Friday, June 13, 2014

Enjoying life

I'm looking forward to going to sleep very soon. Not even 6:30 PM but considering the fact my day started at 2AM... I'm ready. 
My day was filled with all sorts of adventures. Fun at work, where I brought rich brownies for my team.  
I work with a group of interesting characters from all walks of life. They each bring something to the table and play a key role. While I'm sad that two of them are heading out to better jobs, I'm also happy for them. Nothing like going somewhere to get paid more and possibly have better working conditions. Better than the creature who met some merchandise in the wrong way...
We went Target to pick up a couple things. Using coupons, I managed to save about $25 off our bill and get a few freebies!
I tried shopping for more work clothes with no luck. Being tall can really be a curse especially when your job dictates the colors you have to wear. Red and khaki is NOT an easy pair. Why can't I just be like my daughters Barbie? Forever being undressed.
Okay, so I don't want to run around naked. Definitely not the nudist type here. But wearing whatever I wanted would be nice. Like pajamas. 
When we got home, it was time to cook. It seems I spend most of my time at home, in the kitchen. I should consider putting a cot there... We took silly pictures while we waited for it cook.
No matter what kind of day I'm having, I have 3 little rascals who can make me smile and act like the fool willingly. They are my heart and soul. 
Dinner conversation went from my 5 year old asking me to teach him to drive the van when he "grows up" to who has what color eyes and which parent did it come from.
I find that children are fascinated by the smallest of things. Their desire to learn makes me want to get my butt back to school and finish my education. But it also makes me proud that they take after me. 
I've got everything set for us to take the kids to Lowes tomorrow morning. Can't wait to build Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon! He's the coolest so far. Let's just hope my sinus issues don't make a scene. Remember to enjoy the little things. Appreciate what you have. Don't be the cynic. 

A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin. - H.L. Mencken

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Free donut!

Tomorrow is National Donut Day and Krispy Kreme is celebrating by giving away free ones! Enjoy ANY flavor!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Learning life's lessons....

What a day. Went grocery shopping. It's always a crazy chore. Especially with 3 kids under foot. The boys want to run around the aisles and my daughter wants to follow them so she tries to climb out of the cart. We found a couple great deals and otherwise did our week and half shopping. $190 wasn't bad. It covers 3 meals for each of our 5 members for the next week and half plus snacks and oddities we found along the way. One deal I wanted to share was the Maruchan Yakisoba meals.
I don't think you should buy these to eat often but when you need a cheap lunch and don't have leftovers on hand, they'll do. They are 64¢ each and I had the $1/2 coupon making them 14¢ each. Then you have the Nabisco coupons for 75¢/2.
Pair these up with the buy one box of Ritz crackers, get a box of Itza crackers deal or the buy 2 packs of Nabisco Oreo cookies and get a free carton of HEB Mootopia milk for some extra savings. 
When we got home, I had to put everything up and make lunch. My oldest son ran up to his room saying he was going to play. This was a little unusual, but I had my hands and mind busy on other things so I let it go. When I called him down to eat, however, it was all too clear why he ran up there so fast. His lips and tongue and around his mouth were colored blue. I asked him what he had eaten. While he tried to answer without telling me everything, I ran through a list of possibilities in my mind. His answer was "candy that I put in my pocket". Immediately I knew what he meant, he had taken candy from HEB and stuck it in his pocket. He stole candy. It was just a lollipop. But I wasn't going to just let him get away with thievery. I wanted him to learn that stealing was a crime. A serious crime. So after talking to him and we ate lunch, we went back to HEB. I made him tell the manager what he did as well as asked the manager to tell my son what he does to those he catches stealing from him. We explained where criminals go and what happens to them. I sincerely hope we got through to him. Then I paid the 54¢ and told the cashier to throw it away. He wasn't going to get it back. When I worked security, I had a mom do the same thing to a son who was slightly older than my own. He was a little scared and a lot embarrassed. I'd be pretty shocked if he ever did it again. 
After our trip to HEB came a stop at the Lego store for the monthly mini build!
It's certainly gained popularity as the line was forming before 4pm and stretched all the way back to the Bath and Body Works store when I arrived shortly after 4. People even brought foldable stools to sit on while they waited. If I had planned a little better, I'd have brought the iPads for the kids and a book for me. At 4:40 I was in the middle and it was snaking all the way towards JCPENNY. 
Mall security had to set up ropes to keep the line orderly and prevent line jumpers. It was to build a speedboat that is actually big enough for a mini figure to fit in. Can't wait to see what next months build will be. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Free Tai Pei dinner coupon

Simply click this link
Enter your information and wait for the coupon to be mailed to you. It's good for one free Tai Pei dinner. These are usually about $2.18 each.