Monday, September 27, 2021

We Are Nearly Through 2021!

Fall has arrived. Sounds crazy for someone in Texas! After all, it isn't quite October yet. However, weather in Texas has been unusual this year. It is already starting to cool off again. For me, this means that planning is in full swing. There are some birthdays in October I have to address - one of them being for my son who is turning 13! 

*insert a shudder here* 

I am about to be the mother of a teenager already. Scary thought! We laugh about it though. He's already breaking out with acne. His voices squeaks and breaks, even though he tries to force it to stay deep all the time. He mentions having "changes" that he is embarrassed about and that he needs to talk to his Dad about. When that happens, I immediately tell him that he's right. "Talk to your father, because I can't help you with that." More like I don't want to... unless I have to. I like having his Dad take over that responsibility. I'll handle the girls later on. Oh yeah, and he's growing a mustache. Well, more like the fuzz above his lip is becoming noticeable. So he feels quite proud of himself for that. 

But I'm getting away with myself, aren't I? After October rolls through, I will face November. My youngest is turning 5! Again, reaching a milestone for one of my children. She will be leaving toddler-hood behind in exchange for being a little 'kid'. This girl is something else. She amazes her father and I with her smarts quite often. Some days I think she's already on a head-start path for being smarter than he and I both! Since we started homeschooling this year, she has been on a fast track of learning her shapes, colors, numbers and letters. She can recognize her name. At one point, I would have sworn she knew math already. She can add plus 1 to numbers easily. But this one time in particular, she stumped her father and I by saying something like, "If I'm 60, then after 4 more years, I'll be 64." If she had spun her head around on her shoulders, I don't think we could have been more surprised! She says things like this to us often though! Makes me wonder sometimes just how high her IQ will get. After all, both her parents are triple digits. She is also an accomplished gamer. Can't tell you how proud I am of that! All my kids are gamers of some sort. All of them are accomplished readers. Even Megabits! That girl has her own collection of books that she likes to "read" or have read to her. She has me reading one to her now that is about a place called Dinosaur Cove. My mom had sent it to the kids. She will bring it to me, climb on my lap and sit still until a thrilling moment occurs while I'm reading. Then she will get excited, bring her balled fists to the sides of her mouth as she lets out a squeal. It is adorable! 

After her birthday, I'll be making our family's first only us Thanksgiving! I'm excited. I already have ideas of what we will have on the menu. Sadly, I have to include stuffing. Or dressing, if you prefer that word for it. Personally, I don't like it. Never have. But my husband does. So I'm getting the boxed kind just for him! 

Finally, we come to a great month. I have my moms birthday in that month. I'm making her a gift this year. Something personal for her new home in Florida. A way of showing off to her friends, how blessed she is as a Mom and a Nana. December is also a month that has a gift-giving celebration that will, hopefully, be held with extended family. I've already created my shopping list. Sadly, most of the people on it will have to be happy with gift cards. Seems to be the safe route to take with people who have everything, or are always talking about getting rid of stuff, or that you just don't know enough about to give them something personal. I guess some would argue that that has its own personal touch as you have to know a person well enough to know which one to choose, right? 

For those that are getting something more personal, I'm making some pretty cool things. I just finished my little sisters' gifts. She plays with Barbies and has a house for them that my daughters drool over. But she needed things to add inside. So I made them!

My daughters have even enjoyed some of my creations with their Barbies. I can't wait to see pictures of my sisters dollhouse after Christmas! 

What about you? Do you have your last months of 2021 in the planning stages already? What is your biggest plan so far?? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. I like when people make list of things to do but sadly my life is like on hold all the time so I don't make seasonal bucket lists. I also don't have all my Christmas for my grands done. I like to have it done by now. I think making gifts is a sweet way to go. It is a more memerable thing. But who don't like to shop? So a gift is a gift. Just knowing someone thought enough of you to sacrifice is nice. I did manage to get out my monster dolls for halloween (even though I don't celebrate it) it is kinda fun to see them. We do have family tradition for Thanksgiving, all the kids pick an item for the menu and I cook it all. Then after clean up we get trees and Christmas decor and put it all together.

    1. I can understand that. We are nowhere near finished with out Christmas shopping, but taking it one week and one gift at a time helps. As for the bucket list, planning too far or too much can actually be draining. I'm glad you aren't working too hard on that. Focus on life and everything will follow! We do the tree after Thanksgiving too!
