Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to school discount for Label Daddy!

I've written about Label Daddy before. Well, they have asked the US Family Guide bloggers to write and maybe review again for them as they want to spread the word about a new discount they are offering just in time for your Back to School needs! Get 20% off any orders when you use the code USFAMILY20 at checkout. They have some really great labels as well as zipper tags. Last time I ordered from them, I received the zipper tags with Go Spurs! on them for my husband to use and give to his friends who are all Spurs fans.

With back to school here, having your kids things labeled will greatly reduce the hassle of discerning between what belongs to who. Especially if your child has the most popular themed items.... like all the other hundreds of kids they go to school with. Give them something to make theirs unique! For homeschoolers - you are not excluded! Your kids probably go out too and will need to know what is theirs. Camps, sleepovers, and holiday vacations are still very active.
So check them out and don't forget to get your discount!!! USFAMILY20

Adults play dress up too

I can't explain why, but sometimes I just want to look nice. I don't need a "hot date". I don't need a special occasion. I just want to look nice so when I look in the mirror I feel good. 
I wore a business-like skirt to volunteer at San Antonio Plastic Bricks yesterday.
I added a little eye make up and glass necklace to doll it up. Instead of wearing boots though, I work my OOFOS flip flops.
(It looked like this with a tank and flip flops). 
So I dressed it down a little. Why did I do this? I just wanted to look nice for a change. It gets boring wearing red and khaki everyday. Of wearing lounge pants and a tee shirt. It's a boost in my self confidence. 
Today I dressed up with a different purpose.
I had to work. I had to work on the sales floor dealing with guests. All this week, Target employees can wear Target brand jeans to work to promote the 40% off jeans sale.
So I dolled it up. Lots of questions asked of course, but do I really need a reason to look amazing?
Even if I'm the only one who thinks so. My little friend had his mom send me a picture of him signing I Love You (ILY). So I took a quick snap to send back. 
If you are like me with "nice" or "dressy" clothing sitting in the closet, use them. You don't need any more reason than, "Because I want to." Let people talk, ask questions, or speculate. Do what feels good and remember that beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. 
What do you see when you look in the mirror? 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy review

This was a super cool movie that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was full of laughter-inducing humor and special effects that, while 3D can be fun, didn't need to be seen in 3D to be amazing. At 2 hours long, it can make for quite a sitting but its worth it.
Each of the heroic characters had something to offer that made them fun and invited you to like them as your favorite. 
Rocket is a sarcastic little raccoon that was genetically mutated in a series of laboratory tests.
He is constantly cracking jokes and pointing out the doom the group is in. He is also heavily into all things destructive with as much fire power as he can muster.
His faithful companion, Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) is a lovable humanoid tree.
He's always lending a helpful branch and is willing to sacrifice all for his friends.
His only vocabulary is I, Am, Groot. And only in that order. But Rocket understands what Groot is trying to say to the rest of the group. And just wait until you see the moves Groot can rock! 
Peter Quill was abducted by a group of ravager space guys right after his mother dies of what appears to be cancer. 
She tells him that his father was made of light like an angel but doesn't explain further. He grows up with the group of ravagers in space and becomes the self-proclaimed "Star Lord" while attempting to be the futuristic version of Indiana Jones.His love for popular music from the 80's is evident by his constant use of a cassette tape that his mother gave him.
Watching him break into dances at the craziest moments will surely bring a smile to your face if not full-on laughter. He may not be a saint, but he has a good heart and will be ready to take up the challenge of kicking bad guy butt as needed. 
Gomora is a surgically modified, killing machine.

She's been trained to be a warrior that is hired out by her adopted father Thanos.
Thanos loans her and her sister, Nebula to the Kree radical, Ronan the Accuser, who wishes to rain destruction on a single civilization that had made a peace treaty with his people - the Xandarians. 
Drax brings up the rear in this list of heroes.
He wants to kill Gamora for being associated with Ronan, but is convinced to go after Ronan instead. He seeks revenge for the death of his family by Ronan. He does not understand metaphors and takes everything to be of serious value. While he may be fierce, he is also very loyal to those he considers to be his friends.
At first, Quill and his rag tag bunch are only looking to cash in on an orb that Quill took from a deserted planet. Once they realize the dangers that could come from it, however, they decide to work together to save the world. Plans are haphazardly thrown together and alliances are somewhat made. The group is tested, arrested, and bonds are created. It's the craziness of it with the uniqueness of the group that made it worth seeing. I highly recommend it. Even the kids can watch so long as you're okay with fight scenes and a little language, thus the PG-13 rating. Its one of the best super hero movies I've watched so far! And don't forget!!!
While I didn't see what was to come at the prescreening, I was told there was extra footage shown after the credits. All I can tell you is that the friend who saw it says it has something to do with the Collector.
And for fun, I'm sharing the Lego version of the preview!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wizard World comic con!

I'm so glad I was able to win free tickets to attend the Wizard World comic con in San Antonio this past Saturday. I've actually never been to one like it. A gamers con, sure. Not a huge celebration to comics and all things that fans would enjoy like this.
I even did some cosplay with a friend who went with me. I must say, we both looked pretty awesome and got our pictures taken with so many other cosplayers. 
They had events, but we weren't really interested in them. We wandered the floor checking out booths that sold just about everything. Steam punk accessories, real animal hide products, hand painted/drawn items, prints from artists, toys from all the favorite anime/comics, and more than I can put down here.
This guy could be heard throughout the day yelling, "Hey, you guys!"
I think we walked for about 3 hours. So many people were in costume. It made me feel like a kid in the candy shop. I have ideas for other costumes I would want to try. 
Groot was a super tall cosplayer! 
This mini Vader was greeting those coming and going. 
There were even families dressing up together. 
Glenda and Mario made for a cute couple. 
These two were absolutely adorable, even if they tried to smack me with the light sabers.... 
A blonde Captain America. Cosplay doesn't mean you have to follow to a T. It's all about having fun! 
Loved this Doctor Who! 
He was a really friendly Spider-Man. 
These two were awesome Frozen sisters! 
Captain Jack Sparrow was being accompanied by the Joker! 
Blade was going for authentic and hit the head on the nail. Shaved hair with designs, teeth, the works! 
This little guy was not only cute but scary. He does cosplay for other horror movies as well. 
Dead pool
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Wonder Woman! 
Who you gonna call?! I wonder if they drove the Ecto One we saw parked outside... 
Harley Quinn
So much fun! I can't wait to go to the next one.