Showing posts with label gift ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift ideas. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Gifts Ideas of Unique Qualities

Amazon has so many amazing things. They make people's lives simpler. Especially in areas where lock downs are still the daily reality. Or when things aren't found on store shelves.

Despite having just about any item you could want, there is, however, so much I haven't been able to find. Amazon lists are important for us. It is the way that family members know what we are wanting for birthdays and Christmas without having to ask. Lately, though, I'm finding so many things that Amazon doesn't have. Things that you need to branch out to other websites to get. Or even shop used to find. Below are things that I wish I could find to add to my Amazon list. What might be something you wish you could find on there? 

Gift Cards

There are gift cards to a lot of places on there. But there are so many you can't get. You can find Lowe's, but not Home Depot. Restaurant gift cards are severely limited. Sadly, Freebirds isn't one of them.

Or any of the other great places that are local. My husband and I have decided that we want to have a date night once a month. During these dates, we want to try something new. Each time. Discover something else we haven't had before. The Vietnamese we had at Pho! ETC was fantastic! The plate I had was enough to make 2 meals for me. My husband could barely finish the soup bowl he ordered. 

Or how about gift cards to your favorite book website? They have Barnes & Noble, but that isn't where I prefer to get my books. I love shopping at Thriftbooks.

I've reached what they call Literati status with how much I have ordered from them. And the fact that my Honey app has often had discounts on top of it all, makes for an excellent shopping experience. They have so much to choose from, from vendors all around the nation. Everything from collectibles, to out of prints, new and old best sellers - you name it, they most likely have it. And if they don't, you create a Wishlist that they will use to update you when that item has become available. It isn't just books either. Movies and novelty items are often there too. If you are interested in saving money and ordering from them, use my referral link: HERE. I've also been looking into Abe Books lately too. They have cheaper prices and cheaper shipping, however, they are only books.


I have a difficult time buying clothes. First off, my style isn't what is trending. I'm a Nerdy Unicorn after all. I dress to the beat of my own drum. Often incorporating Steampunk, Victorian, super heroes, or imitating some of my favorite characters' styles. For the past few years, I stuck with T-shirts and jeans. And now I'm tired of this. I'm ready to be stylish again. I'm working out and getting fit! I want to look how I'm feeling. No, not the tired and in-pain feeling. I want to look beautiful. Then I can still try to lose about 45 pounds in the next several months.

But finding the types of clothing I want has been pretty close to impossible on Amazon. Of all the choices out there, they are missing the key elements I'm searching for! I created this Pinterest board, and something as simple as this shirt, doesn't exist on Amazon.

Not that I have found, any way. I have tried every thing I can think of! My Pinterest board has several things from Modlily and Rosegal that I can't seem to find the equivalent of on Amazon either. I told my husband that I wished people would give me gift cards to thrift stores. Of course he laughed. He said that people might think it tacky. But then anyone who truly knows me, would know that thrift stores and yard sales are my dream shopping experiences. You never know what you will find! I don't care that the items there are used. Just so long as it matches what I'm looking for. Besides, how often do we buy clothing online, only to get it and find that it doesn't fit well? This can be so frustrating. I rather find something in person, know it will fit and walk away with it then. I really do miss the days of getting up on Saturday morning to hit the sales. Sadly, my husband works a lot of Friday nights and there are no friends and family nearby who share that joy. 

Another place I love shopping through - Tee Turtle! They have so many amazing shirts and pins that I could spend all day shopping from. 

Unique puzzles

I love puzzles of a variety! My Mom sends me some from time to time and I have a stack in my closet that I work on. They help me pass the time and make my home seem less like a prison. I recently found one website though that had some pretty amazing puzzles. I haven't seen something like this on Amazon.  They are shaped puzzles that come in varying sizes. Within the puzzles, there are animal-shaped pieces as well. And even better, they are wooden! 

 Small businesses

Lately, I have seen a lot of posts promoting small businesses. Asking friends to shop with those local or small businesses that have been struggling. Amazon doesn't need that help. They need customer service help. But not promotional help. Where can I add those items in?? Sometimes I see such amazing things, that I know I couldn't bring myself to get for me, but also don't know how to show others who only like to order from big sellers. Not that all Amazon sellers are big, but they are aligned with a giant. 


I love flowers. When we lived in Florida, we had gardenia bushes, wisteria vines, lilies, gladiolas - pretty much bulb plants. My mom and I don't really have green thumbs. I actually managed to kill a bamboo shoot, so go figure. But bulbs were different. As for the gardenia and wisteria, they came with the house. You could say they were grandfathered in, nice and strong. I recently added a candle to my list, mainly because the candle had the scent of gardenia. That is one of my favorite flowers. (Bonus that the candle has jewelry hidden inside! I'm a huge fan of surprises.) I miss that scent so much. The breeze would blow by and it was just beautiful. I also love lilac, roses and honey suckle. But as far as I know, you can't add those to the list. I've been wanting a garden, even though we live in a duplex with no yard. I keep telling myself, one day. Even talked to my husband about building a planter that hangs from the privacy fence. So what I would love to see, are apartment safe plants. Flowers that could hang from the fence or something.

Mailing supplies

So this one is a little special. Yes, you can buy stamps and postcards. You can buy stationary of every type. But you can't find those vintage or unique postcards. I remember going to thrift stores in Florida with my mom. I loved looking for postcards from around the world. I also loved collecting foreign currency. My mom made me a portable table tray once with those under the glass. I loved it! Waco doesn't have those interesting thrift shops. They do have Salvation Army and Goodwill, but those places don't usually have these in the store. You'd have to participate in auctions online. Where is the fun in that? I joined Postcrossing recently as a fun hobby that lets me see the world from my own home. I also learn more about places I may one day want to see. International postcard stamps are $1.50 each. So I can't do it very often. On top of needing stamps, I need postcards to send out. But I don't want those regular sets that everyone else has. I want special types to send out. Tried making some. That was interesting. If you know someone like me, maybe even consider giving them the precut card pages. I prefer Avery best.

So what do you wish you could add to a list for others to see?  What gift would you want that Amazon doesn't offer?

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

I can hardly believe that February is well underway! Time is speeding by. Which is why I plotted a list (I'm super into lists, for those who don't know). My list marks all those birthdays coming up. But I almost forgot that on top of birthdays, we have Mother's Day (and Father's Day too). I am a firm supporter of being prepared and planning ahead for those gifts. They need to sincerely mean something. They need to have thought put into them. After all, they are for special people in our lives. I also believe that gifts don't have to be expensive to be valued. But even more than that, if you are on a very tight budget like we are, you need time to "make" the gifts. Here are a few ideas for those of you looking ahead, but also wanting to save money. 

1. Watch out for rewards programs you are a member of. I received an email from My Coke Rewards. For five product codes, I got a free 8x11 photo book.
I just had to pay shipping. Similac Strong Moms had a similar offer. I had gotten a code from them for an 8x8 book. Again, I only had to pay for shipping. So I have made 2 photo books so far. Now I just have to decide whether to give both away or keep one for myself... These are wonderful ways to relive happy memories over and over again.
Mom's and Grandma's (and Nana's) all enjoy this kind of gift. For starters, it gives them something to brag with. My great grandmother was always telling me how she showed hers off every chance she got. She was a great great grandmother and proud of it! My mom kept photos of her 10 kids and 4 grand-kids in her purse. The 8x8 book is soft cover and would fit perfectly into her large purse. And these are gifts they can get multiple times in one year, every year. Why? Kids grow up. New adventures happen. New photos are taken.

2. Handmade gifts are always in style for Mother's and Grandma's. I've found recipes for air drying dough that the kids can make hand print crafts or ornaments that are one of kind.We tried this for ourselves. The dough was great. We just are not gifted in shaping it.

I made a botched owl when trying to copy this idea on Pinterest. My son asked me to help him make a Pea Shooter, but it looks more like a flat duck. My daughter made a "baby" that looks more like a failed human transmutation from Fullmetal Alchemist... But we tried! And we had fun doing it. 

3. Poetry. One year, I made a picture/poem for my Dad. I used a picture of me during my pregnancy with my first child and wrote a poem just for him. I created a collage-like piece and had it printed for him. Not everyone thinks of themselves as poets, but you might be surprised as to what you can come up with. For me, I think of the subject or the person I am writing about and to. If you can write beautiful notes in a card to them, chances are good that you might just be able to come up with something special. But even if you are not thrilled with the result, think of how they will feel at opening it? Words that came from your heart! Put a picture on one side and words on the other. Print it up and frame it. Voila! You have a handcrafted, but priceless gift. A cheat to this would be to find a magnificent quote that would make a lot of sense to them and pair that with a picture. 

4. Homemade cards are the best. Hands down. Get your kids to do the artwork. Add in a handwritten note thought of by you, or add a message you find online that is heartfelt. Glitter, pompoms, construction paper - get crafty with the kiddos! My kids love doing artwork. They love creating scenes from their imagination. What better way to honor the Moms, Grandmas and Nana's? 

5. Check your Dollar Tree store. I've heard there are blank canvases that you can get for a $1 each. They also have paints there. Kids can make art that way. Hand prints are always a favorite. Show how they grow over the years. These can also have dual purposes. I made artwork for my Mom way back in elementary school. She held on to a couple of them. Then when I got pregnant with my first child, she framed them and gave them as gifts to hang in the nursery. 

6. How much time do you spend with your parents? Grandparents? Did you know that one of the most precious gifts we have to give is our time? After all, we have such a limited amount of time. So sharing it with them is truly marvelous. Take them out for lunch. Don't rush through it. Let them pick the place. Or how about a movie? Or do both! I love going to the Alamo Drafthouse we have here. Eat and watch a movie. There are always specials going on too. Lately, I've been seeing movies coming that they offer Mondo glasses with. Collectibles, movie and food. Now that is the way to go for sure. Or what about a day shopping? My Mother and I always enjoyed yard sales, thrift stores and flea markets. We would hit any and all we came across in a single day. We had lunch together, found some pretty unique things, but most of all, we had an amazing time making memories together. Don't have money to spend? Take your Mom for a walk if she is able. Some of my favorite times spent with my Mother were on our walks. We talked as one woman to another. Laughed and got in the cardio we needed as well. Win-win! 

7. Small kids are fun to make cookies with. They can help add ingredients and make balls of cookie dough. Then enjoy them with a glass of milk and have them tell you all about it. 

8. Let your kids write a book. This not only provides an inexpensive, but meaningful gift, it also lets your children be creative. Have them write and illustrate a Mother's Day adventure. You can even write the story for them while they draw the pictures. Then, to make it long-lasting, laminate the pages before putting them together. Don't forget to have a cover page with the title, authors name and the date of when it was written. 

9. Breakfast in Bed. Not all Mom's like eating in bed, but for those that do - its easy and doesn't cost much to do for her. Prepare her favorite breakfast after letting her sleep in. Allow her to enjoy waking up slowly for a change. This can also be the way you start every Mother's Day for her. Followed by any of the other ideas mentioned in this post. 

10. This one is an unusual one that my Mom suggested. Have Mom and child swap roles for a few hours. Mom can whine and not clean anything. Then throw a fit about what she wants to eat. Why do something like this? Making memories. It is a great gift to give. And lets you have insight on the ways we perceive each other.  

11. One of the best suggestions I have heard was to get a nice looking journal. They are sold pretty much everywhere. Write down your favorite memories, recipes, or other lists of things you enjoyed most during your childhood. Your perspective will differ from hers, but they will spark memories of her own.  

12. Clean the house. I can't tell you how much I appreciate a clean house. Not having to do the laundry for a day. Not having dishes to wash. Not having to vacuum, sweep, wipe the table and counter tops, picking up toys... There are days when I wish for a break from all this - for just a day! Why not have all hands doing these chores so that Mom doesn't have to? Give her a whole day of not having to slave away for anyone else. This is a great thing to do every year. Make it a tradition! 

Speaking of traditions, it is not too late to start. Pick your favorite gift ideas and make the day the same every year. Not only will it be easy for both of you, but it gives you something to look forward to together. Let them know that you are setting aside the time and they need to as well. Then do your thing. 

Before picking things from the list to do, get to know your Mother, Grandmother or whoever you are gifting. It is only too late when she is gone. Know what she likes. Where does she like going? What hobbies does she have? This makes gifting so much easier as well as enjoyable for you both. 

These are ideas for the Moms who have everything they need and don't want for much else. Or as my Mom calls it, the Moms who have everything. Or for the ones who have the husband that get her a vacuum as a gift to celebrate the carrying and giving birth to his children... Let's face it, a vacuum might be needed, but why wait to give it as a gift for this one day of the year when you are supposed to be showing her some real love? This is a message to the guys. What are you telling her when this is the type of gift you give her? We all need to remember what Mothers Day is really about. It is celebrating the woman who has sacrificed so much. So if it something she truly needs, maybe considering getting her that anyhow, but then getting her something she alone will enjoy for her gift. This is something my own Mother has had to deal with on Mothers Day. That, or last minute gifts that were ill-planned for. Like those half-dead flowers... Seriously? And if she is on a diet and seriously wanting to get her health back in check SKIP the CHOCOLATES. Take her out to a healthy alternative restaurant. Know the woman in your life, guys. See things through her eyes. And give her a beautifully Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

SmitCo discount via US Family Guide

Easter is right around the corner. And with it, a time when gifts are sometimes given. Even if you aren't into that sort of thing, it is never to early to get started with your holiday gift buying! 
Thanks to being a part of the parent blogger program, I am able to share information about SmitCo. 
Quality, affordable gifts for girls ages 2 to 12. SmitCo LLC has several different diaries with lock and keys and diary sets for girls in Emoji and Diva themes, as well as several different nail art sets to provide hours of fun.

A huge hit is the brand new Mermaid themed scrapbook kit as well as 3 unique princess dress up sets.
SmitCo products also include rose gold, gold or rhodium plated jewelry and sets, as well as very popular stretch sets for little girls - all packed in cute gift boxes. 
Find all the great products here:

We trust you will find some or all gifts here for the princesses on your list!

My readers get to save!

Get 20% Off Entire Cart Of Gifts! Go to: and use coupon code N3CQD6AE on checkout.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Gift ideas for the new mom that you might never have considered

Lately I've been thinking about some gift ideas that I wish I had thought of before having my baby. Things that usually don't end up on the registry or that maybe I had a moment of thinking about, but would never have asked for. But in hindsight, let's be real, sometimes asking for those things is better than saying, "I'm not really sure, so get whatever you think I might need." Which is sorta what I did. As a seasoned mother, I knew what I could live without (swing) and what I couldn't (cloth diapers/spit rags). This wasn't my first rodeo. Though you better believe it when I say it will be my last (just got scheduled for a little snippety snip this month).
So I was expecting the usual. Diapers, wipes, gift cards, newborn outfits out the wazoo. Funny that I didn't get those newborn outfits as much. I only received a handful. I had to buy gowns for her since I only had one and those things are AMAZING. And will be first on my list...

Numero uno: Baby gowns. Every new mom should have them. They make those midnight diaper changings soooo much simpler. Nothing like a squirming baby, lack of light, lack of sleep and snaps. You wake up the next morning and it looks like your 4 year old snapped up the front blindfolded. Plus if your baby is like mine, she didn't fit her newborn footed outfits too well. She would kick and stretch until both legs were tangled inside. Even better if you get the ones with built-in mittens.

Next up, nursing clothes or a gift card to get said clothes. Sure its fun to buy for the baby, but if you know Mom is planning to breastfeed, help her out! Nursing clothes aren't cheap. I had a hard time finding used ones. So I ended up just going with nursing camisoles and button up plaid shirts. But even cami tops are $25 a piece. Remember that Mom has to care for herself in order to care for baby. I think even I forget that at times. I get so caught up with doing what is needed for everyone else, that I lose track of what is going on with me. Point in case - how many times I've skipped a meal lately... Talk about the migraines I get later. Or the fact I am not getting enough water. Breast milk isn't being produced as much as I need it to be. So keep Mom's needs in mind as well as the baby's.

Walk Away the Pounds DVD's are fantastic.
You can't give these to just anyone though. You have to know the lady and know what her feelings about her weight and losing it will be. I'm very self conscious about my weight. I fully intend to lose all the baby fat by next June. Partly because I'll be getting married then, but mostly because I look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see. I plan to start using mine again. Just need to find times when the fiancé isn't around. Yep, self conscious around even him.

Baby Tongue/Gum Brushes are great for cleaning off the milk residue that babies have after feedings. I'm wishing I had gotten one. And now I'm finding it hard to get one. They used to sell the kind that fits on your finger.
Seeing the residue on my girls tongue makes me wish I had one.

Delivered Meals or Desserts are always welcomed. Notice I say desserts too. Do you know how often I've craved cookies or a slice of cake. But I'm too tired to make them myself most times. Granted, with wanting to lose weight, I suppose its for the best. But still... cravings are there at random times.

Nightlights are amazing. Waking up for those early morning feedings and changings, you really don't want to turn on blinding lights. Then you run the risk of waking up the baby and thus never getting sleep you desperately need. You also don't want to risk tripping over things, stubbing your toes, or even grabbing the wrong item for a diaper changing. My fiancé set up the 3D FX Death Star light.

If I absolutely need more light, I use the closet light. But baby girl likes the pattern on the wall from this one too.
Forget mittens. Get the baby socks. For their feet and hands. Okay, I know you are probably scratching your head at this. But let me explain it to you. This applies only to tall women having long babies. They typically have longer fingers and feet than other babies. And what I've learned, is that those mittens don't fit unless the baby never stretches their fingers out. It only works on permanent fists. She stretches, those mittens drop off. And then you can't cut the babies nails too soon. Too difficult. So those little razors flail through the air and usually scratch the tar out of themselves or Mom. She might look silly in the socks, but they work wonders when she's in long sleeves onesies.
No, they don't work well in short sleeves.

So what else have you found is a gift that gets overlooked, but is completely worth putting thought into? Share in the comments below!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Diamond Candles review

I've posted about Diamond Candles before. Well, when I posted about their 50-70% off sale (which is still happening) I went ahead and ordered some of them for Christmas gifts. I grabbed one for myself though to try out the scent and do my own review. I promise its completely by my choice and I was not asked by Diamond Candles to do this, nor was it hosted by them.
Shipping was really quick too. Took only a week to get all my candles. Each one was securely packed to avoid breakage during shipping. Now is the perfect time to order. You can catch the deals, discounts and promos. On top of that, there isn't a huge rush as there will be later in the year when everyone is ordering Christmas gifts at the same time. 
The candle I decided to write my review on was the It's a Girl candle
As soon as you open it, the smell flows into the room. No lighting required! It's a fresh mixture of powder and floral. 
I burned it for about 3+ hours before I got to the ring part.
And it was quite fun pulling it out.

I suggest you wear gloves though so your hands don't get waxed. And definitely give it time to cool before attempting to open the foil packaging. The ring will be in a small baggie wrapped in foil.
Though the wax might still get through the foil. 
The ring also comes with a Diamond Candles reveal, which mine showed being worth $10. 

Diamond Candles has many options to choose from and you can do advanced searches. So one reader asked if they had floral scents. They do! Just click on the Floral option off to the left of the screen to see those options. 
Sign up to receive their emails and you can be updated with every new sale or promotion they have going on. Now is a good time to watch those sales if you plan on getting them to give as gifts! Right now, their Labor Day sale is still active with BOGO free. Just use the code BOGO16 at checkout. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

AdoramaPix review and discount information

I love having decorated walls. Pictures, posters, art. I like it all. Its a great way to add homeliness and character to where you live. They can also make great gifts. I was given the chance to review  AdoramaPix .
I got to make an 11x17 metal print.
The hardest part about ordering, was choosing which picture I wanted! Uploading, editing and ordering are simple steps to making something amazing. The step-by-step process keeps the hassle out of it while saving you time. I like how they let you choose which mounts you want.
You can also check the price guide for the various sizes before you start creating your order. 

They have quite the variety of photo gifts you can create. 
You do need to be careful. The framework behind the print is fragile. Mine got chipped to reveal that it is made of wood, painted silver. 

Here is information on some awesome savings you can take from:
AdoramaPix helps people turn their digital photographs from abstract computer files into beautiful keepsakes designed to last a lifetime. Their contemporary metal prints capture memories in rich color and vibrant detail. Because your images are infused right into the metal, and not painted on the surface, their metal prints are extremely durable. Not only will your metal image be water and weather proof, but scratch resistant as well. You can even clean it with glass cleaner. Your memories deserve to live in true, archival luxury with AdoramaPix metal prints.

You can find all the fun gift ideas HERE:

My readers get to save! 35% off all metal prints. Use code: pxusfam35m expires 12/15/2015.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Emerson Creek Pottery review and giveaway

As I've mentioned in some of my other reviews, I love companies that make and sell products right here in the United States. I also love pottery. My grandmother had a beautiful set of pottery dishes on display in her china cabinet the always impressed me. I found a company that not only sells pottery but they are made and sold here in the US. Emerson Creek Pottery makes some beautiful pieces and sets. With the holidays here, these pieces are even more appealing for all your holiday gatherings and family sharing. They have so many things that make great gift ideas as well.
I was sent a Peony Pitcher in the Copper Clay color. It's so cute. I love the deep, rich color (that goes so well with the ranch theme we have) as well as how smooth the surface is. It's the perfect size for a small bunch of flowers to make a centerpiece. I'm sure too when my daughter is old enough to have "tea parties" this is will be something she goes for first. It reminds me of a miniature size of a pitcher my mother used to have. Remember the pitcher and bowls households would keep in the rooms of their farm house so guests could wash their hands and face? Just like that!

Emerson Creek Pottery also has some lovely appetizer plates, dinnerware, bakeware, baby dishes... The list goes on. They have various colors and designs to choose from as well. You can check out their website to see everything they have to offer. My favorite design they offer is the Field of Iris. I like that they make pottery that is not only beautiful, reminiscent of antique-like pieces, but its also made for modern life.
These dishes are safe to use in your microwave as well as your dishwasher. There is no lead in them and you can cook with them in your oven. Being heavy duty and made to last everyday makes them worth every penny compared to the cheaper imports most folks buy that break or shatter or might even develop cracks over less than a years worth of handling. As a bonus for those who love historic facts, the building that houses their showroom has a rich background going back to the 1800's.

So now for the fun part! Enter below to win a Peony Pitcher in your choice of design. As a bonus, they are also giving my readers a coupon code 867, good for 20% off, $25 or more, until 1/7/13. So check them out, enter to win, and happy holidays!

a Rafflecopter giveaway