Friday, October 28, 2022

From Drab to Fab With a Touch of Paint!

Steampunk has taken on a life around our home. We have it peeking out in various parts of our homes decor. I do this purposely, of course. I can't really take over the whole house, now can I? But decorating our home isn't the only place I have for Steampunk. I had been building my cosplay for the Time Traveler over the past few years. While I haven't worked on it with as much dedication as I would like, I have been able to utilize it. I was the Time Traveling Pirate in one of our homeschool meets. Traveling back in time to tell the kids all about the life of a pirate and the perils as well. 

Why we dress up

I have been enjoying the art of cosplay and costuming for a great long while. As a girl, I played dress up and used my imagination to act out my own fantasy. For my birthday one year, my mother created gowns for myself and my guests while we had a marvelous tea party. I always wanted a masquerade party one day! (Still wanting to do that.)

Throughout my adult life, I have attended Comic Cons and Gamer conventions. Free Comic Book Day events were my supplements in between conventions. I've even had photos taken with green screen technology to show off mine and my families creations in style. The last big event we dressed up for was the Renaissance Festival. Our whole family went as Vikings!

My mom has been very helpful in finding things to use in our costumes. Yes, plural. Each of us have at least 2 costumes. She knows us so well that she sent me some perfect masks. She likes us to have a variety. After all, I've introduced my children to cosplay and, like me, they thrive in it! They have no qualms about dressing up to go to Wal-Mart or the library. My oldest son will wear his finest and even straighten his unruly curls, just to run an errand! Fedora, dress shirt and vest, and slacks! More often than not, even a tie is worn. High praise for this proud Mama. My older daughter likes to wear this red and black medieval costume dress, while the younger daughter puts on whatever suits her fancy. We get a lot of looks, but as I remind my children, who cares?? We are doing us in our own way. I don't want my kids growing up to care what everyone around them thinks or worrying about what they say. If this makes them happy, then enjoy it! 

But I'm getting carried away

I was telling you that my mother sent us some masks. She sent 4. Two of them are plague doctor masks. I laughed at these. I'd been telling my husband ever since the 2020 mess, that I thought we should wear this kind during the lockdowns and mask mandates. We aren't able to wear them just yet, but I'm hoping that once I get the new rubber smell down we can do so. 

Then we have the Steampunk or Mecha cat mask. My girls both fell in love with this one. They take turns wearing it. My oldest decided it needed a makeover, however, and out came the paints.
I have to say I'm so proud of her taking initiative on this one. She painted in the details to give it more depth. And now she is planning out a costume to go with it!
When my parents came out to visit, my mom had given her a velvet-like blazer that has double-breasted buttons. We also found a hat from my mom that had goggles attached. And to finish it off, she wore her booties with the animal print pattern! Oh yes, and wore some of my black and gold 'gloves'. This kid was rocking her killer style and made me so proud for coming up with it herself!
   Then we have my mask...

The final one is mine. A Steampunk version of the Phantom of the Opera mask. I have done a female Phantom costume in the past. But this will take on a new look for sure! Of course, I had to touch up the mask and give it more character. 
       I needed to get some brown paint to add leather-like patches to it.
I designed the costume that will accompany it. I'm also still debating whether I should attempt to cut the eye hole slightly bigger to accommodate my glasses. I should wear contacts during cosplay, but I have such a hard time putting anything near my eyes... I have another style I want to try out next time, using a skirt and maybe a cape.

These were cheap masks on Amazon, but they are looking fantastic with just a little effort! What are your thoughts? Are you creating anything this Halloween? I'd love to hear about it. So leave me a comment below!


  1. Again, very talented! You should make and sell! Your daughter did a really great job. She will have no problems with that talent

    1. Thank you! I have thought about that and just might start! Yes, I'm proud of her creativity.
