Thursday, August 20, 2015

Just don't fit in with today's crowd

Let's face it. I'm an introvert and quite proud of that fact. I don't like people. I avoid them. I love to stay at home, write, surf YouTube or Netflix and I steer clear of anything on the popular list. This doesn't mean I don't like some of the things that modern 20-something's enjoy. But I'm usually at a loss when someone mentions a pop culture reference. I don't care what the Kardashians are up to. I find them repulsive. I don't want to know what teen moms are like, I've met some and I see them as idiots. I don't like "reality" TV as most of it is staged anyhow. The news is something I check online when I want to know what's going on, but I generally could care less. I prefer to research things as the interest strikes me. 
I love to dance and shake down when I hear a song I like. I also encourage my kids to do so. Granted, I'm as white as they come and maybe sometimes it shows when I move... but hey, I've seen worse and I make it look better. I like the Cupid Shuffle. Its easy to follow. I've gotten lost to Soulja Boy though. And now I find there is a new one... Silento came up with Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae). First of all, where do they get their names? Silento is a better one than Soulja Boy or Puff Daddy/P. Diddy whoever he is now... but still. And the name of this song?? What the heck is a Nae Nae supposed to be? I get the whip it part. Sorta. Then comes the Stanky Leg. Say what?! What is up with that? Why would you dance to something like that? Call me old school, but I think Electric Slide is way better. Or Tootsie Roll which is what we did in the 3rd grade during dance day in class. Macarena let dancers of all races have fun without making anyone seem out of place. Yes, simpler dances, but fun for all. I'm ready to get back to Gangnam Style even, before trying something like Nae Nae. 

And TV? Forget it. I rather watch things on Netflix. Okay, maybe the History Channel. But nothing else really interests me. Series have lost their flare for me. Once Upon a Time is okay as its something I share with my younger sister and gives me something to talk to her about (though I'm behind by... 2 seasons?). There are so many shows that I've seen commercials for that I scratch my head at. Where have we gotten these ideas? Why are these things "entertaining"? Who watches this junk?! Teen Moms... Do we want to encourage teen pregnancy? And where do they find these girls to follow? 
Vampire shows are abundant and over-dramatized. True Blood, The Originals, Vampire Diaries... Now there is one coming about a zombie coroner. iZombie?
Seriously? Eat the brains of the victim to determine the cause of death. Shaking my head here. 
NCIS and Law & Order seems to have one show for every major city, right? And when I meet people who believe that the technology used in these shows is "real" I want to slap them. HELLO! Its TV! If these things were real, crime rates would be so much lower than they are. Plus the prisons would be crammed as more cases would get solved. 

How is it that the Simpsons are still going? Truth be told, I've never liked it. Don't think I've even seen a full episode. And I have absolutely no desire to. Family Guy goes right along with this one. I think I'd lose brain cells watching it. 

Music is another post all in its own... Give me the oldies of the 80's, 90's or the ones that fall into the "Indie" category. Delain, Halestorm, Steam Powered Giraffe, Basshunter, District 78, and those that are similar to Glitch Mob are in my playlist. Forget Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, or One Direction (which seems to have broken off into a couple directions). Mainstream music doesn't follow reason. The only "popular" artists I truly love are Fall Out Boy and Pink. Other than that, its hit or miss. 

I'm going to retreat into the safety of my closer friends. Where history, science, and intelligence take priority in our conversations. I'm going to pass on the pop culture and mainstream of today. I'm a Nerd. Proud and true. Deal with it. 

HEB deals

After Target, I headed to HEB to do this weeks grocery shopping. I came across these deals.
In the latest coupons we get dropped in our driveways, there is a $1/2 Maruchan bowls or packs. These are currently on sale at HEB 2/$1.
So you use the coupon and get them for free!
A1 sauce is $2.98 each at HEB.
They currently have $1/1 coupons, so save that one from the paper for a later date!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bostitch review via sent out another product for me to review! This time its the Bostitch Dynamo Stapler.
Made by Stanley, its a sturdy addition to my office collection. And so far, I'm quite tickled by it. Its red (awesome color anywhere!). There is a built-in pencil sharpener in the back of it.
Also in the back is a built-in staple remover.
So the minute you realize you made a mistake and left a page out, you can remove the staple and then redo it without swapping out the tools to do so.
The underside of the stapler has a removable cover that hides the extra staples storage compartment. The top has a smooth grip to allow you hold it steady as you staple up to 20 pages at a time. 

Don't forget to check out the many other office supplies that Shoplet has to offer. They also have medical supplies, cleaning supplies, as well as furniture. So many great things provided by one company!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Celebrating 3 years of joy

My daughter turned 3 years old this past week.
She has brought so much happiness to all of us. Even to her brothers who, I admit, used to "love" on her so much more when she was a baby. Now that she's big enough to walk, talk, and hit them when they don't listen, I do hear "I don't like babies or sisters. Can we give her away?" Yet, they look out for her and help her when she needs them. 

She likes to play "Ninja Fruit" (Fruit Ninja game). She doesn't mind the idea of beating someone up. And cleaning up her barbies is never something she wants to be doing. 
She is growing so fast! And Saturday we had friends over to enjoy those 3 years we have had thus far. 
I made favor bags using all these things that came purely from the clearance shelves, mostly if not all from Target.
I also made some for the boys as I don't think they want a bunch of Princess items. 
Despite being exhausted from a long work week, I stayed up late before going to work the graveyard shift to set up her decorations and set out her gifts. 
The look on her face was worth everything. 
Here's to many more years with my baby girl.