Sunday, August 17, 2014

What a great day I had yesterday!

Even though I was up from midnight Friday until sometime around 10:00 PM Saturday, I had a great day of fun. As soon as I got off work, I began to do my last minute shopping before my daughters birthday party.
She turned two this week and I'm so proud she's my little girl! 
At Target I picked up just two things; a 64 count pack of Seventh Generation wipes ($2.99) and a 12.6 ounce bottle of Palmolive ($1.02).
I had a manufacture coupon and store coupon for each of them making them both free! I paid a grand total of .06 for the two of them. For the wipes, I had a $1/1 that was sent by the company as a promo. Plus an employee-only 50% off coupon that was for those companies geared towards better living. The Palmolive was a printed coupon from that didn't specify any size restrictions. And the manufacture was from the insert. Score! I love savings! 
Then it was off to HEB. I picked up the prepaid cake we ordered online.
I don't know about you, but I love the cakes from HEB and the fact I can order at home and take my time (versus being rushed in a store) is fantastic! I thought it would be fun to try a different kind of ice cream so as got the Breyers Birthday Blast.
I wasn't a fan, but the kids enjoyed it. We had so much fun! 
And everyone loved the cake. So moist! 
The best part was seeing Ana enjoying everything. She blew the candles out when her dad wasn't looking. 
Enjoy those little moments!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Avery product review via

It's time for another review! They sent an Avery binder this time with tabs. Heavy Duty View Binder with One-Touch EZD Rings, Index Maker Clear Label Dividers with Color Tabs, and the Index Maker Clear Label Dividers with White Tabs to be exact.
You know I'm all for organization, and this is just one of the ways I get there!
Binders with tabs help you keep subjects separated, help you sort through files that are on paper, and allow you quick access to what you are searching for.

 I let my husband use this binder for his Lego part lists. Fun fact: for every part that Lego releases, they retire one. However, you can still find those old parts. The lists for these parts are long! So he breaks them up into categories first.
Avery products in general are amazing.

They have templates online that match perfectly, helping you get through the process of creating your labels without the hassle of changing settings on the printer or trying to figure out sizes. With these labels, we were able to put in the words we wanted for each label. Then customize to make them bold. The strips of red in between are so you can peel a whole row and stick them on your lined up tabs for easy, precise and ready-to-go dividers.
Everything is done except putting in the words. I don't have much time and what little I do have is carefully put to use. There are multicolor tabs or the clear label dividers to choose from. I prefer the color label dividers. But then, I'm a colorful person! I like to brighten things up.

The binder is easily a one-handed use kind. No tugging and pulling required. I prefer those as I'm usually busy and wishing I had more hands anyhow to keep up with everything. You can view the binder at the attached link.
Be sure to check out the website for any and all your office supplies needs! They also offer other things like Medical supplies, Promotional products, and Office Stationary. Let me know what you would like or dislike.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to school discount for Label Daddy!

I've written about Label Daddy before. Well, they have asked the US Family Guide bloggers to write and maybe review again for them as they want to spread the word about a new discount they are offering just in time for your Back to School needs! Get 20% off any orders when you use the code USFAMILY20 at checkout. They have some really great labels as well as zipper tags. Last time I ordered from them, I received the zipper tags with Go Spurs! on them for my husband to use and give to his friends who are all Spurs fans.

With back to school here, having your kids things labeled will greatly reduce the hassle of discerning between what belongs to who. Especially if your child has the most popular themed items.... like all the other hundreds of kids they go to school with. Give them something to make theirs unique! For homeschoolers - you are not excluded! Your kids probably go out too and will need to know what is theirs. Camps, sleepovers, and holiday vacations are still very active.
So check them out and don't forget to get your discount!!! USFAMILY20

Adults play dress up too

I can't explain why, but sometimes I just want to look nice. I don't need a "hot date". I don't need a special occasion. I just want to look nice so when I look in the mirror I feel good. 
I wore a business-like skirt to volunteer at San Antonio Plastic Bricks yesterday.
I added a little eye make up and glass necklace to doll it up. Instead of wearing boots though, I work my OOFOS flip flops.
(It looked like this with a tank and flip flops). 
So I dressed it down a little. Why did I do this? I just wanted to look nice for a change. It gets boring wearing red and khaki everyday. Of wearing lounge pants and a tee shirt. It's a boost in my self confidence. 
Today I dressed up with a different purpose.
I had to work. I had to work on the sales floor dealing with guests. All this week, Target employees can wear Target brand jeans to work to promote the 40% off jeans sale.
So I dolled it up. Lots of questions asked of course, but do I really need a reason to look amazing?
Even if I'm the only one who thinks so. My little friend had his mom send me a picture of him signing I Love You (ILY). So I took a quick snap to send back. 
If you are like me with "nice" or "dressy" clothing sitting in the closet, use them. You don't need any more reason than, "Because I want to." Let people talk, ask questions, or speculate. Do what feels good and remember that beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. 
What do you see when you look in the mirror?