Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Giving This Toy a Makeover

I love the doll world. I make things for my girls or little sister. And occasionally I give a makeover to things we pick up. My most recent one? A Barbie-sized jet ski with a new paint job! 

I found this jet ski at the Dollar Tree. But it was a bright pink and blue. I'm really not a fan of pink. At. All. The girls were thrilled with theirs. But I knew mine had to be a different color. So I set out to paint it. It took me a long while. I would work on it in between other chores or while the kids were sleeping. And I think it came out nicely! 

First things first, it is plastic, so it had to be primed. At the time, I didn't have money and didn't realize we had primer in the shed. So I sanded the surfaces to make them a little rough. 

Then I began the painting process. I chose this teal and silver color scheme. Even after sanding, the paint had issues sticking. So it took several more coats than I had figured on. I decided to leave the front piece and seat piece their original blue to contrast. Partly from laziness, partly because I think it works. And then before I added those two back on, I sprayed it down with a clear coat sealing paint. Which worked out great, because the teal was a matte paint, but the clear coat gave it a shine! 

What do you think? Did it come out well enough? Would you try such a thing? I know the Dollar Tree had these kayaks too. My daughters love theirs. I've been tempted to grab one for myself and give it a makeover too...

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