Showing posts with label human traits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human traits. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2021

Discovering Our Quirks

Human beings have quirks. A quirk is a peculiar trait. I like to think that we all have them. I consider mine to stem from being OCD. Little by little, I'm learning about them as my husband notices and points them out. It has been a fun journey for us both! I thought I would share some of mine. I'd love to hear what quirks you might have, so leave me a comment below!


We usually buy eggs in packs of 18 to feed our brood. I have this thing where I have to pull the eggs out in a pattern that distributes the weight as evenly as possible. I also can't cook, say... scrambled eggs, unless they are in even numbers. More on that below... My husband likes to make it a joke when I ask how many eggs he thinks I should cook. When he answers ,"Seven!", he will get a straight up glare from me for a brief moment followed by my response of, "So will that be 6 or 8?"

I. Can't. Odd.

I can't stand odd numbers. Maybe 5. And on the very rare occasion, 3. But that is all. Those two are only because of how well I can split them. In my head. Hard to explain, it just makes sense in my mind... As much as possible, I try to keep with even numbered things though. My husband and I had a conversation about this the other day that had him laughing so hard, he almost wet himself. Let's see... Even numbers to me are "pretty" while odd numbers are "ugly". In my head, 3 and 5 can be split in half in a pretty way. Other numbers can't. Can't describe it any clearer than that. But there it is. I'm not ashamed to admit this at all. I tell him all the time he just has to deal with it.

Media in order

All my books will have to be ordered according to series or authors. Granted, this can only truly happen when we live in our next home. At that point, I'm planning to have at least a library wall. And yes, books will practically be in library form. Just without the Dewey system. 

All our movies have to be by series or alphabetical. When the kids start messing up that order, I can't seem to resist the urge to fix it for long. It doesn't look right. I don't feel right. This is why I have to avoid looking at the shelves that have been dedicated to the children's things. My husband laughs, because when the kids were little, I used to sort their toys too. I had toy cars in one bin, stuffed animals in another, action figures - you get the picture, right? I think is one reason why I loved working for a library in my early career years. 

Vacuuming or sweeping in a grid

Bear with me on this one... I annoyed my coworker to no end with this one at Target. But when I sweep or vacuum, my mind can see a grid. And I work in that grid. I can't move diagonally across the floor. I go back and forth in lines. 

So lay it out there. Do you have a "weird" quirk that others might notice? Do you twist the doorknob 3 times before opening it? Do you open the cabinet doors multiple times before getting something out?