Showing posts with label words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2023

What Words Were Created the Year You Were Born?

I've been learning a lot of new words lately. I have penpals in New Zealand that have been showing some of their words and phrases. I've learned a lot about the differences between the Queen's English and American English from a dear friend in the United Kingdom. But I'm also learning American words and terms that are new, or just new to me. I have found a word that describes my love of learning these words. Ready for it? I am a logophile. Where do I mostly find words to learn about? Well, since I'm also a bibliophile, I find them in books. 

Logophile - A lover of words.

Bibliophile - A person who loves or collects books, especially as examples of fine or unusual printing, binding, or the like. 

I have also come to enjoy getting the Word of the Day from I learn words for myself. Or I find words that I think the kids should know and create spelling lists in our homeschool curriculum from them. Here is a new word for the generation of today...

Nomophobia! Can you guess its meaning? I had a pretty good laugh when I first saw it. After all, it is a running joke in our house these days. 

Nomophobia - Anxiety caused by being without access to a functioning mobile phone. 

I recently learned there was even a thing as finding words and phrases that were created the year you were born! If you are curious about your own year, just go HERE. For example, my year is 1988. Yes, I'm quite old in the eyes of my children and siblings. In that year, I have found some interesting new words that also give insight to what was going on during that time.

Some of these, I wasn't familiar with. Like d4T, heteroglossia, himbo, and mommy track. Others, I grew up hearing regularly or even used myself. Like swole, pimped-out, defrag, unibrow - these were things that were pretty common as I was growing up. One of my favorites was gangsta. We used to make jokes with this one all the time. 

We didn't use it correctly, of course, but then who ever does?? Mommy-track is about moms who chose to work and raise kids. They resigned themselves to making money, probably to make ends meet, but knew they probably wouldn't grow in their careers because of the kid side to life. I've witnessed that firsthand. A job I applied for was very interested in me until they found out I had kids. They told me flat-out that having kids made me a liability. I would most likely miss work they thought. Who knew that began in 1988? 

And e-book?! I'm not a fan of those. But I didn't realize they started that early. Just took them a while to gain popularity I suppose. I still prefer holding a book in my hands, flipping each page, and indulging my imagination with pictureless descriptions. Even the smell of a book can be alluring. I will happily spend time wandering through book stores - used ones, not so much new ones.  

The first place I heard the term killer app was in a song. Took me this long to realize just what it really meant!

And in case you missed it, Al Yankovic's favorite MC is M.C. Escher. My dad's favorite too. This guy was amazing with his art. Mathematically and artistically inclined. But that is just a side note. 

So humor me here. What word(s) came out the year you were born that you had no idea of? What word have you learned recently? Or what is your favorite word? I'd love to know. Who knows if I might learn a new one from you. Leave me a comment below!