Adam Sandler plays a classic gaming nerd. As a teenager in 1982, he became a champion at the original video games in the newly opened arcade. His high scoring success was based on his unique ability to recognize, memorize and beat the patterns embedded in the codes of the game. Pac-Man, Duck Hunt, Q*bert, Galaga, Space Invaders and the formidable Donkey Kong were his time consuming passions. Every chance he got, he was playing at the arcade, beating everyone else's high scores. When the world championship came around, he met other gamers and put his abilities to the test until he best everyone except the Fire Blaster.
Fire Blaster was a dwarf with fast fingers and a big ego that slipped insults to anyone and everyone without caring who he hurt. Donkey Kong was the champion-crowning game. Sadly, Fire Blaster (Eddie) won. Sandlers character (Brenner) is heartbroken. His passion is lost. 
Fast forward to modern day. Brenner is a professional nerd who installs others' entertainment devices. His best friend is the unpopular president of the United States. His other gaming days buddy is an awkward conspiracy theorist that only shows up after a random attack on a U.S. Military base in Guam occurs. 
In 1982, a video was taken of the gaming championship. It was added to other video clips and put in a NASA capsule that was shot into space in the hopes of contacting extraterrestrial beings. Apparently they (extraterrestrial beings) did get the message. And interpreted it as a threat against them. Challenge accepted! They mimic the games characters as the attack. So here comes Galaga and Pac-Man to destroy us.
The Pac-Man fight scene was my favorite part. The ghosts were modified mini coopers that had me wishing I was short enough to own one. 
They sent a message that in order to save the planet, there will be games. Whoever wins the games, is champion. The Nerds are suddenly given power to train the best of the military in gaming techniques. Then it's out to the field. Sadly, the military couldn't keep the game training as well as they could military tactics. So the nerds are sent in with blasters to take care of it. Eddie the Fire Blaster was even taken from prison to join the fight.
But he has a secret. And his secret puts the planet at risk. Can they work together and save human kind from the impending invasion? 
Overall I enjoyed the movie. There was humor and nerd talk to keep me happily entertained. I'm not thrilled with the ending and how Q*bert turned out. But no movie is truly perfect. This is for mature audiences. Plenty of language and references that kids aren't going to get. I hope you can enjoy it as I did though. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Parenting is fun

Let's face it, parenting is trying on the nerves more often than not. But it can have some pretty funny moments. I know I've had some interesting conversations with my 6 year old recently. I've wondered where he got his ideas on how things work. 
My son has the talent of talking. A lot. And he loves asking questions. "Mommy, how did I get out of your belly?" "What's that red bump on your side?" "Why does Ana have a peepee that's different than mine and Allen's? It's so small and ours is big." 
At first I was thrown for a loop. I don't believe in lying or making up stories to explain things. But he's six. How do you tell the full explanation? A friend suggested giving part of the answer and asking what he thinks then explaining some of it that he is wrong about. How he got out of my belly is the question he won't let go of. I told him I went to a hospital and the doctor helped me push him out. The follow up question is where he came out. My mouth? My belly button? My rear end...? Close enough on that last one, right? I've tried asking him what he thinks. He doesn't give me a straight answer. My son is better at child psychology than I am! We are figuring out the answers as we go. And he brings up more interesting conversations often. Below are some of the recent favorites I have.  

Walking into Target my oldest son looks at me says, "Mommy you're fat, right?" 
I look at him and ask, "You think I'm fat?"
"Just a little. Your belly shakes." 
Thanks son... 
"So when are you having another baby?" 
"I'm not."
"But your belly is ready. Its bigger."
"But I'm not having a baby."
"Then why are you getting fat?" 
Because I eat and haven't been working out as much....  
Tonight was a good one... They bring me all the Barbie dolls and clothing and ask me to dress them again. Princess Jasmine comes around and all they could find were her pants at first. Then my son gets excited and runs down the hall yelling, "Mommy, I found Princess Jasmine's boobie holder!" 
Then there is my daughter who makes some fascinating observations... especially when she doesn't get her afternoon nap. Sleepless toddlers are the BEST! 

My mother is amazing. Her parenting has reached expert level now that she is a grandmother. She sent me a text with this picture.  
What does she call this? Multitasking Mom. "Here is how a stay-at-home mom babysits, takes a nap, and sunbathes. All at once."
This is how its done. 
Children don't have filters. Their minds are directly connected to their mouths. The first thought they have at any given moment is quickly translated to a verbal release. Curiosity is at its peak for my kids. Everything needs to be questioned. Its how they learn. How I can teach them. And how I have entertaining stories to tell their girlfriends later...