Monday, September 14, 2020

Creating a Healthier Diet With Vasta!

 I really do love getting to try new products. But even more so when those things are there to make my life easier and healthier! Through Tryazon, I got to do just that this past weekend. I was able to try the Vasta Veggie Sheet Slicer

*Disclaimer: I was sent these products in exchange for hosting a party, giving one away, and then sharing my personal reviews. I was not otherwise paid or endorsed. All opinions are my own.*

What is Vasta?

Vasta is a pasta and fruit slicer. Handheld, simple to use - and fun for creating healthier options on the menu. You can make lasagna style slices or even fettuccine-sized slices.  

Why use their product?

I don't know if you have thought of switching from your average pasta to veggie pasta or not, but we have. And the store bought ones are pretty pricey. This is for those of you going vegan, vegetarian, keto-friendly and my personal favorite, low carb! It is healthier for you. Using Vasta also makes it cheaper to switch up the dietary changes. Vegetables, however, are not the only things you can use this on. Fruits are also great! We used apples in our test runs. With peanut better or something like Nutella, you have a wonderful snack in the making! 

What do I think about it?

I really enjoyed using it! I learned a couple things in my initial attempts. First, cucumbers are hard to do! Well, was for me anyhow. Zucchini was the best. Although my husband works it better than I do. Apples require a gentle touch. I went at it with a little more vigor than necessary and ended up making a mess of it that my husband had to fix for me. It takes practice (for some of us) to get it just right. I love the versatility of it. I can make pasta just as easy as a sweet treat. 

Where can you find them?

Amazon has them! Here is the LINK to get you started. They cost just under $20, with free shipping! You can also get replacement blades from them, should you need to.

And this video shows you just how to use it. Although, they also have the easy to follow instructions in the manual that comes with it. I'm also giving you the LINK to their website so that you can check out all the great recipes they have! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Bon appetit!


  1. Oh wow! I really like the fruit slicer. It looks really simple and easy to use. Nice review.

  2. This is great for those who really loves to cook! Saves energy and time.

  3. I need this Vasta right now which will make my cooking more enjoyable and shorter. Thanks for sharing

  4. Great idea! I'm trying to cook healthier food so this is def a great option!

  5. The slicer seems quite nice and handy. I'm already checking if something similar available in India. :)

  6. I really like the price! So often I buy things that are never or seldom used. I would love to try it with fruit and vegetables. It might be a fun way to eat healthier.

  7. The spinner sounds so interesting! I've never come across anything that would cut vegetables into such long strips!


  8. We learned to prepare healthier food at home, but still can't resist a little treats. I would like to try this at home.
