Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Swimming With Swimways!

I love swimming! It is a low impact workout that is perfect for my back, but it also fun. A type of fun that I can do with my whole family. Especially when we have the proper gear. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party and sharing them with others. As well as for my personal review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

Being a blogger associated with Tryazon comes with some pretty sweet perks! Like getting to try out products. The latest pack is from SwimWays. They are from the parent corporation Spin Master. I've written about several of their cool things that we have tried out. They have designed gear that takes your child through the stages of learning to swim and enjoy the water safely so that you can relax and have fun together. 

First up!

We have the infant stage. This one is simple, yet highly effective at not only allowing the baby to enjoy being in the pool with you, but to keep the sun off their skin more. I love the sun shade option! I wish I had one of these when my babies were younger. I'm hoping to find someone with a little one to give this to soon.

Next in the queue... 

Is for kids who are learning the moves, but need help holding their heads above water. I like to think of it as a kid-friendly life jacket. You have the floatie arm holes and a vest that props them above water as they kick and splash around. This is the one that my Baby Girl used. She likes that she can lay on her back and just float along or even swim backwards with me.

Last, but not least!

Once a child can keep their heads up, but still need a little help, you have the soft arm floaties. Well built and able to withstand the flailing, these are perfect for those who are really getting the hang out of swimming, but could use the extra boost to ease Mom's mind. 

They didn't stop there!

Playing at the pool often means bringing toys, right? Well, they have some pretty amazing ones to choose from. Like these mermaids that I think would be perfect for my 4 year old!

These could even be bath toys! Knowing my girls, they wouldn't restrict them to pool or bath, but would want them for all the time play. They have a variety of diving toys, surface toys and even pool noodles to add to the fun.

Where to start shopping? 

Personally, I prefer Amazon. But there are other places you can look at too, like Target and Walmart.

                                                Little Bit likes doing tricks in the water now.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Sparking Artistic Creativity With Blingle Bands!

My daughter loves to get creative. Whether it is in painting, jewelry making or even in fixing herself a meal, this girl makes me proud with not being afraid to try something new! Which brings me to my latest blog post. 

*Disclaimer: I was sent this product for free in exchange for letting my daughter test it out and then telling you what we thought of it! I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

I had never heard of Blingle Bands before. They come from Moose Toys. Of course, the moment I removed it from its shipping package, my daughter was reaching and wanting to give it a try! I had that moment of feeling something like this... 

I told her I needed to get some product photos done first and she would need to wait just a little while longer. After all, Influenster is the medium that allowed me to get one for her, so they will need photos in return. 

I was amazed at how simple, yet complex it was. How can that be? First off, everything is neat and ordered. The process to put the pieces on is simple. The creations that you can design? That can be as complex as you want it to be! In my 8 year old daughters hands, it was a breeze. She created the first bracelet with me in mind. (Of course!) I loved the design she came up with. One way it is M for Mom. Flip it over, it is W for Wonder Woman. My daughter knows me so well, it's a little scary, but absolutely thrilling at the same time. 

Once your band part has been glamorized, you tie on the strings with beads for decorations and finish it with nifty pieces that will allow you to adjust the bracelet and keep the beads from falling off. 

I am quite proud of her. She is in the process of making another one already, but this time with an intensely detailed design. 

I don't know who out there has birthdays or has already starting planning and purchasing for Christmas (like me), but this is a perfect idea for creative ladies of ages 7 and up. This one that I received is the Starter Pod. It runs for $9.99. You can also choose the Bestie pack which is perfect for 2 friends getting together and blinging out ($4.99). Or go for what I like to see as the sleepover or party favor pack - Blingle Bands Deluxe 8 Band Studio! ($19.99) Whichever way you go, you are sure to hear some happy exclamations from the girly girls in your life. I know I did! Let me know what you think about these in the comments below. I love hearing from you all.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Homeschool Bound

My faith in the public school system has fizzled out. Finally. Thus begins my journey into being a serious homeschool mom. The journey is bound to be difficult, and I enter the path with slight trepidation. However, that being said, I have a strong belief that it is the right path to take. My kids mean the world to me. Giving them the best education possible, isn't an empty dream. If all I can leave them is knowledge, then I'm leaving a treasure-loads worth! 

First things first...

I had to remove them from the public school system. My daughters school acquiesced my request immediately. My boys' school... Took several emails and then CC-ing the Superintendent. But it is done! Supposedly... And I am happy to feel so free. Taking that first step can be so draining. Emotionally speaking, I kept wondering if I can truly do this. But knowing the support I have from my husband and the supplies my mom keeps passing along, it just seemed so doable. Physically speaking, I questioned how I would get through the days with the kids around non-stop. I'm not always feeling my best. And try though I may, they know when I'm struggling. They are like their dad... Always reading me better than I'd like! But then there is the thought that if they stay in school, I have to keep getting up before the sun and dragging them to the bus stop. Then dragging myself to pick them up in the afternoon. I think I can handle being home all day every day with them much better than keeping to that schedule! It can be overwhelming at first. But once the rhythm is established, this will be a walk in the park.

What will I teach? 

As required by law mathematics, reading, writing and citizenship are no-brainers. But I won't stop there. History shows our human mistakes so that we can be better in the future. Science brings wonder and reminds us to keep pushing forward. Art breeds creativity. And of course I will be looking forward to our trips to the pool and tennis courts for physical education. I also plan to teach them as much home economics studies as I can think of. My kids won't be like the majority of college-aged kids who don't know how to wash their clothes or make breakfast! My 4 year old folds and puts away her clothes and towels just fine. So I think I'm on track so far. I've created a board on Pinterest that is divided by subject to keep me on track and offer ideas when I get stuck.

What am I doing? 

Normally I laugh and say, "I don't know!" 

I've been reading a lot about homeschooling. I've also thought back to the days when I was a homeschooler (4th grade to college). Not every kid goes ahead at the same pace. So I'm evaluating where my children are and where they need to go. While I like having workbooks that they can progress in on their own, I don't want to sit back and wait for them to have questions. I know at least one of them will gladly pretend to be doing the work while most likely hiding undone pages. I should know, I did the exact same thing. Once. I'm going to be hands on with them. I have a 6th grader, 5th grader, and a 4th grader. Not to mention my 4 year old in Kindergarten! 

Where are my materials coming from?

One thing I have come to find is that a child needs to progress at their own speed. My 4th grader is far ahead in her levels. So I'm going out on a limb and teaching them all together. Refreshers in multiplication, division, fractions and decimals. My 6th grader is the only one who might be able to go into whatever comes after those. Math is my husbands expertise. So he's their teacher in that subject. My mom gave me lots of books that I'm going to pull lessons from to use. I've also printed pages out online to get an idea of where they are. I'm going to have them quizzing each other with flash cards for multiplication and division.

Reading is easy! That is my comfort zone. All my children follow suit in that. Our library recognizes us now, I'm proud to admit. We have a great deal of fun going there. My only sadness is that they limit me to placing 25 items on hold at once. And I can only get 50 items at a time. Which means we are there almost every week. Okay, every week. I've nearly met my Goodreads reading challenge goal for the year already. Which reminds me... I need to up it to 150 books... Anyhow. I'm teaching them the proper differences between the types of books they are reading. And to mix non-fiction in between the fiction. (Something my mom taught me.) Keep hold of enough of reality so that you don't always live in fantasy. They are currently reading about robots and our special forces teams for their non-fiction.

Writing is going to be fun! When I was homeschooled, I had penpals around the world. I also kept journals. LOTS of journals. I've since burned some of those. Most of those. But there are couple I still have. My children won't be forced to keep a journal. They keep to something else. They have Bible study journals. They read the Bible on their own and write questions to ask their dad later. He does Bible studies with them every afternoon, Mondays being question days. Even their Sunday school teachers have been in wonder that my kids know more about the passages being studied than other kids there. My kids can even tell you the historical references of people not in the Bible that affected the events mentioned in the Bible! That makes me very proud. On top of this, though, I plan to try and get them penpals. I want them to practice writing letters while also learning about others around the world. I don't want idle writings. But true penmanship and connections. I would even like them to write family more as well. Since the pandemic, we haven't had many in-person interactions with family. 

History is a subject that my husband and I both are huge fans of. My kids have learned well how much I enjoy it. I make them write reports every summer on a different subject. We discuss World War 2 a lot around here. This summer, they learned the proper layout of a book report while studying pirates. Wanna know how I know they actually learned something from this study? My 11 year old son had to see the dentist. As he sat there, the hygienist asked him what he had done over the summer so far. He told her he learned about pirates. "How fun!" she says. "Yep, I even know all about the process of keelhauling!" He tells her. She looks at me confusedly and back to him, "What is keelhauling?" He goes into precise, and slightly gory, detail about it. She looks back at me and said, "Nothing like Pirates of the Caribbean, huh?" HAHAHAHAHA You wanna talk about being proud of my son?! I told her, "Nope, that is real history that he learned." We did binge through the entire series of Pirates of the Caribbean movies. We are also still reading Treasure Island. We watched two versions of movies made from that book as well. And my mom made it even more fun by sending a game called Pirate Words that had us laughing our butts off trying to make words, beat each other to the treasure and not get eaten by sharks - all at the same time! I took it a step further and had each of them design their own pirate "colors" or flag. Anyone who has studied pirate history will know that pirates didn't all fly the same Jolly Roger flag. They created their own to fly, to show who was captain of the ship. It was cool to see their different ideas and to read their reports. They all see piracy so differently. 

I have science projects and kits lined up already. My mom has sent most of them. From robotics to wind machines, to solar power and circuitry. Not to mention my husband has loads of his own ideas for fun science studies. We have books to study the Epic Failures of Engineering. I can't wait for that one! 

For physical education, we go to the pool and are learning swimming. Or at least I have been trying to teach them. We also take them to play tennis. We bought racquets for us all. My kids love this! We are actually getting better. We no longer take up two courts with our stray balls all the time! I did fall this last time. Scraped up my right side really well. But through it all, we are having fun and staying fit. 

                                                    This one came from the Czech Republic

Geography is a fun subject. I don't believe it is only for learning where places are on the globe. I also believe in learning about other cultures and culinary experiences. I am a member of Postcrossing. I swap postcards with others around the world. When I get one from another country, I look up recipes from there and make a dinner that is completely different than things we have here. Then I read to the kids a little about that country. We talk about where it is. Soon I will be hanging a world map that my mom gave me. I'm creating what I call the Learning Wall. Our place is small, but I'm making it work. 

What suggestions might you have? Any of you homeschool?? I'd love to hear about it!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Trying Out Jif and Smuckers!

How many of you have tried Jif products before? Okay, what about Smuckers? Our family loves Smuckers in particular. My kids love Jif. We recently had the chance to try some flavors that were spectacular to the taste buds! 

*Disclaimer: I received these products free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are strictly my own.*

I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sadly, I can't have peanut butter very often since having my gallbladder removed. That doesn't mean I have totally given up on the joy of them though. We recently switched to buying Smuckers products. If you read my blog regularly, you will know that we avoid foods with dyes in them as much as possible. Smuckers mostly don't have dyes! They have real ingredients with real taste. 

We got to try two of these products - the Natural Red Raspberry and Orange Marmalade variety. Personally, I'm not a fan of raspberry. However, this one was really good. My favorite was the orange marmalade. My kids enjoyed them both on sandwiches, crackers, and even on pancakes! We love doing the pancakes for dinner option with fruit toppings of some sort and adding a dollop of cool whip on top! Simple, yet satisfyingly delicious. I think the marmalade one was better on bread or pancakes. Didn't work as well with the crackers.

Which one would you want to try??