Monday, May 24, 2021

Fulfilling Travel Dreams: Prepping For Israel

 I have wanted to travel the world ever since I knew there was more to it than home. I have loved studying foreign cultures. Trying foods that are exotic! In my early college years, I loved wearing Asian-styled dresses. I even wanted to buy a real kimono so I could get the feel of my favorite Japanese anime characters. I participated in a World of Nations event one year. It was amazing! When I worked at the library, I probably made some of the volunteers uncomfortable with all my questions. We had a Chinese guy, 2 Pakistani brothers and a guy from India. I wanted to learn what I could from these people. They had come to our country from theirs. And their knowledge would be firsthand. Not the visitors observations that I read in books! Since then I've also made Mexican-born friends, worked under someone from New Zealand, had a pen pal in Australia, and made friends with a family in the United Kingdom. My most recent friend I've made is the illustrator of my children's book from Sri Lanka. 

 World of Nations Celebration - Downtown Jacksonville

I've only wanted to travel more!

Talking to all these people has only furthered my desire to travel. I want to see the places they described. For the longest time, however, the idea of traveling seemed a dream unless referring to a place within the United States. My husband and I would talk about all the places we wanted to see "one day". His #1 place to see was Israel. While I thought it would be neat, it wasn't my first choice. Japan was. But the more he talked about it, the more I thought it sounded awesome. To walk where Jesus walked. "See where my faith began." To see an ancient city. Even more so if we planned this trip for just the two of us. We never did have a honeymoon after all. This would kinda be that for us. All while getting our feet wet in world travel. Best yet, we would be going with a group. Safety in numbers, right?

The church he was part of back in Colorado hosts a trip once a year (before the pandemic). They mention it often in their studies that we listen to online. It grew on me. Wanting to go with them. I didn't think it would happen any time soon though. We were working hard to pay off the vehicle we had purchased in early 2020 and had finally paid off the credit card debt. So when the church announced that they were planning a trip for February 2021, we were excited for them, while sad that we couldn't join in.

Then things changed!

One year after buying our new vehicle, we were able to pay it off! God has blessed us in that. We carefully planned out our budget month after month. That dedication has been rewarded. Our only remaining debt is my husbands school loans. And we have been paying towards that as well. About this time, we  heard the church announcing that the trip had been rescheduled for the end of 2021 due to travel restrictions. Well, with the car payment suddenly gone at the same time, we felt like God was opening the doors that would lead us to Israel. We decided that if this was truly meant to be, doors would continue to open for us. We just had to take one step at a time. 

Taking steps in faith...

The first step we had to take was to get a passport. Neither of us had ever done that. It can be a bit daunting, to be sure. But exciting nonetheless. We figured we would use that as the initial basis for whether this trip was meant to be. FedEx does passport photos! And they had a $2 off special when we did ours, making them cheaper than other places. So keep an eye open for deals. And remember, you might look like a killer because you aren't allowed to smile. But apparently, that is all okay!

Then we came up with the money for the first half of the trip fee. This was huge for us. Suddenly, I saw this as really happening. Which, for me, meant planning time! 

Making my lists and checking them twice!

I'm a huge list maker. I think it might even be a problem. Like a disorder. I have lists everywhere. For just about every thing. My first list was on Pinterest. I have created my own Travel Board there. I keep adding places I want to see to inspire me to push towards that goal. I started reading blog posts about traveling to Israel. What is the weather like? What do you need while there? What are some souvenirs that people bring back? I don't have to worry about where we are going. Those points of interests will be kept to where the group goes - including a camel ride! I have even learned that there are some restrictions on attire (especially for women). I decided to create a board just for my favorite blog finds. 

Now that I had answered some of my own questions through research, I needed to make a list of what we were lacking. We had planned the trip for November. Well, the weather is actually cooler in Israel at this time of the year. And since I'm not wanting to be wearing shorts when we might be going to places that prohibit them, I needed to get comfortable clothes. I've gotten by with my 2 pairs of jeans for so long. They don't fit comfortably, but they have been enough for those times when I had to get dressed to go out somewhere. But we are talking about a two week trip! Those jeans weren't going to cut it. So shopping for clothes was on my list. I'll post my clothing selections later on...

Comfortable Shoes!

My shoes were well worn. Our trip plans about 9 miles of walking each day. Can't do that without a good pair of shoes. Puma sneakers last us a LONG time. So we agreed to get me a pair of them, despite their price. Sadly, the shoe store didn't have my size in women's shoes. This giant lady had to get them in men's. To make sure my husband and I could stay comfortable the whole day through, we also invested in shoe inserts. Dr. Scholl's. My husband has been using those for years in his jobs. Plus there are those machines that give you a number to know which one will work best for you. Should have seen me on that thing, in my socks, moving as it told me to, and feeling totally uncomfortable while it took my results.

I bought a new luggage set to surprise my husband for his birthday. I got carry-on approved sizes. One thing I've learned in my study of international travel is that carry-on really is the way to go. Too often, your luggage can be lost or damaged when checked in. And the airlines love to tell you, "We are not held responsible". So, carry-on it is! But how do you fit 2 weeks of clothing for 2 people into your carry-on bags only? Well, there are plenty of packing tips out there. Some are truly genius! Check out this board if you need some guides on that. I just have to get a set for myself next.

With luggage, you should have luggage tags. Just in case anything happens, they can contact you. Make sure you write your name in pen, but your contact information should be in pencil. That way if you move or change your number, you can just erase and rewrite it. Or use white out if you'd rather use pen. I had one that was plain black that my mom gave me a long while back. My husband had one that was Back to the Future themed from a Lootcrate box. Then Walmart had these Nintendo controller ones for $1 in the travel section! I want to find another one for me. Maybe a unicorn! Something nerdy, and me.

I started prepping each thing we would need. Filled our pill case. After a comment from a reader, I looked into bringing medicine to Israel. From what I've learned, prescriptions have to stay in their original containers and the name on them has to match your ID or Passport. I've also made sure that my husbands inhaler won't be a problem. Apparently, some countries have outlawed inhalers. Others view ADHD or mental health issues as criminal. So I urge you to do your research before you start traveling!

Then I packed the clear quart-sized bags that follow TSA regulations. Ever heard of the 3-1-1 rule for carry-on? I had no idea what that meant. Everything liquid has to stay at 3.4 fluid ounces (3). This includes your deodorant! Everything in a single quart-sized bag (1) - clear being the best and fastest way to get through the searches. And only one of these bags per person (1). I ordered these from Amazon to carry our liquids. From what I've read, the travel sized hand sanitizer doesn't have to be included in this for now. Those can be clipped to the bag. Since Covid-19, this is now in addition to your normal packing to help stop the spread. Granted, that is iffy. It is up to the one searching your luggage to decide if they are okay with you bringing it that way or not.

I like to lay everything out and take stock of what I have chosen. By doing so, I can make sure that thought is put into each item. Do I really need it? Is there anything I'm missing here? Keeps me honest with needs versus weighing in too many 'what if' ideas. 

My husband and I both have picked which backpacks we will bring along for our days of walking. 

We also have our CamelBak packs to bring. Mine is an Ozark Trail one. I have fallen in love with this brand! They are high quality and often, less expensive than comparable brands. We will tuck them into our backpacks and have water to drink the whole day through. However, another tip you might consider is to bring an empty water bottle through the security check. You can fill it up once you pass through. And of course keep refilling on your trip.

I've been considering making snack packs of trail mix. My husband is not a fan of fish or hummus, both of which are popular in Israel. But we will see as we get closer! I've been so excited for this trip, despite recent events. Our group won't go unless the contacts there and travel agent can say it is safe. More posts on the preparations and then the trip to follow. So keep reading! Let me know what you think about my travel prepping in the comments below. I love hearing from you guys!


  1. planning for such a trip is a lot. At least you think abut it ahead of time.
