Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Another Heinz Gravy Recipe!

 After making the Quick Gumbo recipe with Heinz Homestyle Gravy, a reader sent me a recipe of another meal I should try. So I did! And I was impressed by how well the family took it. So I'm sharing it here.

You know I don't have a name for it....

So here is what you will need:

Cooked rice to serve it over

Ground beef 

1 jar of Heinz Homestyle Gravy (beef flavored)

1 small onion, chopped finely

Now, let's get cooking! 

Make small patties with the ground beef. Think slider small. Fry them up in butter until they are browned through. 

Saute your finely chopped onions while those are cooking. Once those are nice and softened, add them to a sauce pan with the gravy on low. Add the beef patties once they are finished. 

Serve that mix over some rice. 


Super simple recipe. But filling and good. This recipe was something my great grandmother used to make. She grew up during World War II, when meals had to be creatively made due to ingredients being hard to come by. Her recipe would have included a homemade gravy, but this works just as well. Especially with time being short and busy for so many. Hope you like it!  This recipe cane feed up to 6 if you do single portions per person. My teenage son had 3 bowls alone, so I have to double the recipe at the very least.

Trying a variation

You can also just cook up the ground beef, mix with the gravy and pour over the rice. Works just as well and skips the forming of patties. My family loved this variation just as well. This time, when I cooked up the ground beef, I added some Worcestshire sauce and minced garlic too. Great addition to the flavor!


  1. This looks like a recipe my Nana made It is so good

    1. I thought it was too! And so easy to make. It's quick and simple for on-the-go families.
