Showing posts with label Cold Case Files. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold Case Files. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2024

Solving Cold Cases For Fun As Well As For Education!

Once upon a time, I really wanted to be a Crime Scene Investigator. I read every book I could get on techniques, fingerprinting, DNA analysis, true crime - anything that I could learn something of the trade from. I did research on what police departments are looking to hire for. Turns out, the one with the most knowledge in multiple areas, gets the job! They are usually low-funded for labs, so they hire one person to do it all. Don't believe me? Look up how many storage lockers are filled with unprocessed evidence. You will be amazed. 

What does that have to do with today's post? My love for crime solving has not died. I might never have been able to work that career, but I still enjoy a good mystery! You should see my library of books... Which is why I've introduced my husband to Murder, She Wrote. And thanks to finds from my mother, I get to pretend (for a while) that I'm the detective. 

Solving cases as a game

How many of you have done an escape room challenge? How many of you enjoy mysteries? Who likes to solve puzzles? 

If you answered ME! to any or all of those three things, then you are in for some fun ideas today. My mother has been finding various kits that bring murder mysteries into an affordable experience. Whether it is just you and one other, or whether you get a group of people together - it is a fun way to pass the time.

Perks to these kits

For starters, you go at your own pace. Some I have finished in a single night. Some I have done over multiple nights. Whether you pace yourself and savor it, or you devour it as quickly as your mind can process it, is all up to you! The first one I received, I insisted my husband and I had to finish it all in one night. I couldn't go to bed without knowing if I was right in who had murdered the bride-to-be! Could you sleep while an innocent man was framed for a crime he did not commit?! Okay, okay, I'm being dramatic. This is only a game after all. But this was the dedication I had during that first try. 

Not all kits are equal

As I will show you below, each kit is different. They serve a variety of minds. Some are better for parties than others. Some are easier to figure out than others. Some are more fun to work on over longer periods of times. Some interact with websites. Each are different. Uniquely fun in their own way. Even my kids have attempted to solve the murder! 

Unsolved Case File: Harmony Ashcroft

This was the first one I ever did. The one I made my husband stay up late with me to complete! Inside is a huge folder, filled to the brim with items that will help you piece together the crime and all those involved with your investigation. Photographs, witness statements, newspaper clippings - I was blown away how detailed they went with this. You can work this one alone, or with others. Over time, or as I did, all in a single night. It is available on Amazon as of when I am posting this. And it is also interactive with online links. Your goal isn't just to solve the case, which will be labeled as a cold case once the main objective is completed.

Your true and first goal is to prove that an innocent man was wrongfully arrested and convicted of the crime! It takes some real sleuthing to get through it. So if you don't like to really dig in on the brain power, this one isn't for you.

Cold Case Crackers

This is another one that is very detailed. I'd say it takes more effort like the first one I showed you. Great for a group game.

Or take your time and solve the riddle of who the bomber is and why. It has multiple phases. Can't move on to the next one until you finish each step!
Just like the first one, this one is brimming with pieces to solve the crime. Also like the other one, there are links you go to in order to verify whether you are correct in your deductions. I believe there are also hints available if you get stuck.

Murder Mystery Party: Death by Chef's Knife

This boxed set comes with a LOT of details. You really do think through the evidence. But it is finding the lies that makes the difference in whether you will solve it or now.
This one would be great for a party. But it can also be done solo or with a friend. I think my husband and I completed this in 2-3 sessions of reading and discussing the aspects.

But what do these have to do with education??

These are just games, hobbies, fun things, right? Yes, and no! I had my kids work together on the first one. Some enjoyed the assignment. Some did not. What they got from it, however, was worth it. They had to think. They had to reason. They had to focus their attention. And they had be analytical. This type of thinking is becoming a lost art among today's children. Our current generations are not being taught to think critically. To really read between the lines. These kits promote that kind of action. I think things like this should be included in the classroom setting more often.