Monday, September 26, 2022

From Pillowcase to Doll Sleeping Bag

My mom sent this beautiful pillowcase in one of her legendary care packages. But I wasn't sure what to use it for. We had plenty of pillowcases. And the girls didn't want it for the intended use. So what to do.... I didn't want to just donate it. I'm kinda a packrat in that respect. I always think I might find a use for it... Then the great idea came! A doll sleeping bag for their 18" dolls would be so cute!

Camping is all the rage

Right now, the girls are big on playing camping with their dolls. I'm not sure if it is because they got a tent from a friend when we moved. Or just because its the one thing we seem to never do right as a family. Whatever the reason, they have been creating scenes for both the Barbies and 18" dolls to pretend they are camping out. 

More for my bang!

The great thing about using the pillowcase is that most of the sewing is already finished. I decided that I would leave it wide so that both their dolls could fit into it. Which meant that I only had to cut it shorter and then hem it up!

Even better is that I had enough from what I cut off the top to make them a pillow that matched.
Another great thing is that this can be what they use for comfy movie night. My girls love grabbing their blanket and little pillow to curl up for a movie in the dark. Now their dolls can too!


  1. What a good idea. And so pretty. Some doll stuff that is sold in stores looks so cheap and isn't my style. Kids can learn to look at things in a different light and make things their style

    1. That's what I love about things like this. My girls are starting to look at things more creatively.
